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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

A BIG problem on CP...


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Some people can't seem to express how they truly feel about something or someone in the "real" world. So instead, they register a screen name, talk up a bunch of smack & sit behind their shield of a Monitor.

Imagine if this message board was a big reality room where everyone in cp held different discussions about clubs, music & life. How many of these internet gladiators would really stand up & say what they say on here?

In the end, "it's a message board, it's all in good fun".. That's the biggest crock of sh_t I've ever heard. When you insult someone on a public board, you're insulting them period! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

for the record i've never insulted anyone who didn't deserve it!

what record? are you going to come now and lie, you freak? you insult everyone with your stupid racist remarks and your know-it-all attitude...but I like you, let's be friends.

right ;)

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well, its a shame that with this board being mostly occupied by peeps 21 and over, thsy still cannot stay shut when they feel negative towards somthing, or just flat out dont like it!!!! THe LEAST they can do if they are gonna bash someone or somthing, do it constructively and with respect towards others opinions and the topic of controversy!!!:mad: maybe if you say it right, somting you do not care for, will adjust and take negative opinions into perspective!!!!:idea: :idea: :idea:

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Originally posted by junkiexl

Agreed. Unfortunately this is a general theme throughout Internet forums. I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record but...Props to EVERYONE keeping it real.

I couldn't agree with you more, you are starting to sound like a broken record. :blank:

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well biz ... i THINK one of the worst problems on here is gone :D:cool: so dont let a few bad apples make ya think everyone in here is the same bro :aright: :aright: you and oscar know who the tru supporters of the scene are and thats what counts :cool: :cool: everyone on here says this board is goin to shit & this n that .. but what ive realized is all of us that have fun on here & are the ones that never talk shit about this n that or whatever are really the ones who support the local scene the most ... just cause we dont talk "ONLY " music & clubs & other related subjects "ALL" the time.. doesnt mean we arent there... cause like i said .. the ones that come on here and support the most are usually the ones that use this board as entertainment & as a source of information are the ones ive noticed support the scene the most ... so what im tryin to say biz is ... those that really count , are the ones you ALREADY KNOW are the true clubbers & supporters ... the people who just love music... & if we dont like a certain style .. we dont talk shit about it .. we just go with what we like & leave it at that .. but we dont put it down.. cause 2 some one that music might be the bomb !!:cool: too each his own.. but i do agree with you that the bullshit shit talkin & insults suck ass ... but before they piss you guys off, stop & see who it is & just wonder if that certain dumb fuck talkin shit is really worth gettin upset over.. cause 100% of the time, that person aint :cool: peace & chicken grease , koky

ooooops that was funks line :D

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Originally posted by koky

well biz ... i THINK one of the worst problems on here is gone :D:cool: so dont let a few bad apples make ya think everyone in here is the same bro :aright: :aright: you and oscar know who the tru supporters of the scene are and thats what counts :cool: :cool: everyone on here says this board is goin to shit & this n that .. but what ive realized is all of us that have fun on here & are the ones that never talk shit about this n that or whatever are really the ones who support the local scene the most ... just cause we dont talk "ONLY " music & clubs & other related subjects "ALL" the time.. doesnt mean we arent there... cause like i said .. the ones that come on here and support the most are usually the ones that use this board as entertainment & as a source of information are the ones ive noticed support the scene the most ... so what im tryin to say biz is ... those that really count , are the ones you ALREADY KNOW are the true clubbers & supporters ... the people who just love music... & if we dont like a certain style .. we dont talk shit about it .. we just go with what we like & leave it at that .. but we dont put it down.. cause 2 some one that music might be the bomb !!:cool: too each his own.. but i do agree with you that the bullshit shit talkin & insults suck ass ... but before they piss you guys off, stop & see who it is & just wonder if that certain dumb fuck talkin shit is really worth gettin upset over.. cause 100% of the time, that person aint :cool: peace & chicken grease , koky

ooooops that was funks line :D

EXACTLY. :aright:

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Originally posted by lolahotass

If this board was a big room and every one was sitting there, then it'd be cool.. people act differently when facing each other.

All this negetivity would go away if people would stop talking about it and bringing up old shit.

If this board was a big room...I would be like...yo, whuzzup bitch, wanna front me?...I kick your silly ass! you know what I'm saying...I'd be like, spitting on the floor and shit...slapping everyone...roughing up the costumers, smoking weed...that's how I would be if this board was a big room.


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Originally posted by chaflas

:aright: Well said, Biz.

Yo, is Oscar really gone?

I can't speak for OG, but I can say that I don't look forward to readin' this board anymore as much as I used to & I don't post as often for obvious reasons. I still come on here cuz for the past 2 years+ I've grown soo used to CP, but it's now cluttered with far more hate & bullsh_t most of the time, more than it ever was. :(

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Originally posted by absolutv

ya tru..promoters take offense very easily here...

say one bad thing & your banned etc...

cant express what you really feel

i have 2 disagree with you here absolute... its different if someone says hey i really dont like your record or set or whatever to a dj or whoever is fine .. its just not your thing ... but to come on a public forum & flat out say this music is shit , your set is shit , your record you made is garbage is just plain wrong & uncalled for.. maybe im wrong or maybe im right ... but thats what i think .. peace
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Originally posted by funketeer

If this board was a big room...I would be like...yo, whuzzup bitch, wanna front me?...I kick your silly ass! you know what I'm saying...I'd be like, spitting on the floor and shit...slapping everyone...roughing up the costumers, smoking weed...that's how I would be if this board was a big room.


hell yeah! :mad:


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Biz is completely right. As industry people, we welcome the opportunity to communicate directly with people who are supposed to represent the core of the clubbing market. It's supposed to be a way for us to get feedback on what we do in a constructive way. Many times we read it and make adjustments based on the comments we get. Sometimes we don't. The point is it could be such a good thing.

Instead, what usually happens is that some jerk-off interrupts the discussion with a personal attack or some other complete bullshit that makes us think it was all a waste of time.

A thread was started with questions about the club we're opening and I was answering when all of a sudden in pops someone (Ozzy) with personal attacks on me and the club. Someone who has never met me or anyone else associated with our venture decided to be an asshole and ruined the discussion and left me feeling like I wasted my time.

It's easy to say that it's all in fun but it's hard to accept that when the shit is thrown in your direction. Oscar G is one of the most respected DJ/producers in the business. I'm not talking about respect from local clubbers...I'm talking about respect that is industry wide and global for more years than most of you have been into dance music. He came to CP with wit and class and always made time to answer your questions honestly. Now, perhaps the most legitimate industry person on CP does not want to partake in the discussion. Your loss not his.

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Originally posted by koky

well biz ... i THINK one of the worst problems on here is gone :D:cool: so dont let a few bad apples make ya think everyone in here is the same bro :aright: :aright: you and oscar know who the tru supporters of the scene are and thats what counts :cool: :cool: everyone on here says this board is goin to shit & this n that .. but what ive realized is all of us that have fun on here & are the ones that never talk shit about this n that or whatever are really the ones who support the local scene the most ... just cause we dont talk "ONLY " music & clubs & other related subjects "ALL" the time.. doesnt mean we arent there... cause like i said .. the ones that come on here and support the most are usually the ones that use this board as entertainment & as a source of information are the ones ive noticed support the scene the most ... so what im tryin to say biz is ... those that really count , are the ones you ALREADY KNOW are the true clubbers & supporters ... the people who just love music... & if we dont like a certain style .. we dont talk shit about it .. we just go with what we like & leave it at that .. but we dont put it down.. cause 2 some one that music might be the bomb !!:cool: too each his own.. but i do agree with you that the bullshit shit talkin & insults suck ass ... but before they piss you guys off, stop & see who it is & just wonder if that certain dumb fuck talkin shit is really worth gettin upset over.. cause 100% of the time, that person aint :cool: peace & chicken grease , koky

ooooops that was funks line :D


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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

oscar took phillip's comment way to personal. Let the dude be opinionated, disagree with him if you like. I did.

SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH !! :mad: :mad:

:laugh: :laugh:


SHUT THE FUCK UP !! :D:laugh: :laugh:

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