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A BIG problem on CP...


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Originally posted by absolutv

ya tru..promoters take offense very easily here...

say one bad thing & your banned etc...

cant express what you really feel

The truth is that promoters work really hard to bring the events and DJs to town. Sure it's a good living, but it's a lot of hard work. We never expect that everyone will love the event. We expect that for some the cup of tea will be bitter. Personally, I don't mind when someone says they didn't like what we did but I expect it to be said in a respectful manner without insults or personal attacks. That's all.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Biz is completely right. As industry people, we welcome the opportunity to communicate directly with people who are supposed to represent the core of the clubbing market. It's supposed to be a way for us to get feedback on what we do in a constructive way. Many times we read it and make adjustments based on the comments we get. Sometimes we don't. The point is it could be such a good thing.

Instead, what usually happens is that some jerk-off interrupts the discussion with a personal attack or some other complete bullshit that makes us think it was all a waste of time.

A thread was started with questions about the club we're opening and I was answering when all of a sudden in pops someone (Ozzy) with personal attacks on me and the club. Someone who has never met me or anyone else associated with our venture decided to be an asshole and ruined the discussion and left me feeling like I wasted my time.

It's easy to say that it's all in fun but it's hard to accept that when the shit is thrown in your direction. Oscar G is one of the most respected DJ/producers in the business. I'm not talking about respect from local clubbers...I'm talking about respect that is industry wide and global for more years than most of you have been into dance music. He came to CP with wit and class and always made time to answer your questions honestly. Now, perhaps the most legitimate industry person on CP does not want to partake in the discussion. Your loss not his.

I think Dade added the icing on the cake. Very well put!

As for the speaking up & getting banned by the club thing, I don't know of anyone who hasn't constructively spoken his mind & gotten banned. Or just flat out spoken his mind for that matter. Sh_t, I mean alot of people here shit on Space but in reality who here is banned?

If you guys are reffering to the Saleen Space incident, it was Markus & Louis who decided to ban the guy because of his actions on one particular night, not because of what he's said on this board. At the time, it became personal & what I mean by personal is that someone at the club has a direct issue (in this case meaning a "reality" off the internet confrontation) & therefore takes action. However, Saleen was never told & didn't find out till he showed up one night after Louis & Markus spotted him at the club one previous night. Now it's all peachy, Saleen is allowed in at anytime & he still speaks his mind.

Another person who was also thought to be banned was Nexxusgroove at one point by one of the Space manager's who is no longer with us. I really don't know what the purpose of that action was. However, the way I understood it was that the action stemmed from the manager who had a personal issue or grudge against him in the past for whatever reason, not the club. That manager no longer works for Space & Nexus has no prob. Nexxus, even got hired by Louis to work the lights on the Terrace for sometime, even after the whole so-called banned incident (wuddup Nexxus, where ever you are ;) ).

Who else do any of you know that was banned for speaking up here on CP?? Making personal attacks is one thing, speaking up is another. Space or I for that matter don't care if you don't use constructive criticism. Louis won't ban you & I certainly wont cuz I believe I can solve my own problems on my OWN! However, if you push Louis' or Markus' buttons in the real world, they might react accordingly. Luckily, after the storm I'm very forgiving, but I never forget...

So tell me, who from CP is actually banned from space? not even phillipio. Throw the banned thing out the window. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by saleen351

for the record i've never insulted anyone who didn't deserve it!

the difference between Saleen & Phillipio is that Saleen will tell you what he tells you on the board, in person. And he does provide useful info at times.

Phillipio only speaks on the board! He's the definition of an "Internet Gladiator" :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by biznation00

the difference between Saleen & Phillipio is that Saleen will tell you what he tells you on the board, in person. And he does provide useful info at times.

Phillipio only speaks on the board! He's the definition of an "Internet Gladiator" :rolleyes:

You use the term "Internet Gladiator" in a diminishing way...yet, you give props to Saleen...who's a lion on the boards but a chicken in real person...I don't get it...all this rethoric baffles me sometimes...I think everyone should relax and expect a little bit of chaos here and there. I don't know, it's the anarchist in me that loves chaos, I guess...I don't glorify industry folks, promoters, club owners, djs, etc...man, all the characters aforementioned are there to serve a purpose and ultimately deliver a service...while, of course...filling up their pockets to capacity...nothing wrong with that.

You see? It's the ass-kissing and the glorifying that confuses industry folks and inflates their egoes to ridiculous heights...I know I'm not alone when I say that I love each and every soul that generates fun events for all of us music lovers to attend...I respect you all and i wish you nothing but the best...but...have it very clear, not all clubbers are created equal and not all board-members are created equally either...to use Philippio and Saleen as examples of what a clubber and a board-member is an anomally...it just so happens that this two dumbasses have enough time on their hands to bullshit the way they do and that is plain for everyone to see...I can imagine pig-boy on the phone all day snooping into private business that does not concern him...basicaly, a businessman nightmare...killinhg the element of surprise...revealing confidential infirmation that could harm the success of a venture...I don't know...it's just childish attention eager behaviour...respect from the Funk...but, asskissing and glorifying...never...not even in a million years.

happy holiday Biz


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Originally posted by biznation00

the difference between Saleen & Phillipio is that Saleen will tell you what he tells you on the board, in person. And he does provide useful info at times.

Phillipio only speaks on the board! He's the definition of an "Internet Gladiator" :rolleyes:

how dare you put philipio & the word gladiator in the same sentence :mad: :mad:

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by biznation00

the difference between Saleen & Phillipio is that Saleen will tell you what he tells you on the board, in person. And he does provide useful info at times.

Phillipio only speaks on the board! He's the definition of an "Internet Gladiator" :rolleyes:

The difference between Philippio and Saleen is that Saleen is not Philippio :blank:

wich takes me to my next subject...it's friday people, smoke a big fat joint and put your big fat egoes to rest...industry folks deserve to have fun and be silly too...step of your pedestals my dear greek-gods of clubbing...partyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by biznation00

I think Dade added the icing on the cake. Very well put!

As for the speaking up & getting banned by the club thing, I don't know of anyone who hasn't constructively spoken his mind & gotten banned. Or just flat out spoken his mind for that matter. Sh_t, I mean alot of people here shit on Space but in reality who here is banned?

If you guys are reffering to the Saleen Space incident, it was Markus & Louis who decided to ban the guy because of his actions on one particular night, not because of what he's said on this board. At the time, it became personal & what I mean by personal is that someone at the club has a direct issue (in this case meaning a "reality" off the internet confrontation) & therefore takes action. However, Saleen was never told & didn't find out till he showed up one night after Louis & Markus spotted him at the club one previous night. Now it's all peachy, Saleen is allowed in at anytime & he still speaks his mind.

Another person who was also thought to be banned was Nexxusgroove at one point by one of the Space manager's who is no longer with us. I really don't know what the purpose of that action was. However, the way I understood it was that the action stemmed from the manager who had a personal issue or grudge against him in the past for whatever reason, not the club. That manager no longer works for Space & Nexus has no prob. Nexxus, even got hired by Louis to work the lights on the Terrace for sometime, even after the whole so-called banned incident (wuddup Nexxus, where ever you are ;) ).

Who else do any of you know that was banned for speaking up here on CP?? Making personal attacks is one thing, speaking up is another. Space or I for that matter don't care if you don't use constructive criticism. Louis won't ban you & I certainly wont cuz I believe I can solve my own problems on my OWN! However, if you push Louis' or Markus' buttons in the real world, they might react accordingly. Luckily, after the storm I'm very forgiving, but I never forget...

So tell me, who from CP is actually banned from space? not even phillipio. Throw the banned thing out the window. :rolleyes:


my banned was all personal, didn't have anything to do with Space. But when you take the time to talk to issue out, everything works out for the best. Fighting and war don't get you anywere fast.



You are on a board were you are going to get 10,000 different opinion. When you made that choice to sign-up and post on CP, you are subject to be attacked with 10,000 opinions.

Now if you take those opinions personal, that your fucking problem, don't cry or bitch that the board is bias or unfair to you.

The top people of this board are attacked when they make there opinions public. Do you see them bitching that no one like what they had to say?; NO.

Each one of us has an Identity here on CP. Some of us are clowns, some are just plain jerks, but that who they/we are.

Now this Phillp Guy, makes his opinions, but then he stretches it to a problem on the board.

One thing is to state a opinion, another to keep bring it back up to start some type of hate and take up peoples time.

That why you don't see many post by promoters and club owners, everytime they posted something about an upcoming event it turned into some fucking drama with a lot of hate.

Dude just make ur opinion and let it go. Why keep attacking looking for this type of drama and attention?

Someone here once stated something about that type of shit you take and when you wipe ur ass it doesn't seem to end. that what this is.

If you can't handle CP go to whysleep or cooljunkie boards, I come here for reading entertainment. I don't take this board too serious and I mess around 99.8% of the time, but the information provide is useful at time. So I respect the board and it's members.

If I was A board MOD. I would be suspending accounts left and right. :D

so please. be nice.. make ur opinion once and move on. This place can be a very nice place to hang out and talk.

I have met a few of the members in person, and they are all great people. And to see them go would be a shame because of drama repeats.


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Originally posted by nexusgroove


my banned was all personal, didn't have anything to do with Space. But when you take the time to talk to issue out, everything works out for the best. Fighting and war don't get you anywere fast.



You are on a board were you are going to get 10,000 different opinion. When you made that choice to sign-up and post on CP, you are subject to be attacked with 10,000 opinions.

Now if you take those opinions personal, that your fucking problem, don't cry or bitch that the board is bias or unfair to you.

The top people of this board are attacked when they make there opinions public. Do you see them bitching that no one like what they had to say?; NO.

Each one of us has an Identity here on CP. Some of us are clowns, some are just plain jerks, but that who they/we are.

Now this Phillp Guy, makes his opinions, but then he stretches it to a problem on the board.

One thing is to state a opinion, another to keep bring it back up to start some type of hate and take up peoples time.

That why you don't see many post by promoters and club owners, everytime they posted something about an upcoming event it turned into some fucking drama with a lot of hate.

Dude just make ur opinion and let it go. Why keep attacking looking for this type of drama and attention?

Someone here once stated something about that type of shit you take and when you wipe ur ass it doesn't seem to end. that what this is.

If you can't handle CP go to whysleep or cooljunkie boards, I come here for reading entertainment. I don't take this board too serious and I mess around 99.8% of the time, but the information provide is useful at time. So I respect the board and it's members.

If I was A board MOD. I would be suspending accounts left and right. :D

so please. be nice.. make ur opinion once and move on. This place can be a very nice place to hang out and talk.

I have met a few of the members in person, and they are all great people. And to see them go would be a shame because of drama repeats.


i dont think ive ever seen you type so damn much since you've been on here... you type , worse than you speak !!

:D :D

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a message board is an electronic means of communicating. this by its nature is void of true human interaction. one would hope people would be tactful in there comments. unfortunately that can’t be truly regulated, by anyone but the poster themselves. you have many people with different personalities. you cannot regulate how they express themselves, or the approach which they take. this is not unique to CP Miami, or any other message board.social behavior cannot be moderated. Yes, we have rules on cp. however those rules should not be so confining, as to infringe upon someone’s right to express themselves.

perhaps in all this dialogue. someone people can propose, some things that would help to improve the board.


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Originally posted by sobeton

a message board is an electronic means of communicating. this by its nature is void of true human interaction. one would hope people would be tactful in there comments. unfortunately that can’t be truly regulated, by anyone but the poster themselves. you have many people with different personalities. you cannot regulate how they express themselves, or the approach which they take. this is not unique to CP Miami, or any other message board.social behavior cannot be moderated. Yes, we have rules on cp. however those rules should not be so confining, as to infringe upon someone’s right to express themselves.

perhaps in all this dialogue. someone people can purpose, some things that would help to improve the board.



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Originally posted by funketeer

You use the term "Internet Gladiator" in a diminishing way...yet, you give props to Saleen...who's a lion on the boards but a chicken in real person...I don't get it...all this rethoric baffles me sometimes...I think everyone should relax and expect a little bit of chaos here and there. I don't know, it's the anarchist in me that loves chaos, I guess...I don't glorify industry folks, promoters, club owners, djs, etc...man, all the characters aforementioned are there to serve a purpose and ultimately deliver a service...while, of course...filling up their pockets to capacity...nothing wrong with that.

You see? It's the ass-kissing and the glorifying that confuses industry folks and inflates their egoes to ridiculous heights...I know I'm not alone when I say that I love each and every soul that generates fun events for all of us music lovers to attend...I respect you all and i wish you nothing but the best...but...have it very clear, not all clubbers are created equal and not all board-members are created equally either...to use Philippio and Saleen as examples of what a clubber and a board-member is an anomally...it just so happens that this two dumbasses have enough time on their hands to bullshit the way they do and that is plain for everyone to see...I can imagine pig-boy on the phone all day snooping into private business that does not concern him...basicaly, a businessman nightmare...killinhg the element of surprise...revealing confidential infirmation that could harm the success of a venture...I don't know...it's just childish attention eager behaviour...respect from the Funk...but, asskissing and glorifying...never...not even in a million years.

happy holiday Biz


What would this board be without you, Funk? :D

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Originally posted by sobeton

perhaps in all this dialogue. someone people can purpose, some things that would help to improve the board.


I believe someone should interact in a hyperbolic fashion when discerning and enthusing. My sintactic aseveration of facts is merely reactionary to aspects of the rutinary development of events.


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Originally posted by funketeer

I believe someone should interact in a hyperbolic fashion when discerning and enthusing. My sintactic aseveration of facts is merely reactionary to aspects of the rutinary development of events.


What the hell does "should" mean? :confused:

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Originally posted by koky

i have 2 disagree with you here absolute... its different if someone says hey i really dont like your record or set or whatever to a dj or whoever is fine .. its just not your thing ... but to come on a public forum & flat out say this music is shit , your set is shit , your record you made is garbage is just plain wrong & uncalled for.. maybe im wrong or maybe im right ... but thats what i think .. peace

tru..what i said was a bit general..

personal attacks are just wrong!!!

but when you we bitch about legitimate things( ie. the line , bar service, the sound, prices, staff treatment) these are thing we should be able speak w/o having reprecussions like no more guest list etc..banned being an extreme..

i remember coming on here & expressing my mind about the bar service & sound of a particular club from a night i went out..&

got a little hello from the promoter & he wasnt quite happy, but was happy enough to tell me to hit the road , nice knowing ya!!

meaning dont call for guest llist..

im there to spend money, so i feel i can write what i want

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Revised for Koky! Spellchecked and grammer proofed...

do I get an A?


My banned was all personal, didn't have anything to do with Space. But when you take the time to talk the issue out, everything works out for the best. Fighting and war won’t get you any were fast.



You are on a board were you are going to get 10,000 different opinion. When you made that choice to sign-up and post on CP, you are subject to be attacked with 10,000 opinions.

Now if you take those opinions personal, that you’re fucking problem, don't cry or bitch that the board is bias or unfair to you.

The top people of this board are attacked when they make there opinions public. Do you see them bitching that no one like what they had to say?; NO.

Each one of us has an Identity here on CP. Some of us are clowns, some are just plain jerks, but that who they/we are.

Now this Phillip Guy, makes his opinions, but then he stretches it to a problem on the board.

One thing is to state a opinion, another to keep bring it back up to start some type of hate and take up peoples time.

That why you don't see many post by promoters and club owners, every time they posted something about an upcoming event it turned into some fucking drama with a lot of hate.

Dude just make your opinion and let it go. Why keep attacking looking for this type of drama and attention?

Someone here once stated something about that type of shit you take and when you wipe your ass it doesn't seem to end. That is what this is.

If you can't handle CP go to whysleep or cooljunkie boards, I come here for reading entertainment. I don't take this board too serious and I mess around 99.8% of the time, but the information it provides is useful at time. So I respect the board and its members.

If I was a board MOD. I would be suspending accounts left and right.

So please. Be nice.. Make your opinion once and move on. This place can be a very nice place to hang out and talk.

I have met a few of the members in person, and they are all great people. And to see them go would be a shame because of drama repeats.

Revised for Koky! Spellchecked and grammer proofed...

do I get an A?


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I still cant believe you guys are talking about this shyt,I wouldnt even waste my time on some fool that talks smack behind a screen and doesnt have the balls to go to BBQs and present himself,not like i give a fuck but its not worth it for you BIZ,Oscar and others that get offended from this tool.Let him hate all he wants, thats happiness for his ass. And that is sad as hell. So dont give up on CP and post the way you guys have been.I can careless what some GYROMAKINGPLATEBREAKINGSMACKTALKINGBEOTCH has to say thats why we go out and have fun while he is hating.


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