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A BIG problem on CP...

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by marcodavalos

Btw ...

Since Saleen's post this morning I saw it coming and reported it. It is called instigation.

The intentionality is obvious. Create the wrong envirnoment here, and brag about it there.



what post????????????????

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by funketeer

I do not frequent the same clubs as you...where you'll find me, I'll be surrounded by no less than 30 of my closest friends...I am virtually untouchable.

Face it...this is your life, racist!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

listen you dumb south american trash, i could care less about 30 of your friends. I won't ever walk up to you or anyone for anything you say or post on here and just toss you a beating, However, any disrespect to myself or my friends in person, and or throwing a drink on me, will warrant a beating for you and or your 30 friends. I and Hog were paid to beat people up for a better part of 3 years... I never start any trouble off this board at clubs, except when space and I had an issue, but then again, I didn't threaten them, i just told them to go fuck themselves. I'm very respectful. .

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Originally posted by saleen351

How can i call all of yous spics, yet I hang out with some on here? Hell, I call nelson a spic every im convo we have. Some times in life you don't take things so serious. Like when you guys call me a guido or wop, i never care..

I speak to people like biz and Lp, not because i agree or disagree with them, but as people they are good company...

This one.

Some don't care. Others do. You quote Funk and then throw this in.

Bro, get over the racism and the controversy. You are making this place dirty to brag about it somewhere else.

Happy holidays Nick.

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Originally posted by marcodavalos

Btw ...

Since Saleen's post this morning I saw it coming and reported it. It is called instigation.

The intentionality is obvious. Create the wrong envirnoment here, and brag about it there.



I do not have to resource to low blows to publicly battle AGAINST racism, the worst cancer this confused world has.

Fuck racism, clean it dry from this board...start to ban fuckers, give'em a little scare...silence is the worst form of attribution.

peace and chicken grease


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Originally posted by saleen351

But what your drugged up weird ass can't realilze and what everyone else realizes, is there is Nick and then there is saleen.

Nick, what you dont realize, is that we know this, and THAT is the reason we think so little of you.

The people who are assholes here and in person, I actually have more respect for, since it is just how they are.

You on the other hand obviously have this inner need for negative attention and only know how to get it through your pathetic alter ego.

btw ... its pretty funny when you threaten someone with a beating when its not me, and tuck your tail when it is.

PS you should look up the word respect, I really dont think it means what you think it means.

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Originally posted by funketeer

I said it once and I say it again, you are a lion on the board and a chicken in real person. Drugged up? Spic? Your insults do not face me, really. I am a much more interesting and better educated human being than you will ever be...it just so happens that you have not had the opportunity to taste the good things in live and think that Miami has given you a more cosmoplitan view of the world...you're wrong...you can get out of New Jersey, but can get the New Jersey out of you.

When we met, I came up to you to say hi...all you could think is "get away from me" like the little racist bitch that you are...and I don't blame you...I understand what racism has done to your race and your heritage and the millions of people that have died in the hand of racism looking down at your race...I do understand that, you...ignorant bastard, have no global understanding of humanity...how could you? As I see you...you're just a kid from New Jersy who had no llife and was dying of boredom and came to Florida searching for a social life in a higher circle that your blue collar community couldn't offer you.

You are a chicken in real life, always hiding at the end of the bar with your boyfriend (who you are to homophobic to realize you have a crush on) you talk to Biz and LP, who gives a flying fuck? For as much as I can respect Biz and LP, in my personal life they don't mean shit (with all due respect).

Keep glorifying club owners, promoters and djs...that's your life...me? I am my own superstar and do not associate with scum like you...leach! parasite!

Does racism remarks make your dick hard?

Well, here's my racism statement to you and how I would I analize you If I were a racist...you are the son or grandson of immigrants, who came to the united states on a rat infested boat...you have lost your heritage...you think you are an american, but deep inside...you know you are and always be a minority...keep selling your caplet and suppositories during the day and becoming a wild and crazy club celebrity by night...but don't forget...the Saleen character you're so proud of...it's important only to the 3 morons that surround you...whom are even worst than you, because they're even lower in the food chain.

I like you, let's be friends.


ps. You see me and your anus becomes a clunching fist (that's what I noticed)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:bowdown: :bowdown:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

Nick, what you dont realize, is that we know this, and THAT is the reason we think so little of you.

The people who are assholes here and in person, I actually have more respect for, since it is just how they are.

You on the other hand obviously have this inner need for negative attention and only know how to get it through your pathetic alter ego.

btw ... its pretty funny when you threaten someone with a beating when its not me, and tuck your tail when it is.

PS you should look up the word respect, I really dont think it means what you think it means.

How many times have I seen you out?

Maybe 20!

You even hung out with me and hog at the bar in sobe. You internet personal of "i hate saleen" is funny, but reality is you have never ever ever said anything to me in person. There is a good reason for that. I and you both don't care. You have my permission to post or say anything you want about me, at the end of the day, I don't care and have never cared. Laura asked me repeatedly to stop the bs with you, and it really pissed her off, so I have, but you contine with your attack on me, however I nor anyone cares. Shroomy you are an alright guy, when you drop the whole tough guy ex military bs.. I"m glad you have all of cp thinking i'm running scared of you, thats cool, it's your thing, but maybe next time, i'll have pod snap a photo of us at the bar being all chummy again.

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Originally posted by saleen351

How many times have I seen you out?

Maybe 20!

You even hung out with me and hog at the bar in sobe. You internet personal of "i hate saleen" is funny, but reality is you have never ever ever said anything to me in person. There is a good reason for that. I and you both don't care. You have my permission to post or say anything you want about me, at the end of the day, I don't care and have never cared. Laura asked me repeatedly to stop the bs with you, and it really pissed her off, so I have, but you contine with your attack on me, however I nor anyone cares. Shroomy you are an alright guy, when you drop the whole tough guy ex military bs.. I"m glad you have all of cp thinking i'm running scared of you, thats cool, it's your thing, but maybe next time, i'll have pod snap a photo of us at the bar being all chummy again.

I'm not gonna jump in the middle of this, but I did ask nick to stop with the shit Char cuz it was driving me insane. I value both of your friendships too much to have something as weak as CP come in between our friendships.

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Originally posted by absolutv


I said it once and I say it again, you are a lion on the board and a chicken in real person. Drugged up? Spic? Your insults do not face me, really. I am a much more interesting and better educated human being than you will ever be...it just so happens that you have not had the opportunity to taste the good things in live and think that Miami has given you a more cosmoplitan view of the world...you're wrong...you can get out of New Jersey, but can get the New Jersey out of you.

When we met, I came up to you to say hi...all you could think is "get away from me" like the little racist bitch that you are...and I don't blame you...I understand what racism has done to your race and your heritage and the millions of people that have died in the hand of racism looking down at your race...I do understand that, you...ignorant bastard, have no global understanding of humanity...how could you? As I see you...you're just a kid from New Jersy who had no llife and was dying of boredom and came to Florida searching for a social life in a higher circle that your blue collar community couldn't offer you.

You are a chicken in real life, always hiding at the end of the bar with your boyfriend (who you are to homophobic to realize you have a crush on) you talk to Biz and LP, who gives a flying fuck? For as much as I can respect Biz and LP, in my personal life they don't mean shit (with all due respect).

Keep glorifying club owners, promoters and djs...that's your life...me? I am my own superstar and do not associate with scum like you...leach! parasite!

Does racism remarks make your dick hard?

Well, here's my racism statement to you and how I would I analize you If I were a racist...you are the son or grandson of immigrants, who came to the united states on a rat infested boat...you have lost your heritage...you think you are an american, but deep inside...you know you are and always be a minority...keep selling your caplet and suppositories during the day and becoming a wild and crazy club celebrity by night...but don't forget...the Saleen character you're so proud of...it's important only to the 3 morons that surround you...whom are even worst than you, because they're even lower in the food chain.

I like you, let's be friends.


ps. You see me and your anus becomes a clunching fist (that's what I noticed)


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Originally posted by saleen351

How many times have I seen you out?

Maybe 20!

You even hung out with me and hog at the bar in sobe. You internet personal of "i hate saleen" is funny, but reality is you have never ever ever said anything to me in person. There is a good reason for that. I and you both don't care. You have my permission to post or say anything you want about me, at the end of the day, I don't care and have never cared. Laura asked me repeatedly to stop the bs with you, and it really pissed her off, so I have, but you contine with your attack on me, however I nor anyone cares. Shroomy you are an alright guy, when you drop the whole tough guy ex military bs.. I"m glad you have all of cp thinking i'm running scared of you, thats cool, it's your thing, but maybe next time, i'll have pod snap a photo of us at the bar being all chummy again.

nick, dont get me wrong, I dont hate you, I dont hate anyone really, but to tell the truth, in person, you are just flat out boring.

The only reason you are semi-interesting to me is because I get to fuck with you like I never would with anyone else because you deserve it, not for anything in particular you did to me, just because of your whole demeanor.

and it is true, this is pretty much a game to both of us, but the difference being, we are playing a different game, you didn't want to respect my rules, fine. You will probably get to see how the big boys play.

and so there is no misconceptions, I promise I wont hurt you physically, even though we both know I could without my pulse rising above 60. (unless of course you get physical with anyone I remotely respect, then there isnt going to be enough left of your hide to make a decent wallet.)

btw you keep asking why I keep fucking with you... I'll tell you. Because it is fun. And sure Ill even say a few words to you sometimes, but a word of warning, if I look bored, you would be wise (yeah, I know its not your strong suit) to stay away, or your going to become the entertainment.

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Originally posted by lolahotass

I'm not gonna jump in the middle of this, but I did ask nick to stop with the shit Char cuz it was driving me insane. I value both of your friendships too much to have something as weak as CP come in between our friendships.

sweetie, nothing as trivial as this could ever come between our friendship, you know that!!

sure I dont get to see you as much as I like, but you are a sweetheart and always will be!!

I understand that you have to patience to put up with his crap, just like you understand that I dont.


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