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Giant reviews anyone?????


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Hey Roxxia. happy new years 2ya..

I didn't go to Giant but from a few people that I have talked to they said that it was okay besides the 3 hour wait in line and the metal detectors and the crabby ass bouncers... and i also heard that oakenfold trainwrecked horribly .... i guess he was playing this really pretty trancey song and was ready to mix in a new record so he turned his table on .. put his headphones on ... and then put the needle down and it played.. doh.. i guess he didn't know his switches all that well...

but .. hopefully weyes can give a better review since she went..!

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Originally posted by bluecenterstar

...but .. hopefully weyes can give a better review since she went..!

i did not go to the giant party. it seemed like there was too much bs involved - the hotel tie-in becoming necessary in the end, only allowing 2 people in a room - boo!!! i went to see digweed at avalon, which was great! i'll talk about that in a "what did you do for new year's?" thread in a minute :) .
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There was no getting into the Oakenfold room. The line was 12 deep, around the block. I waited in line to get into The Crystal Method, and the huge line bottle necked through this tiny space where I thought I was going to get trampled or smooshed to death. By the time I got through the line I was in such a vile mood and hyperventilating due to lack of air that I had to leave. Also, It was freezing on the roof. They really should have supplied the candy with the tickets, because that seems to be the only way anybody had a good time there that night. Giant sucks, they ruined my new years. I'm never going to their parties again.

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Thanks alot for the comments,

I was reading in the Spundae forums that the party turned out to be more of a disaster than anything, and that Oakie was really messing up and not really into the crowd.

That's a bummer, I mean, glad I didn't fly out there for that...

That sux for Giant!!


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I attended the Giant Venture New Years Eve party at the Bonaventure two days ago, and I am incredibly disappointed. I purchased a $160 ticket online for VIP access. Other parties/clubs in Hollywood, which I should have attended, charged less and offered an open bar all night. Information was difficult to obtain on this event, so I made an assumption that the hyped up price would offer several benefits beyond the general admission.

I arrived at the Westin at 8pm, as instructed, and was surprised that I had to wait in a 45 minute line with everyone else that paid less than half of my VIP ticket. But I was certain that it would be better when I entered. Finally, I got in and began asking everyone who worked there what the special red wristband would allow me to get. No one knew anything. Even the bartenders, security personelle, and ticket takers were clueless. I hit up the bar and was surprised when I still had to wait in a very long line AND pay the same price as everyone else for a drink. So why did I pay so much for this VIP ticket?

Soon, I came across the elevators and the large bouncer saw my red wristband and shuffled me in saying it meant I could go to the VIP lounge on the 35th floor. Finally, I could reap the benefits of my VIP ticket. When I arrived to the empty rooftop lounge with my friends, we were seated in a secluded booth and ordered even more expensive drinks. We came back 3 more times throughout that night and were surprised to find that the VIP lounge upstairs was empty the entire night.

Since no one was up there, we left and went down to where everyone was dancing. I hit up a crowd of people trying to get through metal detectors. There wasn't a line, but instead, it was a sweaty pack of a hundred people pushing and shoving to get through. At one point, I was pushed down by a man and I was almost trampled. After over 30 minutes, I got through the metal detector, which I then discovered had been turned off because it had been taking too long to put everyone through. I later overheard a group of "thuggish" guys bragging that they got their "pieces" through security. I feared for my safety. The dancefloor was less than half full, and this scene was identical on each dance floor level. The repetiton of "waiting to be disappointed" on each floor became the most sobering agent of the night.

Overall, the experience was only salvaged by the nice group of friends I was with. Otherwise, I found the evening to be the worst New Years Eve of my life. I paid an extra "VIP" price and got nothing in return except long lines, an unorganized and rude event staff, a dangerous environment where I was almost trampled, and overpriced drinks (even for LA) that sucked over $300 out of my pocket alone. So overall, I spent almost $500 by the end of the short night, and I definitely felt the void in my pocket book

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Right now I'm just recovering from the EXTREMELY crappy and expensive two day ride that began Wednesday at 3pm NYE. From the get-go this had to be, hands-down, the most disorganized NYE party I've ever been to. I'm so pissed off that I'm not beyond saying that this will be the LAST Giant party I'll ever waste my cash on, regardless of WHO is spinning.

From the line to check in, to the 30 minute lines (or waits) for elevators, to the ridiculous metal detectors (off, by the way .. or beeping constantly) to the lines to get into the ballrooms, to the lines for overpriced beer and spirits, to the lines for the bathrooms -- WHAT WE DID ALL NIGHT WAS STAND IN LINES. Never mind that , while we were standing in line, I felt sad for the poor VIPS who paid $150 and got to ride up the elevator to an empty VIP room with no DJ. Hey, at least we met other people while we were stuck on elevators that didn't move or got stuck between floors.

The night sucked.

1) We waited for 30 minutes to get through metal detectors going out to the Pool area. My first thought was, get people through the metal detectors ONCE, then you have no long lines while some jackass rude security dude makes you wait till the detector is clear before you walk through)

***Note to the promoters: 3,000 people at 30 seconds to get through a detector = 25 HOURS -- take a clue from Disney Theme Parks. There was NO WAY IN HELL anyone could get in to any room under those conditions. Do it the way airports do it! That way everyone could be checked through and locked in for the evening. (Security on the perimeter, not at every ballroom) ****

Waiting for an hour to get into a half full ballroom was NOT my idea of a fun evening.

Side note: we heard about a group of VIPs who arrived at 8pm, didn't get in the hotel till 10:30 pm due to a fire outside, missed Oakenfold and Howells because there was no VIP line and crappy security *above* plus the long waits to get anywhere in the hotel. I felt sad that they wasted the extra cash. LOL, and then security wouldn't let the DJ who was supposed to be spinning the VIP lounge go up the elevator.. I mean the guy is holding two record cases and extra stylii...

2) Crystal Method cut their set short by an hour. I don't know, maybe it was the beach ball accidentally bouncing off the turntables.

3) We headed back up the room at 9:30, no wait. We waited in line for the elevator. Apparently there was only one running. After a 30 minute wait we finally crammed on with 30 or so people, before the elevator stopped between floor 4-5. It was an agonizing wait while someone got the elevator running again.

3) LINES. LINES. LINES. A very long line to see Oakenfold. We joined the line at 10pm.. and luckily got crammed up to the front. At about 11:40pm everyone was getting PISSED off because they were crammed in and the security guy was taking his sweet time checking people through. Finally, as midnight approached the mass of people pushed from the back, and the onslaught broke down the metal detectors, (OFF) and bowled over the ONE security dude checking people. Luckily, I held my girl up so she wouldn't get trampled by the moving mass of bodies.

3) The 35 minute wait for the bathrooms.

4) Oakenfold messed up a few times... that's ok actaually - he did play a killer set that had us dancing. We got in before midnight by sheer chance (unlike my friends.. who waited in a long line downstairs) However, Sandra Collins (stay off the K, hon.) started up after Oakenfold and played the worst set that I've ever heard her spin. I mean, there were 3,000+ plus crammed in to see Oakenfold, and three songs into Sandra the room was emptying fast. It was dark, ugly and disgusting music from someone I used to be fond of.

5) We got into Lee Burridge who was spinning in the Pasedena room till about 4 when 15-20 drunk revelers who didn't have wristbands crashed the room. Security shut the place down and kicked everyone OUT. The party was over. Lights ON. We finally met up with our friends as the police stormed the lobby area. IT was easier to drink for free in our room and play our own music(Which all 30 of us will be doing next year -- at home.) The 20 minute wait for an elevator at 6am was the last straw.

6) The next day since we weren't VIPs. We paid an additional $10 to hear the NAKED party by the pool which started up at 11. Not much of a line but $7 cups of beer was a bit much.

7) haha.. the most laughable thing was the second day 10-2 party on the 35th floor. I mean, how many people can you cram into a small restaurant? Who wants to dance on a dancefloor the size of a quarter? With the lights on full? Planning, planning, planning. They should have had a ballroom for 500 at least.

And the kicker, only one elevator going up. So, we had to ride an elevator down to the bottom from 29, then ride it back up to 35. Which wouldn't have been so bad if everyone else didn't have to do the same thing. It took us nearly an hour to go up 5 floors. (We could have walked up, if security hadn't made us turn around and go back) Security was such a hassle. I didn't shell out $350 to be hassled.

Overall, the planning sucked, I feel cheated and it was a crappy time all around. I thank security for doing a thankless job, but give us a break, we spent $75 each to get in and $200 for two days stay. GIANT SUCKS. Don't waste your time next year.

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