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a positive review of "giantventure" for a change


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Here's actually one positive review of the Giantventure New Year's gig...

I already had a set plan for the night: 1000-1040pm Crystal Method, 1100-0100am Paul Oakenfold, 0100-0200am Sandra Collins, 0200am-0400am Lee Burridge. Other reviews of the event point out how bad security measures were and how many people missed out as a result. I totally agree that security measures were assed-out. Fortunately, I was able to go by the above schedule despite all the bad security measures.

We entered the venue at 0830 and went straight to the rooftop. I expected to see DJ Icon ( the Asian female DJ who spun for the MTV dance show "Wade Robson Project") but she was a no-show. I have no idea how she is as a dj; I wanted to see her in person because I think she's hot. Anyways, Crystal Method came on and dropped some dope beats. It was around 1040 and we left the rooftop for Oakenfold.

Oh shit! There was an OCEAN of people waiting to enter the Oakenfold venue. The security people were slowly screening people one by one. There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell I would have seen Oakenfold without cutting. Finally, I enter the venue at about 1115pm. I was under the impression that Oakenfold was drunk off his ass (hey I didn't mind...afterall, it's new years eve...of course he wanted to get fucked up just like everyone else). He appeared to move very clumsy and I could have sworn I heard the needle skip a couple of times. And the countdown...it happened three times! 5-4-3-2-1 Happy New Year! a short time later...5-4-3-2-1 Happy New Year! and again, a short time later...5-4-3-2-1 Happy New Year! At first I really thought I was tripping...but after chatting with others, I realized it wasn't me who was tripping but the people responsible for the countdown. Oakenfold dropped a remix of Underworld's Born Slippy and he dropped a fucking dope track that had female vocals. Unfortunately, I really don't remember much more of Oakenfold's set. I must have really been that fucked up. Anyways, Sandra Collins began her set. I saw Sandra Collins at Audiotistic last October and she spun a great set! I don't think she did as well at this event since I remember absolutely nothing significant during the 45 minutes or so that I saw her. I left that area for Lee Burridge.

I arrived in this area around 0215am and stayed there for the rest of the night. Burridge was tight! Howells and him later took turns spinning. They did a great job and I really enjoyed their set; but eventually (maybe around 0600am?) it seemed they got lazy. The set starting to sound very boring/monotonous. Every track dropped had absolutely no substance...it really seemed as if they were just mixing the same two records over and over again! I planned to stay until 1100am, but ended up leaving at 0900am instead since I was tired and not feeling the music.

I had a great time overall. This was my first Giant event and because it was 21 and over, I expected the scene to be more "clubbish" with a lot of people drooling/spilling their beers/alcohol all over each other. However, it wasn't even like that at all. Believe me...it was a straight rave scene and for those who attended, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

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hmmm - that didn't really seem like a positive review; the things you mentioned were pretty crappy. i think the only reason you had a good time was because you really set your mind to it; it was just a case of mind over matter, and, good for you :) .*

*my opinion, of course.

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