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Meeting someone drunk.....


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check with your friends, if they kept tabs on you then you can ask them what happened and everything and check with them to see what they thought of him. Cause lets face it if your friends like him then chances are that he would be a pretty good catch, ya know what I mean?

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

So he sent me his pix and thank god hes good looking. I asked him how we started talking and he said I walked over to him and pinched his nipple cause he had his shirt off lol

....sounds like you're meant for each other....

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i have done that in the past. sometimes it is to the point i think my girlfriends give out my number to guys b/c i have absolutely no memory of who they are. i always feel really bad when someone calls and i have to tell them i have no idea who they are. :( last time i did it i vowed never to do it again b/c the kid happened to be a friend of a friend & called my friend to tell her i was fucked up. of course, she confronted me to lay a guilt trip & i felt like an idiot. i got over it fast considering i didnt know the kid or give a shit... lol, like 3 doods called me that day & i didnt remember a single one. it was pathetic. i still think my friends were fucking with me, i NEVER give out my number.

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I never give out my number either, I usually take the numbers but I was so drunk I jus gave it to him

No we didn't end up going out last night, I was real out of it and still hungover from friday and I ended up just cleaning my apt going to dinner with my girlfriend and going to bed early

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Originally posted by somebitch

i have done that in the past. sometimes it is to the point i think my girlfriends give out my number to guys b/c i have absolutely no memory of who they are. i always feel really bad when someone calls and i have to tell them i have no idea who they are. :( last time i did it i vowed never to do it again b/c the kid happened to be a friend of a friend & called my friend to tell her i was fucked up. of course, she confronted me to lay a guilt trip & i felt like an idiot. i got over it fast considering i didnt know the kid or give a shit... lol, like 3 doods called me that day & i didnt remember a single one. it was pathetic. i still think my friends were fucking with me, i NEVER give out my number.

nice "friends".

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Originally posted by captainpec

Lol - I just read that in another thread... plus she has been complaining about being lonely... I guess my advice should change to stop bitching already - spread your legs and make yourself happy :aright:

Maybe you are exception so I can't judge, but that to me is the gentlemanly thing to do once you have dated a girl... before then (in this case) he talked to a girl for an hour probably... you have no genuine feelings for this girl right now. You are either trying to make yourself look good by building up your character, or you (like someone said earlier) are looking to see if the chick invites you over... I have a two day rule for calling... no matter how interested I am in the girl. I think it shows more respect that you aren't all over her shit... my $0.02. :tongue:

i think it's a nice thing to do.. once it crosses the "what are you doing now, we shold meet up" line then it becomes weird.. and you're looking for ass.. if you start talking about making plans for the next day or some shit.. it crosses over to stalkerish... if you call and just want to make sure the other person got home ok and keep the convo down to a minute then you come across as money... shows you're interested.. but it's not coming on too strong

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