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Space, WTF are you thinking??

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by saleen351

lets get some facts str8...

The 100 dollar issue was really not spaces fault. The crowd over whelmed the door guys, and they did it, after LP found out, he went ape shit on them, knowing the horror stories that would follow in the internet. Like 5 people paid, and the others no matter what, couldn't get in since it was too packed...

your facts, much like your opinions, are very mistaken. a lot more than 5 people paid, the crowd wasn't completely out of control, and YES !!! THEY WERE LETTING A LOT OF PEOPLE IN as long as they paid the $100.00, Norah was right, they even dicked industry people and I personally heard them say, unless they paid the $ 100.00 they couldn't come in. and by industry people I don't mean one or two promoters from the beach ! get your facts straight !!! face it, they messed up ! I don't know who gave the order for $ 100.00 or who took it off, but all above is true !

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Originally posted by jcmia

because of work I could only go one day and I wasn't about to pay $ 120.00 for one day ! I left, I wasn't about to pay $ 100.00 for a cover charge !

The Space guys even had police announcing the absurd $ 100.00 (not even closing parties in Ibiza cost that, with a ton of DJ'S). It was more civilized to announce that they were filled to capacity (if that was the real reason they jacked up the price !) from a clubbers prespective, they saw the huge crowd and got greedy, I didn't see anybody hounding anyone at the door or completely out of control so that's BS. And many people paid $ 100.00 mainly tourists, and that's why we get such a bad reputation !

I still like Space, but what they did left a sour taste with a lot of So.FL clubbers !

for every event they had, the cover up until midnight never went beyond $50. it's WMC obviously clubs are trying to make money, and Space is no exception. as in most instances where you wish to save money. proper planning should seem rather obvious.Space knows after 7:00am they are the only game in town. so naturally they would use that to their advantage. it's a rather simple theory of supply and demand. after all they are running a business not a charity. it's very rare that morality factors into the club business equation. ;)
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Originally posted by jcmia

because of work I could only go one day and I wasn't about to pay $ 120.00 for one day ! I left, I wasn't about to pay $ 100.00 for a cover charge !

The Space guys even had police announcing the absurd $ 100.00 (not even closing parties in Ibiza cost that, with a ton of DJ'S). It was more civilized to announce that they were filled to capacity (if that was the real reason they jacked up the price !) from a clubbers prespective, they saw the huge crowd and got greedy, I didn't see anybody hounding anyone at the door or completely out of control so that's BS. And many people paid $ 100.00 mainly tourists, and that's why we get such a bad reputation !

I still like Space, but what they did left a sour taste with a lot of So.FL clubbers !

I agree with your post . . . in Ibiza I paid 50 euros tops . . . and the clubs, girls and DJ's are much better than Space or any club here . . .

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Originally posted by sobeton

for every event they had, the cover up until midnight never went beyond $50. it's WMC obviously clubs are trying to make money, and Space is no exception. as in most instances where you wish to save money. proper planning should seem rather obvious.Space knows after 7:00am they are the only game in town. so naturally they would use that to their advantage. it's a rather simple theory of supply and demand. after all they are running a business not a charity. it's very rare that morality factors into the club business equation. ;)

i disagree ...there was nothing that was worth 100 bucks ...demand and supply arent the determining factors here...

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Originally posted by norahmiami

i disagree ...there was nothing that was worth 100 bucks ...demand and supply arent the determining factors here...

you keep believing that. :laugh: btw is somebody twisting your arm to go to Space this weekend? if I truly believed somebody was doing me wrong. I would be a hypocrite in continuing to support them.
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Originally posted by sobeton

for every event they had, the cover up until midnight never went beyond $50. it's WMC obviously clubs are trying to make money, and Space is no exception. as in most instances where you wish to save money. proper planning should seem rather obvious.Space knows after 7:00am they are the only game in town. so naturally they would use that to their advantage. it's a rather simple theory of supply and demand. after all they are running a business not a charity. it's very rare that morality factors into the club business equation. ;)

I DIDN'T ASK FOR CHARITY OR FAIR PRICED, I CAME 4 HOURS LATER (and I did so because 3 hours after I left they were still charging $ 100.00, don't tell me in 3 hours they only let in 5 people like Saleen says). WHEN PRICES CAME BACK TO NORMAL, I PAID IT. I BELEIVE IN SUPPORTING OUR SCENE, HOWEVER, SPACE REALLY REALLY MESSED UP ! THEY SHOWED THEIR TRUE COLORS !, let me ask you another question ? how many people do you know actually club before midnight, especially at conference !. About Space being a business, you know business is a two way street ! your rethoric is a poor excuse for bad decisions on behalf of Space and yes, morality does play a role, you want your patrons to support you then support your patrons too !

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Originally posted by sobeton

you keep believing that. :laugh: btw is somebody twisting your arm to go to Space this weekend? if I truly believed somebody was doing me wrong. I would be a hypocrite in continuing to support them.

its not called support...it's WORK

you're right i am goin to keep standing behind my opinions...and nobody wronged me, in fact, i got in for free during that last wmc event but i still felt it was shitty that Space was charging 100 bucks for a bunch of djs....

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Originally posted by jcmia

I let me ask you another question ? how many people do you know actually club before midnight, especially at conference !. About Space being a business, you know business is a two way street ! your rethoric is a poor excuse for bad decisions on behalf of Space and yes, morality does play a role, you want your patrons to support you then support your patrons too !

I know quite a few people, who club before midnight during conference. those I know that plan on going to Space by the pass or get there early if they want to save $$$. ;)Space offers a three day pass, and reduced admission until 12 midnight. how much more support would you like from them ? your rhetoric seems more like whining.. ;)
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Originally posted by norahmiami

its not called support...it's WORK

you're right i am goin to keep standing behind my opinions...and nobody wronged me, in fact, i got in for free during that last wmc event but i still felt it was shitty that Space was charging 100 bucks for a bunch of djs....

someone is forcing you to work for or at space on saturday?? surely the job market can't be that bad. :confused:
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Originally posted by sobeton

I know quite a few people, who club before midnight during conference. those I know that plan on going to Space by the pass or get there early if they want to save $$$. ;)Space offers a three day pass, and reduced admission until 12 midnight. how much more support would you like from them ? your rhetoric seems more like whining.. ;)

that's where you're very wrong !, I couldn't go to prior events before because I worked until morning, so why should I buy a three day pass ?, I will give credit where credit is due and have defended Space many a time on this board. That day, they messed up ! When they do the pre-sale 100.00 it's not for support it's to ensure a crowd post-conferene. If I was whinning, I wouldn't have gone later. WHAT THEY DID HAS NO EXCUSE, VERY POOR TASTE !!!!! and I worked that day from 5 in the afternoon until around 3:00 in the morning ! I did plan in advance ! I changed my schedule around so I can make it to Space sometime during the conference (instead of other parties), to get a "a slap on the face" on behalf os Space, and still I went back, That's hardly whinning !

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Originally posted by sobeton

someone is forcing you to work for or at space on saturday?? surely the job market can't be that bad. :confused:

i dont see how the market being bad has anything to do with me having to go to work on Sat.....everyone does priorities and you obviously dont get it....:eek:

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Originally posted by jcmia

that's where you're very wrong !, I couldn't go to prior events before because I worked until morning, so why should I buy a three day pass ?, I will give credit where credit is due and have defended Space many a time on this board. That day, they messed up ! When they do the pre-sale 100.00 it's not for support it's to ensure a crowd post-conferene. If I was whinning, I wouldn't have gone later. WHAT THEY DID HAS NO EXCUSE, VERY POOR TASTE !!!!! and I worked that day from 5 in the afternoon until around 3:00 in the morning ! I did plan in advance ! I changed my schedule around so I can make it to Space sometime during the conference (instead of other parties), to get a "a slap on the face" on behalf os Space, and still I went back, That's hardly whinning !

oh cry me a river! Um if I'm likely to go to space for after-hours. then it would seem logical to get the pass. which I could use for after-hours, save $$, and avoid the line. if I didn't get the pass, and showed up for after-hours. then it would seem once again logical, that I would be paying a higher price for admission. whether that price is agreeable with you, doesn't really matter. since you could have saved $$$ my planning in advance. I guess if you booked an airline ticket the day of your departure. you would expect them not to charge a higher price?? your squabbling is weak bro... ;)
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Originally posted by norahmiami

i dont see how the market being bad has anything to do with me having to go to work on Sat.....everyone does priorities and you obviously dont get it....:eek:

you HAVING to go to work at space. when it obvious you have issues with them. is the point. why work for or at a business you obviously have no faith in?? don't talk me about priorities .when your being a hypocrite so you can collect a paycheck... thanks for playing... ;)
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