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...rude people in school offices...


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i HATE dealing with school registration offices and anything related... i called parsons about a summer program i registered for... i was told in an e-mail that i was supposed to receive a receipt by the end of january... well, it's jan 28th and haven't got anything so i called the stupid number the e-mail listed to check and see if my info was recieved and processed...

i speak to this RUDE woman with a snotty british accent and tell her my dilemma and she tells me it's not summer yet, why am i asking about a summer program? ok so i explain to her what the email says... and she snottily responds to me telling me that they haven't sent any packages out... I'M NOT ASKING ABOUT PACKAGES, i want to know if you people got my info... i sent you my credit card # and address and social security number, where is my fucking receipt thankyouverymuch...

THEN she hangs up on me & of course i call back and get her again... she immediately forwards me to some other incompetent person who doesn't understand that i'm asking about a summer program... "the spring semester just started... summer??"... i see that it's a hard concept for these people... SHE then proceeds to forward me to the bursars office, but all i get is the same stupid recorded message telling me to dial an ext # that i've already heard 4 times... UGH!

sorry for the rambling but this kind of shit really gets under my skin... these people are reponsible for at least knowing where to direct inquiring idiots like me... i know they prolly don't want to be at work today... but is it that fucking hard not to be an asshole to defenseless people on the other end of the line?? motherfuckerssss

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...anytime we were treated nicely at the registrar's office, my friend and i would thank them for treating us like a person and not a number...my only suggestion is to always write names down...i inherited the habit from work into my normal routine...it can work in both directions...1) personalize the conversation to help matters move along quicker, get more info, etc or 2) have a name to report to a supervisor should things go rotten....sorry to hear about your shitty experience...

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I swear to god... everyone is fucking retarded... no one can handle anything... its like dealing with robots, and as soon as something outside their "parameters" is mentioned, they malfunction....

this goes for everything as simple as renting a movie at a blockbuster in a different town to registering for classes... life would be so much easier for the rest of us if we just let darwinism ride for a while...

i have no motivation to do even the simplest of things anymore, because it seems nomatter how small the task is, it will be overcomplicated and result in undue stress because of someone else's incompetence...


i mean.... "yeah, i agree... shit is rediculous..." ;)

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Originally posted by Reeni

well you think you got it bad according to financial aid

im a 24 yr old male

convicted of drug possesion

and an not a us citzen:laugh:

oh my god that's terrible :laugh:

and joe, i hear ya, these kinds of people are discouraging but i get satisfaction out bitching them out (if they don't hang up on me first)... i have my blonde moments, of course, but i try not to inflict my incompetence on other people... i mean really, how rude...

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The people at those offices are horrible.

When I went to college, they messed up my financial aid and gave MY financial aid to some girl in California...they gave me what she was supposed to get, and since her and her family made too much money, I didn't get any at all...they "lost" my paperwork so there was no proof and left me with a 17000 bill for the semester. Then I find out due to the outstanding bill, I can't go to that college or another one until it's paid off...:rolleyes:

Good luck wtih your school issue...get names like phatman said and talk to the people that know what theyre doing and how to treat people.:)

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