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Lyrik-Sonar Review


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SONAR REVIEW: It was my first time at sonar and I like the place. The place had a chill atmosphere. The booth/VIP section over looking the club was awesome I just wished we could have chilled up their longer. The music was on point as I expected because our very own Lyrik was throwing down some funky house. It was nice to hang out/meet some of the people from CJ/CP: Mrmiami

Lavosdeldiablo, Themrs and Flip, djxl, MACBOY. I HEARD THAT MRMATAS2277, DDG, And MURSA also drop by but I didn’t see you guys maybe next time. Who ever didn’t go missed out on some proper house music. The rain was horrible I don’t know how I made it home I saw two cars flooded right smack in the middle of federal highway and my car almost got flooded as well. It was a crazy journey home for sure!! Lyrik thanks for the hospitality.


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Thanks brother Mirza....the rain was horrible, so to all that came out a very big thank you for making the boat trip to come out in such shitty conditions. I wish the musical direction would have went a little smoother....for the first 2 hours the sound was constantly being adjusted and it was hard to get any rhythm going. When John went on we got the sound going good and he played a nice hour long set and then ....well....I'll leave what happened next to go unmentioned, but for those who were there you know whats up. John and I were able to get back up there and started to get going pretty good for the remainder of our time on the decks. I really appreciate all the heads that came out to support even under all bad conditions and unexpected changes through-out the evening....JT, Mirza, CrzyC, Matas, Flip & Tonie, DJXL & Wife, Mrmiami and girlfriend, JCMIA, macboy....and I think there are few more too...sorry I didn't get to meet some of you....BBQ for sure and for sure a definite make up set at the BBQ that will be much more on time!

PS. I was glad to see my last track that I threw put a few smiles on the faces of the people that made the effort to come out and had them whistling and showing some vocal love....the track I threw down has been in my bag for a few years and always does the job...... "BIG BOOYA EP"

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I had a good time! It was nice meeting the ones I met and always a pleasure to hang with the old! Cant wait till the BBQ!

The weather sucked azzzz, the streets were flooded, couldn't hardly see while driving. I don't know how the hell I made it home! Tho Im glad I ate that pizza before I left. 2 bucks for a huge slice..can't beat that!

till next time!

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I thought the night went off well...considering the weather and all. We arrived around 11:00 and Lyrik had the system pumping with his signature Chicago sound. A core group of CP/CJ crew showed and everyone appeared to be having a good time. While the place wasn't packed, around the bar was full and a few people were on and off the dancefloor throughout the night. JC showed and threw down a nice set as well, after which the house DJ decided to join the rotation with some anthems (por que???).

The highlight for me muscially was Lyrik's final set, no one trick pony here, he threw down some serious, borderline progressive, banging house. Nice job bro!!!

Overall, I liked the place, good drink prices, hot chicks, decent sound, and cool atmosphere. They could use some lighting over the dancefloor though. Nice hanging with everyone as usual. Look out BBQ, here we come!!!

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I was there from around 1045-1145pm ...drank a few brews and chatted a while with crazyc and ddg before heading out to downtown . The place wasn't packed by no means , but the place definetly has a nice simplistic decor and lighting ( RED looks nice ) . I definetly would go again , hopefully without the shitty wet weather .


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my review:

well...get in the club after walking 1 1/2 blocks in the cold down pour...get inside and the place is really really nice...there are a couple of people inside most of them from CP and CJ...i had a beer (didnt want to drink too much that night, with such bad weather i wanted to be as level headed as possible)...there wasnt really too much of a vibe, b/c there was hardly anyone there...and i dont blame people...the weather was terrible and not many people wanted to venture out in that weather...but the music was really good...JC was spinnin when we got there, we missed Lyrik's opening set...but Lyrik later came on and throw down a couple dope tracks...overall pretty good night..little empty but the weather was surely to blame, also that guy that spun between JC and Lyrik? :blown: :blown:...i will def. check this place out again...only one MAJOR complaint...the SOUND..i think that place has a kick ass system, but they either had the system cranked way too high or the the highs were turned all the way up...it was making my ears bleed...good seeing: Mrmiami and GF, Steffy, Lavosdeldiablo, Themrs and Flip, djxl and GF and i met JC...but didnt meet Lyrik ...overall a good night and extremely bad weather...

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I wasnt there for long, only till about 12 but Lyrik was laying down some nice funky tracks. I love Sonar, the people that run it, the bartender, the atmosphere...EVERYTHING. BUT...the owner LOVES to get behind the decks and he ALWAYS throws off the vibe. I know he owns the place but that doesnt make him a good DJ. Just my 2 cents. Nice seeing you again Lyrik and the rest of the crew. I brought out DDJ and LAP (and bf) from the CJ crew. Iknow Ill be back there this Wed night with some love for Spector and Bside and its also Houze-Kittys Bday..so stop in and say Hello. Sonar is a great chill-out place for a Wed night (alot better than TV). See ya then!

Much Love for Lyrik!!! MUAH!!!

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First, I contemplated even going at all due to the SHITTY weather, but was promised by sheldon and vaughan that these guys were worth the drive. After tredging through the rain, I got there a bit late to catch some of Lyriks(sp?) set. Weren't many people there but Lyrik was playing a perfect sound for that time and crowd. Then the other guy, John?, went on and was really digging his sound too. I decided the night would be pretty good despite the lack of audience... good music goes a long way! :) And then the night took a turn for the worse... someguy (guessing the owner from the prev. posts), but dude....Why??? Sorry, I don't mean to knock him, his mixing was pretty good, but if you guys are going to do a deep-house night then at least stick with the program and let your guests do their job. I won't mention names but I've heard the owner has had problems with a couple other people and this wasn't the first time!

Best of luck to the lust guys, b-side and matt spector, I hope that doesn't happen all the time!

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sorry for the late review...but my dsl was down till today.......:rolleyes: .......sonar is a very nice sikple club....but as i say..its not the club that make it its the people....and although there werent many people...the people that were there, brought a good vibe.....the poeple there were all the ones mentioned in the above posts...it ws very nice to meet, the c.p'ers that i havent met.....music was good, except for that little blurp there, but hey i gave him the benefit of the doubt...i lked one song he put on, that had a nice littel bass line with a piano part playing over it!!!!!!!!

this is my onecomplaint about sonar...i kept hitting my head on the plastic bubble, and i wsnt even drunk...i dont even want ti imagine what it would be like if it were packed and i was drunk...i would had knocked myself out on those bubbles...i say they replace them with flat ones...just a little suggestion!!!!!!!

till next time......good times to us all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

this is my onecomplaint about sonar...i kept hitting my head on the plastic bubble, and i wsnt even drunk...i dont even want ti imagine what it would be like if it were packed and i was drunk...i would had knocked myself out on those bubbles...i say they replace them with flat ones...just a little suggestion!!!!!!!

Dude, the bubble is huge... how in the hell do you not see it? lol

you drunk ass.....:laugh:

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Saturday Night @ Sonar:D

We rented a canoe and paddled in around midnight ...

I believe JC was on the decks ...Playing some nice funky beats... I dig the place... A little light on the low end, but definately loud enough... I recognize "Hangin Out" on Siesta.. It has a real sexy vocal i never get tired of ... Music was right on for the Venue definately set the mood...

After a little while Lyrik gets back on the decks, and dropped some Chunks of Funk...:D I was definately diggin... Then about an hour later.. I noticed the music went from Smooth & Funky to kind of Hard & tribal... It wasnt horrible, i just thought it didnt flow well... Later i found out it was the owner on the decks... (i guess he really wanted to show us his stuff) Overall a good night, despite the weather... A little upset iu missed Lyriks opening set.. I was in great company...:) I just hope the owner realizes we drove out in the Rain to hear Lyrik and JC...

My $0.02

Keep us posted on the next time you 2 play out Lyrik...


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