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G intravenously?


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I heard that if you cut open your head and place a tab of acid directly on your brain you will trip out for the rest of your life.

Also if you take a gram of coke and plug your right pulmonary vein you will not sleep for a week.

:eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by str8upcore

I have been told it has been used in treating heart attack patient's and also pediatric medicine via I.V. anybody got any info

also what is the concentrate,diluted etc. water,sodium chloride etc.????/

whats up with you and banging everything?:confused:

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G can be used intravenusly(sp), but I wouldn't try it if I was you. Half of the shit you get on the street is made out of carpet cleaner or pool chemicals. When it was first experimented with as an anesthetic it was administered through IV injection, but they used a pure product, under a lot of supervision.

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