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For What Its Worth... My 2 Cents


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Two things at issue here - Nexus loves to go after Saleen and he only seems to go after Saleen. Its almost like he is stalking him. Maybe I'm just missing the posts - But it is very rare for Nexus to go after anyone else.

However - Saleen goes after everyone.

I realize it is hard to feel for the Saleen when he has posted so many sensational threads and created controversy. But - he never picks on just one person and often praises the same people he bashes in other threads. Nexus just keeps going for Saleen - and I guess he's had enough. If I was Nexus's target, 26 yrs old and not burdened with the responsibilities of a family - I'd probably want to kick Nexus's ass also.

And - as far as bling - If you saw some guy you NEVER met, wearing a t-shirt w/ your face on it in the toilet - you would kick his ass also. Just because some of you like Bing for the little geek freak that he is - he does not know Saleen. I've met a bunch of you - and most of you guys would not put up with that from a stranger.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Two things at issue here - Nexus loves to go after Saleen and he only seems to go after Saleen. Its almost like he is stalking him. Maybe I'm just missing the posts - But it is very rare for Nexus to go after anyone else.

However - Saleen goes after everyone.

I realize it is hard to feel for the Saleen when he has posted so many sensational threads and created controversy. But - he never picks on just one person and often praises the same people he bashes in other threads. Nexus just keeps going for Saleen - and I guess he's had enough. If I was Nexus's target, 26 yrs old and not burdened with the responsibilities of a family - I'd probably want to kick Nexus's ass also.

And - as far as bling - If you saw some guy you NEVER met, wearing a t-shirt w/ your face on it in the toilet - you would kick his ass also. Just because some of you like Bing for the little geek freak that he is - he does not know Saleen. I've met a bunch of you - and most of you guys would not put up with that from a stranger.


Saleen has attacked me many times, and LOOK AT THIS PICTURES!!!!

you are going to tell me they are not funny? Riiight.

Stop defending him.. let him speak out.

You see, I'm wating for him to contact me to meet up, insted of coming here and talking shit and making bs threats against me outside of CP.

He can suck on my pipi!!! stop being a pussy and contact me.

I think this all funny.... take it as you want.

and I am 28, not 26 dunno where he got that from.

Aslong as he attacks my friend I will continue to do my funny pictures! very simple.

I stand here waiting...... he crossed the line by give me a threat!! out of context. So now I'm waiting for him to come out say something....

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

Stop defending him.. let him speak out.

The intension of this post was not to create any drama... just expressing myself after reading this stuff all day. I'd appreciate it if you deleted the line about your penis and just kept this thread a bit more upscale. Thank you.

I’m not sticking up for the Saleen. Saleen does not need anyone to stick up for him. I’d have posted this about anyone of you moes.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by nexusgroove


Saleen ain't going to kick anyones ass...!

He ain't going to touch bling and sure as hell not going to touch me.

So let him keep making stupid post.

Still waiting for him to contact me.

or should I call him?

when i see you, i'll see you...

i'm 27 years old, i'm not 28 with no life who sits around making photoshop pics of other guys. I think you are in love with me...

So when i see you, i'll see you...

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Originally posted by freshman000

YO....mrmatas2277 im not sure if you remeber me...im russ's friend

i think i met you that night at crobar when wink was there?

:confused: :confused:

ok...i started the night at Lime Bar...i had a drinking contest with Steffy...then Meli, Steffy and me went to Crobar for Wink...but we (Meli/Me) never made it inside of Crobar (that i know of)...did u meet me outside in the line?

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Originally posted by saleen351

when i see you, i'll see you...

i'm 27 years old, i'm not 28 with no life who sits around making photoshop pics of other guys. I think you are in love with me...

So when i see you, i'll see you...

awww it's going to be surprise attack... :( means I got to wait. where u going to be going this weekend???

and as far as a loser? nope just skillz, takes me like 5 min. to photochop, + I got it pretty well made in life.

You and ur copied website we sell drugs.com that is sad.

Ever hear of the SBC?

Are you going to be home tonight?

Maybe I'll go swing by,??????????

comeon tell me... I can't stand waiting around


My in love with you? hahaha, I'm not gay, I have a lovey girl.

And if I was gay, you would be the last fat ass that I would think of fucking in that ass.

So with the above statement, "So when i see you, i'll see you... "

don't be surprised ....

now I know when I see you, I know what I have to do.

Very simple, u threat my life in public, and I defended myself because I feared for my life. Its logged and printed thanks to the help of other people that HATE you...


I'm loving this.. I haven't stopped cracking up in the last 3 hours..

I'm getting great emails on this... alot of people cheering !!

You are out numbered here, no one likes you. and at getogherts people seems to say the same shit about you. and its not good.

Realize that yet.

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To think some people come on this site for just news about the scene and a little entertainment as a distraction from whats going on in the world. :blank:

Came on here today and saw all this drama and my take on it is saleen makes it hard for anybody to side with him with his racist, ignorant, and careless posts. However, I have been on this board for quite a while and know that for the most part its mostly jokes from him as he does a lot of shit that actually shows he cares about helping out with charities and such. About being racist, I find it hard to believe somebody with italian (i think) roots can really be racist, especially with the group he hates on the most in these boards, europeans. Still point is many people will read your posts and get offended and outraged with good reason if they don't know its just for your own and others entertainment and that you are not serious about a lot of the stuff you post. My suggestion keep posting what you do, and those people that get pissed off about certain things let him know about it and tell him you'd appreciate if he got rid of what he said.

Now onto today's stuff, nexus and bling, I am not somebody that gets in fights ever but with the stuff you guys have been doing I'd be pretty damn pissed off and looking for you guys to apologize about it and if you didn't would probably do exactly what saleen did. Nexus its aight on here to post a funny picture of saleen, but you do it everyday and thats what I think the problem is. As for bling, i understand it was a cp bbq or something like that where you wore a t-shirt with saleen's face but outside of the bbq for the rest of the day you have tons of people that all they see is a guys head in a toilet and if they ever run into him, would think there was something wrong with him because of that picture. Point is you all got reason to wanna kick each other's asses but it doesn't need to go there so settle it on here and get over it.

Damn long ass post, you bitches got me typing :laugh: but the worlds got enough violence and problems outside of the board so no need to bring it in here. For those that actually like this drama and talk of violence and such head over to the current events part of the board or watch the news, tons of drama in the real world and more then plenty violence.

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Originally posted by livin42nite

To think some people come on this site for just news about the scene and a little entertainment as a distraction from whats going on in the world. :blank:

Came on here today and saw all this drama and my take on it is saleen makes it hard for anybody to side with him with his racist, ignorant, and careless posts. However, I have been on this board for quite a while and know that for the most part its mostly jokes from him as he does a lot of shit that actually shows he cares about helping out with charities and such. About being racist, I find it hard to believe somebody with italian (i think) roots can really be racist, especially with the group he hates on the most in these boards, europeans. Still point is many people will read your posts and get offended and outraged with good reason if they don't know its just for your own and others entertainment and that you are not serious about a lot of the stuff you post. My suggestion keep posting what you do, and those people that get pissed off about certain things let him know about it and tell him you'd appreciate if he got rid of what he said.

Now onto today's stuff, nexus and bling, I am not somebody that gets in fights ever but with the stuff you guys have been doing I'd be pretty damn pissed off and looking for you guys to apologize about it and if you didn't would probably do exactly what saleen did. Nexus its aight on here to post a funny picture of saleen, but you do it everyday and thats what I think the problem is. As for bling, i understand it was a cp bbq or something like that where you wore a t-shirt with saleen's face but outside of the bbq for the rest of the day you have tons of people that all they see is a guys head in a toilet and if they ever run into him, would think there was something wrong with him because of that picture. Point is you all got reason to wanna kick each other's asses but it doesn't need to go there so settle it on here and get over it.

Damn long ass post, you bitches got me typing :laugh: but the worlds got enough violence and problems outside of the board so no need to bring it in here. For those that actually like this drama and talk of violence and such head over to the current events part of the board or watch the news, tons of drama in the real world and more then plenty violence.

I agree....

Saleen just got pissed because of the SHIRT, and he thinks I had something to do with it, nope I had nothing to do with it. not my type of work. Saleen has never had a problem with my pictures, and if I had any idea he was a pain in his ass I would of chilled out, for me and many other on here, its comic something to smile at. But everytime he makes statements like SPICS' and other ethic attack he deserves the pictures I have done. No harm, whatever bling did, its his problem.

SPICS, thats talking about my family!

that is personal.

and saleen, I think is from a latin background going by his full name.

I w/e his treaths... now if he even tries to act on them, he has something waitin for him. discussed and approved by some top end people.

I was never caught up in this, I think its all funny. I been over it!

But threats where made to me. and with that I shall protect my self from such treaths, I know the laws and loophole.

So my guard is up and if I do cross his path, my reaction will be accounted for.


but very true statement u made.


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i met saleen twice so far. and in person i have nothing bad to say about him . in fact his friends are down as hell the hog is cool as hell it was cool meeting him. this shit is not meant to be personal in any way shape or form. :rolleyes:

and regarding the shirt i do apologize. i dont know how to photoshop and saleen was raggin on me for a long time on this board with teh bling purse and the lets ban bling phillipo and jq thread. that shirt is not gonna be worn anywhere else but at the bbq . i saw the photoshop and found it funny. i saw that saleen seemed ok with it with his response and thus i made the shirt. if i offended him i am sorry

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Two things at issue here - Nexus loves to go after Saleen and he only seems to go after Saleen.

However - Saleen goes after everyone.

Mike... it is because of the same reason that I go after saleen and noone else. Because he deserves it.

He acts like an asshole, then gets suprised when someone is an ass to him??? WTF???

basically you are saying that saleen is an asshole to everyone, and thats cool, but Nexus is only an asshole to saleen (who is an asshole)

how is that worse???

what am i missing???

and you have no reason to apologize bling... saleen is a prick, sure he is OK in person.. but its like the guy who is cool to his friends then goes home and beats his dog and wife and shit (exageration but you get the point)

good people are good to others all the time. Fuck... Sadam was cool to his friends too.

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Originally posted by shroomy

Mike... it is because of the same reason that I go after saleen and noone else. Because he deserves it.

He acts like an asshole, then gets suprised when someone is an ass to him??? WTF???

basically you are saying that saleen is an asshole to everyone, and thats cool, but Nexus is only an asshole to saleen (who is an asshole)

how is that worse???

what am i missing???

and you have no reason to apologize bling... saleen is a prick, sure he is OK in person.. but its like the guy who is cool to his friends then goes home and beats his dog and wife and shit (exageration but you get the point)

good people are good to others all the time. Fuck... Sadam was cool to his friends too.

from the person that tought me to hate saleen..lol j/k

but very true, go back to his old post, bro those are some very cold remarks about people... like he's a god that lays down what should be and not be.

he even tells people that, oh I love to start shit and fuck with people on the boards. like some fucking joke.

he might be a cool person when he's not online, but after today, he proved that he's an asshole. If someone was making fun of me and I had a problem with it I would let it be known. Not go giving public threats to harm someone.

whatever.. he picks on bling what bling can't play his game?


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Originally posted by shroomy

Mike... it is because of the same reason that I go after saleen and noone else. Because he deserves it.

He acts like an asshole, then gets suprised when someone is an ass to him??? WTF???

basically you are saying that saleen is an asshole to everyone, and thats cool, but Nexus is only an asshole to saleen (who is an asshole)

how is that worse???

what am i missing???

and you have no reason to apologize bling... saleen is a prick, sure he is OK in person.. but its like the guy who is cool to his friends then goes home and beats his dog and wife and shit (exageration but you get the point)

good people are good to others all the time. Fuck... Sadam was cool to his friends too.

Yeahhh but your all cool with the saleen when we're out in public or at parties for some reason - yet you talk about beating his ass all the time on here....... hmmmmmmmmmm

Talking shit on the messageboard is common.... we all do it.... how many times have I said shit to Nick on here?? He knows for the most part I'm kidding...

You get on Nick all the time here shroomy, but when we are in public, everythings cool... why? Becuz you and Saleen REALIZE this is a messageboard - a place to talk trash... big difference.

Bling took it out of messageboard land and made a shirt... thats crossing the line. Talk shit all day long, but don't put the pic of a person you are not friends with on a t-shirt... thats rude.

If guyman or I did that, Nick would have probably laughed his ass off... why? Cuz we are all close friends... I would never think of sticking someones face, whom I don't know - on a t-shirt and sporting it out..

Anyway, in closing - I think the t-shirt thing was a little too far considering BLing doesn't know nick on the personal level that I do.. The photoshop you guys do and your attempts to talk trash are all fucking hysterical - trust me, Saleen, guyman and I laugh at it all the time...

For all the internet tough guys - thanks for the entertainment... Nick your posts are fucking hysterical... lol


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Lola and/or Mike

Can someone please tell me why its OK to be an asshole on the internet but not in person???

I still dont get it.

And saying what would people do if someone showed up with a T-thirt of them blah blah ....

is totoally missing the point

noone would wear a t-shirt of me because I dont act like a dickhead

stop acting like this all took place in a vacumn. Bling didn't randomly take a picture of someone and put it on a shirt.

bling and nexus didn't pick saleen out of the blue to fuck with.

let me give an example.... I walk up to an lady and push her down. Did I cross the line... yep

a lady walks up to me and tries to stick me with a hat pin and I push her down. Did I cross the line? (and despite the dress... saleen is no lady!)

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Originally posted by shroomy

Lola and/or Mike

Can someone please tell me why its OK to be an asshole on the internet but not in person???

I still dont get it.

And saying what would people do if someone showed up with a T-thirt of them blah blah ....

is totoally missing the point

noone would wear a t-shirt of me because I dont act like a dickhead

stop acting like this all took place in a vacumn. Bling didn't randomly take a picture of someone and put it on a shirt.

bling and nexus didn't pick saleen out of the blue to fuck with.

let me give an example.... I walk up to an lady and push her down. Did I cross the line... yep

a lady walks up to me and tries to stick me with a hat pin and I push her down. Did I cross the line? (and despite the dress... saleen is no lady!)

thanks, but I still think the shirt thing was pretty lame...

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Originally posted by shroomy

Mike... it is because of the same reason that I go after saleen and noone else. Because he deserves it.

He acts like an asshole, then gets suprised when someone is an ass to him??? WTF???

basically you are saying that saleen is an asshole to everyone, and thats cool, but Nexus is only an asshole to saleen (who is an asshole)

how is that worse???

what am i missing???

Its different when YOU go after Saleen. First - he deserves it from you. He has said enough shit here to start it and you guys have this fun running feud. Yes - he'll tell someone their music sucks or something like that, but once he says his piece he is done. He does not harp on it for months. At that is the difference. Nexus has no history (like you do) with Saleen - and seems to go after him like a stalker. I actually find it a bit boring - but if I was THE Saleen - I'd probably have had enough by now. (for the record - I have in the past disagreed with Saleen and told him when he has crossed the line)

And - with Bling - he's harmless. But - I have to wonder what he was thinking... Its one thing to fuck w/ someone you have a relationship with -

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