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Do they monitor ur internet usage at work?


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YES they can monitor Instant Messaging. The reason is because the messages you type are in clear text meaning they are not encrypted. So any of the network monkeys at your company with some specialized software and hardware (a Promiscuous NIC) can simply "sniff" the network and see what you are typing. I know because I have done this and train people to do so...

UNLESS you are using AIM Enterprise or some other 3rd party security software in which case both clients will probably have to use the exact same encryption software in order for the messages to be encrypted....

MSN same story... etc...

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I had the AIM Server manual somewhere that I found, let me find it again and post it, very cool shit.

YES they can monitor Instant Messaging. The reason is because the messages you type are in clear text meaning they are not encrypted. So any of the network monkeys at your company with some specialized software and hardware (a Promiscuous NIC) can simply "sniff" the network and see what you are typing. I know because I have done this and train people to do so...

would VNC just be easier?

I mean that's what OIT Dade Schools use in most there network, beside controlling what sites their users can access. I don't think blings office would spend the time and $$$$ to install and have an IT logging info and sniffing around the network. Any smart IT know if you have a main win server and workstation to set the polcies and permission right to limit site access and close down port on the firewall to stop Message programs such as AIm, MSN, MIRC, and other 3rd party port programs.

One of the networks I use to admin for, was sooooo damn tight after 5:15 NO one could logon, no drives, no usb ports, no serial port, nothing what they had me protecting... Not a damn thing.. they just didn't want the employee's messing around.

It was a whole office on an OC3 and no one could really use it. so I had all that speed for my office.


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Eddie is right, most small offices don't have the time and money to actively monitor shit. The most I was asked to do at my day job was set up a firewall and block IM services, which I did. Basic internet functionality (http/s, email, ftp, etc...) is retained, but a stateful packet inspection firewall is in place to prevent most misdeeds from outside the network from occurring. Myself and my boss are the only ones who really go online, so I really have no need to get funky with checking any sort of logfiles.

Larger corporations can and do actively monitor internet activity, either via something like VNC, or actively checking the logfiles on something like Packeteer or any sort of firewall, for people trying to access denied sites and so forth.

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Nope, not all...on the contrary, since the internet is one of my main tools of work...management encourages us to use it in any way we see fit...our job is to basicly gather information that's floating on the web to turn it onto a news story, connectivity is faster than average (probably ten times faster than your home's internet service).

Now that I'm browsing with Mozilla, plus that central server...I'm basicly flying through the internet...everything I post, every website I visit, basicly reacts less than a second later, my internet experience has had a quantum leap to real time...it's pretty fun and a bit incredible.


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I cant access shit from work.. Bellsouth monitors everything. the automatically block all msg boards and all gaming sites. One time i actually got access to club planet using some crazy cuban rig shortcut i devised.. but the next day access was blocked... bastards

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