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what promoter on this board has the most real pull?

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Originally posted by vip-tech



i'll give u deko but i think joeys is horrible on fridays (ugly crowd) & WOW surf, how could you not get people there??? you would have to be a idiot!

exit & world lol

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Being a promoter I would have to say BON SOLID. Before anything Bon was bringing international Dj such as MAX GRAHAM, SCOTT BOND, GREEN VELVET, ect ect to Jersey. He was holding it down at Bunka's for a long time. As for this thread if the party is successful its not only one promoter its the crew promoting the night.

Victor Soto

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Originally posted by thesandman

They all book the same djs and have no balls to try anything different in NJ...what? Someone tell me Im wrong please....

:rolleyes: hmm well, id say your wrong

look alittle closer at the "current events"

even though the above comment has absolutely nothing to do with the question:hat:

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i would vote for binoy because no matter where i want to go in nj or nyc i can call binoy and he can hook it up. i think i pay cover maybe 1 out of 10 times i go out, no matter where it is...cuz he always knows somebody somewhere and they respect him and take care of his friends

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Originally posted by vsoto212

Being a promoter I would have to say BON SOLID. Before anything Bon was bringing international Dj such as MAX GRAHAM, SCOTT BOND, GREEN VELVET, ect ect to Jersey. He was holding it down at Bunka's for a long time. As for this thread if the party is successful its not only one promoter its the crew promoting the night.

Victor Soto

I would have to agree BONSOLID! He has been doing this for 15 years and has more dj's booked under his belt then anyone. I mean he booked Keoki & Chrystal method in 1992.That was a party!!! and he's is still around from the rave circuit with micro frankie bones back in the day w/ kid rock(look at him now). and he always hooks it up with comps anywhere u want but i aadmit he is wacky at times.

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Originally posted by vsoto212

Being a promoter I would have to say BON SOLID. Before anything Bon was bringing international Dj such as MAX GRAHAM, SCOTT BOND, GREEN VELVET, ect ect to Jersey. He was holding it down at Bunka's for a long time. As for this thread if the party is successful its not only one promoter its the crew promoting the night.

Victor Soto

I would have to agree Bon has been around for ever! Old school wise def say that John Bon takes it...New school wise Binoy and Armenio def in the running and you can't forget Serge, he's been all over the scene and has his hands in everytihing (even if you dont know it!) as well as guys that you don't see on here every day I.E. Jerry X, The Whole Clique Crew etc. There a lot of good ones I dunno who would be All Time Number One though..:confused:

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i shouldnt even post but i cant keep my mouth shut...

when it comes to bookings the bottom line is $$$. and even more so for jersey, its the venues and how much they are willing to spend, meaning the owners (the promoters do not pay for deejays and/or acts) so yes i will be absolutely partial but its based on history, no one can touch the owners of ABYSS / DEKO when it comes to being open minded and spending $$$ on any type entertainment.

as for promoters, again i will be partial, but they are proven through the numbers that do, their popularity with the people and the incredible parties that they have all been key players in and continue to be... ARMENIO, JERRY X and BSHAH

bottom line... H-U-S-T-L-E-R-S

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Originally posted by godisadj

i'll give u deko but i think joeys is horrible on fridays (ugly crowd) & WOW surf, how could you not get people there??? you would have to be a idiot!

exit & world lol

How am I not surprised that godisadj would have to bring a little controversy into this. Next time you go to the Jersey shore I want you to stop by either the SURF or D'Jais and ask Joey (at Surf) or Bill (at D'Jais) what Sergio/Bond mean to them and if we make a difference. I'll tell you right now each owner would call us the best and tell us we have made a difference to them. You are right its not hard getting people at the SURF but the true accomplishment is getting more people then the last time. Godisadj I might have met you and I might have not but that to me makes no difference. If you know me you would know where my success lies. I have a 1000000 friends and I would say 65% are woman. This clientele is built by never stearing anyone wrong. If I can do something for someone I will. Shit I dont know how many CPers I have met over the years and now take care of religiously. Now about the club, I made the SURF busier the day I walked in. Let me tell you how. First, I help hire all staff members. You just cant hire anyone you need to be in the scene and making sure that you grab the right mix of staff. Then I took a club that had the same daytime resident and a night time resident and changed the format to where every Sunday night the DJ was a different one. What do you think that did to the numbers in that club??? Kirk Lopez came to the SURF CLUB as my referral and I honestly beleive there isnt a DJ better to play that room then him. Yes I have a mistake here and there at the SURF by trying to bring in more International Talent (yes I have tried Sandman) but it doesnt work. The core crowd in NJ is not ready for the known International flavor. Yes I know I didnt bring in the upper level of DJs to the Surf but I did bring the next tear. Hector Romero plays Pacha just as much as his co-DefMix Records partner David Morales. Tim Deluxe plays Ibiza just as much as his Underwater partner Darren Emereson. These djs didnt go and until someone can prove me different I am forced to go back to square 1.

Now to answer this question that notallthere has asked. Its an easy one. We are all the best and have the most clout. No one realizes how much we really all work together. There is definitely less competition amongst us promoters then most people think. There is definitely more competition amongst the owners of the venues we work in. How many times have you think I have said I can not work there because my current owners are against it. I have sat and helped probably every promoter in NJ at one time. For years I religiously sat with Adam and Bill at the Sandbar to give them my opinion as well as help them with DJ Bookings and ideas. Did I make a dime for this NO not at all. Its a loyalty we have. Ptak has been calling me and asking my opinion from the minute he decided that he loved this business and wanted in. Do I complain about any of this NO. Bond and I have talked many of times regarding the SURF and DJs when it comes to future promotions and what trends we are seeing in the industry. Tommy D and I have worked together in every venue that I have been in. We all have a great deal of respect for each other. I have years in this business (shit I was one of the original guys that came in to the Sound Factory when Johnathan started) and I am glad that I can lend a helping hand. So for the record we are all friends and though we compete night to night against each other there is no competition amongst us.

Now, this thread does bother me a little because there is one name that hasnt been mentioned in it that deserves to be and that is Solid Enufff. I know Bond can attest to how hard of a worker and how organized Joey is. For those that dont know Joey and Bond were partners for an entirety at Stingrays and Bunka. Joey is by far the most organized person in this game. His promotional team is huge and he owns the heart of every NJ teen night goer around. Not only does he do the teen nights though he is an intricate part of Saturdays at DEKO with his teammates Binoy and Will and has his hands in at the Abyss as well as Poor Billys. Joey and I have done alot together and he is true professional.

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Originally posted by stigeleiro

How am I not surprised that godisadj would have to bring a little controversy into this. Next time you go to the Jersey shore I want you to stop by either the SURF or D'Jais and ask Joey (at Surf) or Bill (at D'Jais) what Sergio/Bond mean to them and if we make a difference. I'll tell you right now each owner would call us the best and tell us we have made a difference to them. You are right its not hard getting people at the SURF but the true accomplishment is getting more people then the last time. Godisadj I might have met you and I might have not but that to me makes no difference. If you know me you would know where my success lies. I have a 1000000 friends and I would say 65% are woman. This clientele is built by never stearing anyone wrong. If I can do something for someone I will. Shit I dont know how many CPers I have met over the years and now take care of religiously. Now about the club, I made the SURF busier the day I walked in. Let me tell you how. First, I help hire all staff members. You just cant hire anyone you need to be in the scene and making sure that you grab the right mix of staff. Then I took a club that had the same daytime resident and a night time resident and changed the format to where every Sunday night the DJ was a different one. What do you think that did to the numbers in that club??? Kirk Lopez came to the SURF CLUB as my referral and I honestly beleive there isnt a DJ better to play that room then him. Yes I have a mistake here and there at the SURF by trying to bring in more International Talent (yes I have tried Sandman) but it doesnt work. The core crowd in NJ is not ready for the known International flavor. Yes I know I didnt bring in the upper level of DJs to the Surf but I did bring the next tear. Hector Romero plays Pacha just as much as his co-DefMix Records partner David Morales. Tim Deluxe plays Ibiza just as much as his Underwater partner Darren Emereson. These djs didnt go and until someone can prove me different I am forced to go back to square 1.

Now to answer this question that notallthere has asked. Its an easy one. We are all the best and have the most clout. No one realizes how much we really all work together. There is definitely less competition amongst us promoters then most people think. There is definitely more competition amongst the owners of the venues we work in. How many times have you think I have said I can not work there because my current owners are against it. I have sat and helped probably every promoter in NJ at one time. For years I religiously sat with Adam and Bill at the Sandbar to give them my opinion as well as help them with DJ Bookings and ideas. Did I make a dime for this NO not at all. Its a loyalty we have. Ptak has been calling me and asking my opinion from the minute he decided that he loved this business and wanted in. Do I complain about any of this NO. Bond and I have talked many of times regarding the SURF and DJs when it comes to future promotions and what trends we are seeing in the industry. Tommy D and I have worked together in every venue that I have been in. We all have a great deal of respect for each other. I have years in this business (shit I was one of the original guys that came in to the Sound Factory when Johnathan started) and I am glad that I can lend a helping hand. So for the record we are all friends and though we compete night to night against each other there is no competition amongst us.

Now, this thread does bother me a little because there is one name that hasnt been mentioned in it that deserves to be and that is Solid Enufff. I know Bond can attest to how hard of a worker and how organized Joey is. For those that dont know Joey and Bond were partners for an entirety at Stingrays and Bunka. Joey is by far the most organized person in this game. His promotional team is huge and he owns the heart of every NJ teen night goer around. Not only does he do the teen nights though he is an intricate part of Saturdays at DEKO with his teammates Binoy and Will and has his hands in at the Abyss as well as Poor Billys. Joey and I have done alot together and he is true professional.

:clap: Well Said Serge. Thank You

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you guys are all great. jersey got some sick parties going. We got half of staten island and brooklyn coming here to our parties. Bon . Serg . Binoy, Armenio. Joey Enuff all big dogs in this game. Keep up the good work, you guys all make me money.

As for the promoter who is always the drunkest when you see them.


thats a hard one. what do you think guys.

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