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Hey would you ever act like dick/prick/asshole on purpose to a girl you have feelings for becuz you don't want her to know ?

You're not sure if she feels the same about you ...and you don't want to be the first one to admit you caught the 'feelingsss'

This applies to a non bf/gf situation

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bwahahahahaha :laugh: :laugh:

ya see guys, that´s what happens when you´re a jerk to a girl. she obsesses over you... "oh, there must be a nice guy in there", "why is he like that, he must feel for me, i must find out"

look girl, jerks are not jerk to you because we feel for you or something. it gets us LAID. get it? no feelings bullshit. FUCKING. you gotta earn the feelings. if you´re a GOOD FUCK we´ll keep you around long enough and then MAYBE you have the chance that there will develop some feelings. they will not develop in the most cases so we keep cumdumpsters like you who are used to having abusive boyfriends around till we are bored with fucking you. sounds familiar with your life?

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bwhahahaha hahaha !! :laugh: :laugh:

I can't believe a boy who never even touched a girl's breast is telling me all this !!

You must read alot of books on sex & relationships ...

You must have spent alot of money on girls who never even let you touch them

You TALK about playing women.

You TALK about how you got game .

You TALK about all these ridiculous strategies


While you're doing all this talking other guys are out there getting.

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Originally posted by tastey

bwahahahahaha :laugh: :laugh:

ya see guys, that´s what happens when you´re a jerk to a girl. she obsesses over you... "oh, there must be a nice guy in there", "why is he like that, he must feel for me, i must find out"

look girl, jerks are not jerk to you because we feel for you or something. it gets us LAID. get it? no feelings bullshit. FUCKING. you gotta earn the feelings. if you´re a GOOD FUCK we´ll keep you around long enough and then MAYBE you have the chance that there will develop some feelings. they will not develop in the most cases so we keep cumdumpsters like you who are used to having abusive boyfriends around till we are bored with fucking you. sounds familiar with your life?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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