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Godisadj Im Fucking Sick Of You...you Asshole


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Listen Tony,

Im sick of you always saying this one did shit and that one did that and this DJ sucks and this party sucks....Here's the straw that broke the camels back....or in this case the post that infuriated Kosta P and put you over the top as the most annoying piece of shit known to mankind.

Originally posted by godisadj

your stil thinking inside the box!

lets think of some more original ideas maybe one of these promoters can do.

i like the great adventutre idea!

This is me calling you out. what the fuck do you do for New Jersey's scene. You sit back and criticize. Take initiative. Do something yourself asshole. I dont see any of these people that are bitching doing ANYTHING about "NJ's DYING NIGHTLIFE SCENE" If its so fucking stale you throw a party. You get "International DJ's" to come and spin. You lay out your fucking money on taking a chance. until you do your word holds no water you have no merit and might as well just curl up in a corner and die.

Im fucking done with you for now

Telling it Like It REALLY is

kosta fucking p

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This is me calling you out. what the fuck do you do for New Jersey's scene. You sit back and criticize. Take initiative. Do something yourself asshole. I dont see any of these people that are bitching doing ANYTHING about "NJ's DYING NIGHTLIFE SCENE" If its so fucking stale you throw a party. You get "International DJ's" to come and spin. You lay out your fucking money on taking a chance. until you do your word holds no water you have no merit and might as well just curl up in a corner and die.

Im fucking done with you for now

Telling it Like It REALLY is

kosta fucking p


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Originally posted by godisadj

shut up!

thanks in advance,


Great response justy shows what a pussy you are.

Talk all shit all day you are a pussy

you backed down when called out to spin you backed down when I told you to step up and make a difference...BOTTOM LINE YOU ARE A PUSSY WITH NO KFICKING BACKBONE



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Originally posted by godisadj

whats worse being a promoter for a shit party or the rope guy???

you decide kosta!

whats worse is being a looser wannabe dj that cant get a gig and talks shit with no way of backing it up.

if you are referring to me about the above mentioned comment please feel free to elaborate...shit party??? rope guy? I dont get it pussy.

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Originally posted by kostaP

whats worse is being a looser wannabe dj that cant get a gig and talks shit with no way of backing it up.

if you are referring to me about the above mentioned comment please feel free to elaborate...shit party??? rope guy? I dont get it pussy.

whats worse all o mighty kosta????

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Originally posted by godisadj

whats worse all o mighty kosta????

i answered you whats worse.

although I would like you to clarify to what you were referring to because i have no clue.

rope guy?? SHit party?? pffffff youre shot kid.

youre day will come buddy.


till then look over your shoulder.

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Originally posted by godisadj

i cant see over my traps!

i think this thread proves once and for all you are a nobody that will never accomplish anything

You will never make a differenc in anythin gin life

be it a nightclub

or any other aspect of life,.

You are a follower

You sit back and talk shit yet take no initiative to do anything about it.

You are the type of person that got their ass kicked in school and took the beating instead of standing up for yourself.

Youre a spineless piece of shit.

If I hated the way things were in NJ nightlife Id find a place and say hey Im trying this over here if you like it check it out if not Ill find people that do...or change your mind.

You sit back talk shit and continue to go to these places which you slander repeatedly.

botton line youre a fgt.

Gladly put you in your place

Kosta Fucking P

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