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Discotheque Detailed Review.... Morillo

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After a full nights sleep on some soccor mom drug, woke up and hit the city for 10:00AM, enter thesandman. No line, walk in and the place is fucking packed....... with guys.... maybe 3-1 guy/girl ratio..... scary

Thank God I had Cynstam as a partner in crime for the day.

Luckily we bump into the owner of Circa who brings us right into the VIP section, lots of room and air there. If anyone knows the dj before Morillo please let me know, lots of chill jams.

- Morillo goes on at 11:15..... builds a vibe, does shit with songs that amazed me then would top it in the next track. Teased every song for 20 minutes in the backround, then you hear it drop. Fuck Im not a dj but this dude really knows what hes doing. Lots of classics w/ his own twist on them- Women Beat their Men, White Rabbit, So Strong, etc. Little More Love (best mix ever)closed w/ a trippy mix of White Lines (yes the song you always hear at weddings)

Place got comfy by 2 pm, the guy/girl ratio evened out a lot more.

Total music lovers party, super diverse crowd, and very respectful fun people over all.


- I smoked all my cigarettes in the kitchen amongst the drag queens... It was hard to keep a straight face..lol

- Watching 3 insanely hot chicks scratch their heads b/c no guys hit on them

- Anthony Lamont put on a stage show at 4pm on the dancefloor. By faaaaar the coolest and funniest show I ever seen anyone do. Its was easier to enjoy b/c he wasn't in drag. After the show the dancefloor had a whole new energy.

- Some black guy who looked like my big, fat, obnoxious fiance was dancing w/ hands in the air together and was double jointed and freaking people out....

- Some guy who yelled "what" inbetween every break.... bang bang "WHAT" bang bang "WHAT". After being annoyed by him, I just joined in the chant and sold out to a fool.

- on the build of a song, all the lights went off in the entire club except the dj booth right on the drop, Eric banging the Jersey fist and just going off.... cool effect

- I got hit on much more than Cynstam.... but they were all guys and some wilderbeast (have fun w/ that one Kosta)

- The bar opened at noon, I drank 3 Kettle/Crans, 5 007s, and 2 budweisers.... good thing I was the designated driver and took it easy, fucking pussies drinking water... Become a man Jr.!!!!

I can go on forever..... lights came on at 5:15 pm, Erik got a great ovation from the survivors. You got to hear this guy, he exceeds the huge hype, just amazing.

more than sick, insane..... ****1/2 (lost half for lack of ass)

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Originally posted by thesandman

After a full nights sleep on some soccor mom drug, woke up and hit the city for 10:00AM, enter thesandman. No line, walk in and the place is fucking packed....... with guys.... maybe 3-1 guy/girl ratio..... scary

Thank God I had Cynstam as a partner in crime for the day.

Luckily we bump into the owner of Circa who brings us right into the VIP section, lots of room and air there. If anyone knows the dj before Morillo please let me know, lots of chill jams.

- Morillo goes on at 11:15..... builds a vibe, does shit with songs that amazed me then would top it in the next track. Teased every song for 20 minutes in the backround, then you hear it drop. Fuck Im not a dj but this dude really knows what hes doing. Lots of classics w/ his own twist on them- Women Beat their Men, White Rabbit, So Strong, etc. Little More Love (best mix ever)closed w/ a trippy mix of White Lines (yes the song you always hear at weddings)

Place got comfy by 2 pm, the guy/girl ratio evened out a lot more.

Total music lovers party, super diverse crowd, and very respectful fun people over all.


- I smoked all my cigarettes in the kitchen amongst the drag queens... It was hard to keep a straight face..lol

- Watching 3 insanely hot chicks scratch their heads b/c no guys hit on them

- Anthony Lamont put on a stage show at 4pm on the dancefloor. By faaaaar the coolest and funniest show I ever seen anyone do. Its was easier to enjoy b/c he wasn't in drag. After the show the dancefloor had a whole new energy.

- Some black guy who looked like my big, fat, obnoxious fiance was dancing w/ hands in the air together and was double jointed and freaking people out....

- Some guy who yelled "what" inbetween every break.... bang bang "WHAT" bang bang "WHAT". After being annoyed by him, I just joined in the chant and sold out to a fool.

- on the build of a song, all the lights went off in the entire club except the dj booth right on the drop, Eric banging the Jersey fist and just going off.... cool effect

- I got hit on much more than Cynstam.... but they were all guys and some wilderbeast (have fun w/ that one Kosta)

- The bar opened at noon, I drank 3 Kettle/Crans, 5 007s, and 2 budweisers.... good thing I was the designated driver and took it easy, fucking pussies drinking water... Become a man Jr.!!!!

I can go on forever..... lights came on at 5:15 pm, Erik got a great ovation from the survivors. You got to hear this guy, he exceeds the huge hype, just amazing.

more than sick, insane..... ****1/2 (lost half for lack of ass)

Great time Friday bro, what a mess!!! LOL. I told you Morillo is insane!!!

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Excellent review Sandman...I dont believe my brain is yet functioning to get into that much detail, therefore I am goin to keep it pretty simple....

Yesterday was the closest I have ever come to a Twilo party...the love, the viBe, the people, no attitudes, no bullshit, NO DRAMA...just sick, sick music and dancin, dancin, more dancing...I think I sat down for 2 mins right b4 Morillo dropped A Little More Love and the whole place went nuts...a true music lover's party

As for Morillo....BELIEVE THE HYPE!!

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I couldn't stand any longer so I left at noon. I didn't know Morillo was going to go on so late. I guess it didn't get good until after noon because when I was there (6-noon) it was awful. The music sucked, it was 75 percent guys (half of them gay), and mostly chinese girls (not my cup of tea).

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Originally posted by bobydigital

same here.....the crowd scared me outta there.....I knew it was early but I couldn't stand it anymore......it sucked at around 8 or 9 I think I could've counted the amount of hot women on one hand.....

There were 5. I counted right before I left. Not even kidding.

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Originally posted by bobydigital

oh I know man......I know......i was there.....it was dissappointing.....I should've known better than to go that early....

Me too. But I thought it would at least get better by 10 am. I never got hit on by so many gay african americans in my life. I counted it was five. My personal favorite right before I was leaving was, "Damn, you are one sexy bitch!" I knew I had to go once I heard that. lol :laugh:

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Originally posted by mrbadabing

Me too. But I thought it would at least get better by 10 am. I never got hit on by so many gay african americans in my life. I counted it was five. My personal favorite right before I was leaving was, "Damn, you are one sexy bitch!" I knew I had to go once I heard that. lol :laugh:

I now know I got a great ass in my new jeans.... but I was told that by some dude in drag.....:laugh:

There were 3 smoking chicks who closed the place, all in belly shirts and nice racks to match.... NO one hit on them... funny stuff....

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Originally posted by bobydigital

same here.....the crowd scared me outta there.....I knew it was early but I couldn't stand it anymore......it sucked at around 8 or 9 I think I could've counted the amount of hot women on one hand.....

sorry you had to leave dude, I didnt see you, but you could have chilled with us...damn, I felt like I was in HELL...all these jacked dudes with there shirts off, but they were more feminine than me...ugh, such a waste...I was getting off on the 5 hot chicks...seriously:laugh:

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Originally posted by cynstam21

sorry you had to leave dude, I didnt see you, but you could have chilled with us...damn, I felt like I was in HELL...all these jacked dudes with there shirts off, but they were more feminine than me...ugh, such a waste...I was getting off on the 5 hot chicks...seriously:laugh:

I saw one 6'2 and jacked white dude lick another roughly 6'0 juicehead nipples for a good 5 minutes on the dancefloor. I guess

Quite interesting. Were you part of this five hot chick click?

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Originally posted by mrbadabing

I saw one 6'2 and jacked white dude lick another roughly 6'0 juicehead nipples for a good 5 minutes on the dancefloor. I guess

Quite interesting. Were you part of this five hot chick click?

DAMN I missed that one!!!!! :laugh:

No, I was not part of the 5 hot chick clique...seemed to me that they all go to the same dance school/academy like FAME or something...

Actual conversation at 4pm:

Sandman: "That chick in the white is beautiful"

CynStam: "She is so pretty, I think I wanna kiss her"

Mind you, Cynstam is soo not into chicks, but I had a better chance with her than anyone else in that place

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Originally posted by cynstam21

DAMN I missed that one!!!!! :laugh:

No, I was not part of the 5 hot chick clique...seemed to me that they all go to the same dance school/academy like FAME or something...

Actual conversation at 4pm:

Sandman: "That chick in the white is beautiful"

CynStam: "She is so pretty, I think I wanna kiss her"

Mind you, Cynstam is soo not into chicks, but I had a better chance with her than anyone else in that place

:laugh: Most of the girls in there looked pissed off because no guys were giving them attention. One of the few hot girls in there came up to me and asked if i was gay just to make sure. haha lol. Is Discoteque usually like that? All gay and mostly guys. I was very unimpressed.

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Originally posted by thesandman

After a full nights sleep on some soccor mom drug, woke up and hit the city for 10:00AM, enter thesandman. No line, walk in and the place is fucking packed....... with guys.... maybe 3-1 guy/girl ratio..... scary

Thank God I had Cynstam as a partner in crime for the day.

Luckily we bump into the owner of Circa who brings us right into the VIP section, lots of room and air there. If anyone knows the dj before Morillo please let me know, lots of chill jams.

- Morillo goes on at 11:15..... builds a vibe, does shit with songs that amazed me then would top it in the next track. Teased every song for 20 minutes in the backround, then you hear it drop. Fuck Im not a dj but this dude really knows what hes doing. Lots of classics w/ his own twist on them- Women Beat their Men, White Rabbit, So Strong, etc. Little More Love (best mix ever)closed w/ a trippy mix of White Lines (yes the song you always hear at weddings)

Place got comfy by 2 pm, the guy/girl ratio evened out a lot more.

Total music lovers party, super diverse crowd, and very respectful fun people over all.


- I smoked all my cigarettes in the kitchen amongst the drag queens... It was hard to keep a straight face..lol

- Watching 3 insanely hot chicks scratch their heads b/c no guys hit on them

- Anthony Lamont put on a stage show at 4pm on the dancefloor. By faaaaar the coolest and funniest show I ever seen anyone do. Its was easier to enjoy b/c he wasn't in drag. After the show the dancefloor had a whole new energy.

- Some black guy who looked like my big, fat, obnoxious fiance was dancing w/ hands in the air together and was double jointed and freaking people out....

- Some guy who yelled "what" inbetween every break.... bang bang "WHAT" bang bang "WHAT". After being annoyed by him, I just joined in the chant and sold out to a fool.

- on the build of a song, all the lights went off in the entire club except the dj booth right on the drop, Eric banging the Jersey fist and just going off.... cool effect

- I got hit on much more than Cynstam.... but they were all guys and some wilderbeast (have fun w/ that one Kosta)

- The bar opened at noon, I drank 3 Kettle/Crans, 5 007s, and 2 budweisers.... good thing I was the designated driver and took it easy, fucking pussies drinking water... Become a man Jr.!!!!

I can go on forever..... lights came on at 5:15 pm, Erik got a great ovation from the survivors. You got to hear this guy, he exceeds the huge hype, just amazing.

more than sick, insane..... ****1/2 (lost half for lack of ass)


i was sooooo close to going but i passed out after spirit.....Discotheque IS deffff not a place to hook up or meet girls.. just is what it is.

shit sounds fun .. !! SEE YOU IN MIAMI!

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IMO, I think the girls had that look b/c they were in K-holes or the few guys who were straight were in K-holes...

Although it was my first time at Discoteque, I believe that any Sunday afternoon party is mostly gay...DT use to have a Sun party at ARC called Body and Soul...the same type of funky disco you heard earlier in the morning...same crowd...if you arent into that music...you'll be miserable.

Parties like that arent for hookin up, or small talk...you're there to dance your ass off..next time bring a girl with you...sorry couldnt stay longer, you missed a great time.

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Originally posted by cynstam21

IMO, I think the girls had that look b/c they were in K-holes or the few guys who were straight were in K-holes...

Although it was my first time at Discoteque, I believe that any Sunday afternoon party is mostly gay...DT use to have a Sun party at ARC called Body and Soul...the same type of funky disco you heard earlier in the morning...same crowd...if you arent into that music...you'll be miserable.

Parties like that arent for hookin up, or small talk...you're there to dance your ass off..next time bring a girl with you...sorry couldnt stay longer, you missed a great time.

It was just a long night for me. I was at Gerswin Hoel one year Skin Party then Spirit then to Discoteque. I was ready for bed by noon. I couldn't dance anymore. But the time i was there the music was boring me. So god damn mellow. Met a girl at the end of the night she tried to convince me to stay but I was falling asleep. All in all very overrated afterhours at Diccoteque.

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Originally posted by mrbadabing

It was just a long night for me. I was at Gerswin Hoel one year Skin Party then Spirit then to Discoteque. I was ready for bed by noon. I couldn't dance anymore. But the time i was there the music was boring me. So god damn mellow. Met a girl at the end of the night she tried to convince me to stay but I was falling asleep. All in all very overrated afterhours at Diccoteque.

Keep in mind afterhours didn't start till you left.... from 1pm on it was much closer to 50/50 guy/girl..

Save your money next time and stay in Sat. night....

Cystam's comment about the girl created a cold shower that same night...:laugh:

- one of the hottest girls I have ever seen....

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