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The baffling worldview of the United Nations


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The baffling worldview of the United Nations


Posted: March 4, 2004

1:00 a.m. Eastern

Hal Lindsey


Last week, Israeli forces arrested three boys – ages 13, 14 and 15 – at a West Bank checkpoint after they were discovered carrying homemade guns. The boys told Israeli investigators they had been recruited by Islamic Jihad to carry out a shooting attack against Israeli civilians in the city of Afula. The target was Afula's main bus station.

Later, a letter was discovered by one of the boy's parents, in his own handwriting, that said he had also been recruited by the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.

Many Palestinians expressed outrage at the terrorist groups for recruiting children, but there was no comment from the United Nations. It is an express violation of the United Nation's own protective declarations to use children as combatants. The United Nations has said nothing about it.

Evidently, from the U.N.'s perspective, recruiting children as suicide weapons is a lesser obstacle to peace than a fence designed to keep them out of Israel (and alive). Such thinking is typical of the UN where Israel is concerned. It's baffling, really, when you think about it.

The diplomats at the United Nations are educated persons of some distinction in their home countries. As such, you would think that some of them have presumably read books.

U.N. diplomats are also generally mature individuals who have lived long, productive lives. Many of them have been alive throughout the history of the modern state of Israel. Some since before Israel was reborn in 1948.

So, even if they aren't that well-educated, or that well-read, maybe some of them might be able to remember the world as it existed before the creation of the Palestinian "people."

Throughout history, until the mid 1960s, "Palestine" has never been the name of a people or a state. It was a geographic term used to designate the region during those times in history when there was no nation or state there.

The word "Palestine" is derived from the word "Peleshet" which is translated into English in the Bible as "Phillistine." The Phillistines were seafarers who migrated to the southern coasts of the Land of Caanan from the area of the Greek islands of the Aegean Sea.

They set up five city-states along what is today the Gaza region. The Phillistines were neither Arabs nor Semites. The name chosen by Yasser Arafat for his people is not an Arabic name. It is the Arabic pronunciation of the area the Greeks and Romans called "Palastina."

The people who claim to be Palestinians are not descended from the ancient Phillistines. (Yasser Arafat is an Egyptian, for example). They simply appropriated the name and called themselves a "people."

You'd think the learned diplomats at the United Nations would know that. It isn't like it is a secret.

When the Arabs attacked the fledgling state of Israel after the British Mandate ended in 1948, they won control of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. In 1950, Jordan annexed the West Bank. Egypt annexed the Gaza Strip.

Nobody offered the "Palestinians" a state, and no "Palestinians" requested one.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization was founded in 1964 with Ahmed Shukairy as its first chairman. This same Ahmed Shukairy – 8 years earlier – testified before the United States Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

The United Nations keeps records. Doesn't anybody look at them?

History only traces the "Palestinian people" to 1964. Then they vanish from the historical record. One would think that fact would make some impression on the learned diplomats of the United Nations. Even if the United Nations is composed of diplomats who are uneducated, unread, too young to have lived through the 20th century and know nothing of history, it still doesn't explain it.

Even an idiot can figure out that the best way to keep somebody bent on killing you from doing it is to keep away from that person. Or keep that person away from you. But given the choice between the rights of Israelis to live in their own country or the rights of Palestinian terrorists to come into that country and kill them, the United Nations sides with the rights of the terrorists – every time.

If the diplomats at the United Nations still can't see what they are supporting, then the fact that little boys are being recruited by the Palestinians for use as suicide weapons ought to have some of them scratching their chins and at least wondering if they just might be backing the wrong horse.

You'd think so, anyway. Like I said, it's baffling.

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what about the israeli worldview?

so the palestinians send their children out to kill or be killed.

so do the israeli's?

it's just that the israeli's force their children to join up to the army for three years after they finish school.

no free will in either case.

what is the moral difference igloo?

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Originally posted by marksimons

what about the israeli worldview?

so the palestinians send their children out to kill or be killed.

so do the israeli's?

it's just that the israeli's force their children to join up to the army for three years after they finish school.

no free will in either case.

what is the moral difference igloo?

Wow...you have some serious flaws in your moral compass

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I just don't get this "there was no Palestine before 1964" argument. For one thing, there was no "Israel" before 1948. So what? There was no United States of America till a few hundred years ago - does that mean the Native Americans can now claim the whole land theirs and evict everyone else?

There are some arguments here that hold water, the rest is bullshit that I am not going to waste my time getting into, as I have much more important things to worry about right now.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I just don't get this "there was no Palestine before 1964" argument. For one thing, there was no "Israel" before 1948. So what? There was no United States of America till a few hundred years ago - does that mean the Native Americans can now claim the whole land theirs and evict everyone else?

this conflict goes WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY back...before us...before any other nation's history...recognizing a nation (on the national level we are now) is relatively new....

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the point the article is making is that UN is incredibly biased and racist towards the jewish state. building a wall, something that does not kill or injure anyone, a wall that prevents murder, is more controversial than palestinian terror groups, brooding another generation of killers.

the palestinians should stop building this wall, in the end, they are the ones who are hurt by it.

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Originally posted by tribal

the point the article is making is that UN is incredibly biased and racist towards the jewish state. building a wall, something that does not kill or injure anyone, a wall that prevents murder, is more controversial than palestinian terror groups, brooding another generation of killers.

Too difficult of a concept for marksimons and the other blind apologists to understand

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Originally posted by marksimons

tribal... erm... it's israel who are building the wall...

europe has experience with these type of walls.

remember the berlin wall?

once it goes up people are just waiting for it to come down...

this wall is being built by palestinians, and only by palestinians. the simple fact is that the wall is a direct result of palestinian murder, of palestinian corruption, a degradation of an entire society and incessant urge for murder among palestinian 'resistance' groups and disgusting brainwashing of children to do the bidding of islamo-fascists (as mentioned in this article)

the berlin wall was built to keep people from escaping for freedom. the west bank wall is built to keep suicide bombers strapped with nail bombs from killing kids in buses. im not sure how you dont understand the difference between the two. perhaps you are lacking certain judgemental and analytical skills. there are programs available to help you overcome this unfortunate disability. buena fortuna.

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Originally posted by tribal

this wall is being built by palestinians, and only by palestinians. the simple fact is that the wall is a direct result of palestinian murder, of palestinian corruption, a degradation of an entire society and incessant urge for murder among palestinian 'resistance' groups and disgusting brainwashing of children to do the bidding of islamo-fascists (as mentioned in this article)

the berlin wall was built to keep people from escaping for freedom. the west bank wall is built to keep suicide bombers strapped with nail bombs from killing kids in buses. im not sure how you dont understand the difference between the two. perhaps you are lacking certain judgemental and analytical skills. there are programs available to help you overcome this unfortunate disability. buena fortuna.

excellent.......but he still will not understand...and will come back with some useless bullshit spin....

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