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Guys and porn


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I have a question. Guys, how often do you jack off compared to how often you have sex with your sig other? and what is your situation - live together, married, etc.

Also, ladies do you feel ofended when your guy looks at regular girls on the internet on sites such as face the jury? i know guys are gonna look at porn, but something about him looking at regular girls on sites where you could actually meet them bothers me.

i need some other points of view on this situation. thanks.

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i fuck my girl alot more often than i jerk off... i find if i start jerking off more often (than a handful of times a week) then i end up with less sex drive when my girl is actually around.

im in college, so i get to see her pretty much whenever i like

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yeah. i see my bf everyday, but he says that if we lived together we would have sex a lot more often. but the way it is now, he jacks off several times a week (don't ask how i found this out. he admitted it to me) and we only have sex once or twice a week.

i think the decreased sex drive would be true, but he says its not like that!!


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Originally posted by gfofaguy69

Also, ladies do you feel ofended when your guy looks at regular girls on the internet on sites such as face the jury? i know guys are gonna look at porn, but something about him looking at regular girls on sites where you could actually meet them bothers me.

As long as its not stupid porn then I'm okay...when I say stupid porn I mean the home movie kind, or the stupid 80's garbage....if he's going to watch porn, it better be good.

As for him lookin at girls on sites, that's his business. Guys are gonna look whether it be over a computer or in person so there's really no big deal. I'll even point out pretty girls to him. Look at it this way, there's women all over the place he can look at, you can't have a lock on him... he's gotta breathe. Be secure with yourself and your relationship and have faith in him and in what you two have. He can look but as long as he doesn't touch, then theres really nothing to worry about.

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