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Ultra 6 VIP Review for 2004

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Since there were a lot of people (including myself) who were looking for info on whether the VIP tickets were worth it for Ultra, I figured I'd post about it so others can search on it for next year.

Ultra 6 was great, the acts that I saw were really good, and Junkie XL was a great surprise. So I won't comment much on the music itself, this review is really specifically for the VIP ammeneties themselves.

The Good:

  • The VIP Beach area was really awesome, lots of hammocks and beds, a great vibe in there.
  • The drink area for VIP was a great touch, the lines were short and fast, they had lots more choices, and the drinks were strong as hell.
  • Lots more room. The ampitheater VIP area had a great view of the stage and was waaay less crowded than the non-VIP areas.
  • Separate entrances both into the show which got us in fast and let you miss many of the bottleneck areas to get into the ampitheater area from the back
  • Seemed like all very cool people doing the VIP thing, definitely weeded out the assholes and zombie drug-heads.

The Bad:

  • There WAS NO VIP area for the Ultra Sound Stage (the second main stage) as there was advertised to be. That is a low blow as it was a major selling point. I walked the whole area and could not find it, and every employee I asked said the only VIP area was at the ampitheater. You suck for this, Ultra people.
  • The organization of the VIP stuff sucked. No one knew anything about the VIP stuff, even the people working in VIP. "Where are the other VIP areas?" you could ask, and no one would have a clue, etc. They desperately need to give you a small piece of paper that tells you where the VIP areas are (or aren't, see above) what the deal is in each area with drinks, bathrooms, etc. This was an area that really, really needs improvement.
  • The ampitheater VIP area had ONE bathroom. Ultra, what the fuck were you thinking?! The only other bathrooms were a looong walk away. As a guy, I started taking matters into my own hands. Sorry, but I'm not walking 15 minutes to the bathroom in the middle of Tiesto. For christ's sake Ultra, next year place 6 or 8 johns in the VIP section.
  • No meal ticket as we were supposed to get, no bag of goodies

Was it worth it? I would still say yes, because for me, the real benefit was having more room to dance at the ampitheater. All the other stuff was like gravy, and since virtually all of it fell short of advertised or just did not exist at all, it was gravy I never got.

Would I do it again? Not sure...maybe. Having more room to dance was great, but I could easily see myself saving the VIP money and doing VIP at Space or Mansion instead. Ultra really REALLY needs to organize it better and stop lying about what you get for it for me to think about doing it again.

Anyway, I hope this long rant helps out others next year if they're thinking about doing the VIP ticket at Ultra 7.

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We'll I for one obtained a VIP pass once inside Ultra. A friend of mine had an extra one. No big deal to me. I found better viewing outside of the VIP area. Your too far away in the VIP area. What did rock though was the girl who gave me the VIP ticket somehow got me up on the Main Stage :eek: Just a little flirting with the security and we were in. Was up there for for the end of Tiesto through PVD. It was fucking awesome looking out onto that crowd. And being so close to those headliners. So i guess if I had not obtained that VIP ticket) for free) I would not have been able to access that part of the stage and see what I saw. However, the no camera policy:mad: I saw plenty of people snapping away. I could have had some awesome pics from where I was standing. Wish I could see it again.

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Well, if you bothered to read closer, the Ultra folk didn't care about little P & S cameras. They'd throw a fit if you had a major rig or something.

As for VIP, to me it didn't make sense at an outdoor music festival. VIP is for clubs.

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I would have to agree with Brians comments 150%. This was my 1st Ultra and it blew me away. My only complaint was about the bathroom sitch. I left the VIP to find a pisser and accidentally walked out of the concert! Security showed no love but I cant say that I blamed them......I missed out on Chemical Bros and PVD. Am I upset a little but more mad at myself.

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I agree with Brian 151%. I think the Ultra people put on the best one day event in the US, but I'm not sure the extra money for the VIP was worth it. Maybe when I regain use of all of my brain cells I'll figure it out.

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