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Does anyone here suffer from insommnia?

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It's the worst feeling, laying there and watching the clock. It's not a consistent thing with me but I seem to go through bouts of it here and there, like I'll sleep really soundly for a month or so and then I'll have a week where I'll only get an hours sleep a night if I'm lucky. I feel like hell right now, all twitchy and shit...and of course I'll want to take a nap when I get home but last night I resisted and I was so dead tired and I still couldn't sleep. I don't get it b/c I'm not anxious or worried about anything. I think it's time to see a doctor and get something for these hell weeks, but I don't want to become reliant on sleeping pills. Here's something fucked up too, I forgot I didn't need to be at work until 8:00 today instead of the usual 7:00, aaaggghhh, somebody shoot me and put me out of my misery!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I had small bouts of it way back in my Freshman year of college. Course, back then, not sleeping wasnt too much of a problem without having to go to work...=)

I definately would suggest chatting with the right dr about it, one you can tell most of your stuff to without worrying about it. Theres always help!!!!





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