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Iraqis Say “War Was the ANSWER�...but the left ignores


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March 23, 2004, 8:40 a.m.

Iraqis Say “War Was the ANSWERâ€

But protesters were yelling too loudly to hear them.

By Andrew Cline

Being divorced from reality is what being an antiwar protester is all about. For a few hours each year you get to run around disrupting other people's lives, pretending you're doing something socially relevant, and saying things like "War doesn't solve anything" (said last weekend by New York City protester Matthew Stanton) and "If there aren't any soldiers there can't be war" (said by Alabama protester David Waters).

Aside from being great philosophers, antiwar protesters also are adept at seeing the world the way it really is. Page Getz, press coordinator for the antiwar group ANSWER, said during a protest last week in Los Angeles, "We must stop the occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, and elsewhere. The situation in Iraq is getting worse."

Good to know that groups like ANSWER are there to correct the world's major media outlets, who last year showed Iraqis cheering Coalition troops, and who last week reported that Iraqis generally say the war had positive results. On Thursday, as Spain's Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Zapatero called the occupation of Iraq "a fiasco," a poll conducted for ABC News and the BBC found that 48 percent of Iraqis called the war "right" while only 39 percent called it "wrong," and 56 percent said their lives were better after the war. Seventy percent of Iraqis said their lives were either "very good" (13 percent) or "quite good" (57 percent). Someone should ask Howard Dean, who in January said that Iraqi living standards are "a whole lot worse now," about these results.

Seventy-one percent of Iraqis said the job market was better now than before the war. Thirty-nine percent said the availability of electricity was better after the war, compared to 25 percent who said it was worse. Fifty-four percent said security was better after the war, compared to only 26 percent who said it was worse.

On every subject, from security to medical care to schools, more Iraqis said their lives were better after the war.

So, what about antiwar protesters who insist, as one in Iowa did last week, that "What they're saying is that they are happy Saddam was taken out, but conditions are now far worse than they were under his regime"?

Jose Perez, a 39-year-old Gulf War veteran, dealt with protesters on Saturday about as effectively as anyone can. He was in Fayetteville, N.C., home of Fort Bragg, to counter-demonstrate against antiwar protesters.

"Here's the thing. We're right and they're wrong," Perez said.

Then, the Associated Press reported, "As one war protester walked by, Perez told him to get a haircut and join them."

— Andrew Cline is editorial-page editor of the Union Leader and New Hampshire Sunday News in Manchester, N.H.

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Do you honestly write these articles or are they taken from prowar.com?

You think George W. declared war with Iraq to make their living conditions better? The improvement is debatable but if it has improved at what cost did we make those living conditions better? 1,000 of American troops have died and BILLIONS of dollars have been spent.. Should we now move on to the next country and risk more American lives and more of our taxpayers money to improve living conditions elsewhere?

And now all of a sudden we care about what the Iraqis think about the war? Maybe we should've asked them before we invaded their country?

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Originally posted by bdanto4

Do you honestly write these articles or are they taken from prowar.com?

You think George W. declared war with Iraq to make their living conditions better? The improvement is debatable but if it has improved at what cost did we make those living conditions better? 1,000 of American troops have died and BILLIONS of dollars have been spent.. Should we now move on to the next country and risk more American lives and more of our taxpayers money to improve living conditions elsewhere?

And now all of a sudden we care about what the Iraqis think about the war? Maybe we should've asked them before we invaded their country?

I have seen some dumbs posts on this board, but this one may be one of the worst.

Question for you: Are you really this stupid or are you just playing a messageboard game to appear to be an imbecile?

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Originally posted by igloo

I have seen some dumbs posts on this board, but this one may be one of the worst.

Question for you: Are you really this stupid or are you just playing a messageboard game to appear to be an imbecile?

guess you wrote the article

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but really.. should we invade North Korea and help them from the #1 dictator in the world Kim Jong II.. or maybe go to Burma first and take over Than Shwe... or Hu Jintao in China who controls all media, uses spies online and executes 4,000 people a yr?!

the list of dictators goes on.. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Crown Prince Abdullah, Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Guinea and on and on and on..

so why my friend did we pick Iraq? Easy target? Oil? Better the citizens of Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Finish what Bush I started?


Igloo, you defintely know.. You herb

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Originally posted by bdanto4

but really.. should we invade North Korea and help them from the #1 dictator in the world Kim Jong II.. or maybe go to Burma first and take over Than Shwe... or Hu Jintao in China who controls all media, uses spies online and executes 4,000 people a yr?!

the list of dictators goes on.. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Crown Prince Abdullah, Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Guinea and on and on and on..

so why my friend did we pick Iraq? Easy target? Oil? Better the citizens of Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Finish what Bush I started?


Igloo, you defintely know.. You herb

Nice job with this regurgitated leftist tired bullshit......tired bullshit....

You are a bore jerkoff, and so is your simpleton views and thinking........take your limited IQ, ignorant statements, and tired bullshit, wrap it up in a "No War for Oil" t-shirt, and go fuck yourself......

Boring little douchebag

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Originally posted by bdanto4

but really.. should we invade North Korea and help them from the #1 dictator in the world Kim Jong II.. or maybe go to Burma first and take over Than Shwe... or Hu Jintao in China who controls all media, uses spies online and executes 4,000 people a yr?!

the list of dictators goes on.. Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Crown Prince Abdullah, Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Guinea and on and on and on..

so why my friend did we pick Iraq? Easy target? Oil? Better the citizens of Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Finish what Bush I started?


Igloo, you defintely know.. You herb

We had to change the ME, and what better spot then a dictator we have 12 years experience of defiance with?

What you peacniks don't understand is that Iraq is a gathering ground. It's a symbolic battle of Extremism vs Democracy. The GOAL is to erase what the dictators have been feeding their people as a reason for their hardships and try to steer them away from turning to extremism, get it?

Think about this for a sec.... If your fighting an unconventional war,against a small army that hides in caves where the bombs can't reach them how do you get them out? how do you gather BinLaden minions in one spot so you can fight them CONVENTIONALLY? This war is a important and serves so many purposes in so many diffrent ways that if you step back for a sec and look at the whole picture...it's strategic brilliance!!!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

We had to change the ME, and what better spot then a dictator we have 12 years experience of defiance with?

What you peacniks don't understand is that Iraq is a gathering ground. It's a symbolic battle of Extremism vs Democracy. The GOAL is to erase what the dictators have been feeding their people as a reason for their hardships and try to steer them away from turning to extremism, get it?

Think about this for a sec.... If your fighting an unconventional war,against a small army that hides in caves where the bombs can't reach them how do you get them out? how do you gather BinLaden minions in one spot so you can fight them CONVENTIONALLY? This war is a important and serves so many purposes in so many diffrent ways that if you step back for a sec and look at the whole picture...it's strategic brilliance!!!

Don't even bother with this little child.....just another irrelevant jerkoff who does not have the brain capacity to understand anything beyond the typical leftist, anti-war rhetoric vomited by the clueless...

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Originally posted by igloo

Don't even bother with this little child.....just another irrelevant jerkoff who does not have the brain capacity to understand anything beyond the typical leftist, anti-war rhetoric vomited by the clueless...

I expected a post like this.. no intelligent words, just pure insults..

Mr. Mahs- you might not have the same views as I.. but I respect your insights and the comments you made.. Igloo on the other is just plain worthless

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Originally posted by bdanto4

I expected a post like this.. no intelligent words, just pure insults..

Mr. Mahs- you might not have the same views as I.. but I respect your insights and the comments you made.. Igloo on the other is just plain worthless

No douche bag, your existence is worthless....your tired stance is worthless........

You have to have things spelled out to you like a fucking child.....you do not have the capacity to understand anything beyond a yahoo headline or a banner at a ANSWER rally....

Your baseless, tired antiwar bullshit is a fucking bore...

Your tired shit has been tried by others, and promptly shoved back up their ass....adding you the list of imbeciles that has to be exposed as a retard is simply not exciting, despite the fact you are an imbecile...

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Originally posted by bdanto4

I expected a post like this.. no intelligent words, just pure insults..

Mr. Mahs- you might not have the same views as I.. but I respect your insights and the comments you made.. Igloo on the other is just plain worthless

No douche bag, your existence is worthless....your tired stance is worthless........

You have to have things spelled out to you like a fucking child.....you do not have the capacity to understand anything beyond a yahoo headline or a banner at a ANSWER rally....

Your baseless, tired antiwar bullshit is a fucking bore...

Your tired shit has been tried by others, and promptly shoved back up their ass....adding you the list of imbeciles that has to be exposed as a retard is simply not exciting, despite the fact you are an imbecile...

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

your baseless insults are even more boring

come up with some new material at least!


If it ain't broke, why fix it.....

And as usual, just like death and taxes and the left being on the wrong side of history, there is bigpoopinnails with a useless post and a smiley..

Talk about a snore

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