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I did it once. I was supposed to be on for 2 days. I went and b/c of the air conditioning being out...we got let out after 20 minutes! THE WHOLE DAY TO MESELF!

I went to DMV and got my fake id. Did some shopping. Went tanning! It was great! Ahhhh jury duty!!!

Oh and you get $5 a day! haha



"It's normal to be different!"

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yeah, well I had GRAND JURY DUTY once.

(over the summer). It lasted for a month!

But I got paid $700...and my worked paid for my time out.

Anything to get me outta work!

But there was a lot of fuckin arguing in that room for a month..let me tell ya!


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I was on jury duty once...they do give you $40 a day if your employer doesn't compensate you but you have to wait like 2 months for it...It was a lot of sitting around and when they called me as a perspective juror I botched all my answers on purpose so they'd dismiss me...it worked...I got to leave after 2 days...bring reading material!!! cwm15.gif


"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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Ohh, Jury Duty was a Blast!(eyes rolling)

I got called for Jury duty on the week I was supposed to go on vacation with my friends. Needless to say, i had to cancel my plans.

I show up at the court house and wait and wait and wait. Ohh, what a surprise, my name gets called. 12 people including myself get put into a small room with 3 lawyers. They put all 12 people's name in a hat--no joke!

6 people get called and mine is one of them. The 3 lawyers sit us down and ask us personal questions--when is our birthday, what we do, are we married, etc.

After asking everyone questions--the retired cop next to me said that he would not feel comfortable on this case. so he was out and another person got their name picked from the hat. Then the skinny man on the left of me said that he does not beleive in lawyers and was excused. Then the laywers said anyone else? And I raised my hand and said I cannot be involved in this case because my mother works for a private invenstigator--whihc she does and I was off the hook.


That was close. Looking forward to doing it again in another 4 years--which is actually now like 6 months away.

too bad my vacation plans were ruined.

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I got lucky. I was an oncall juror. Which means I have to call in everyday for a week after 5:00pm. If my number is called I have to show up next morning at 9. Anyways, I never got called <<Phew>> but, it still counts as doing jury duty!!!


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift...that is why we call it the present"

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I went last month. It varies depending on where you are. The Bronx, Queens, and Bklyn pay like $30 a day (if your job isn't paying you) The time out of work was cool, and they let you out by 3:00. I had to stay 3 days. Sat in one courtroom while they picked the jury and I was falling asleep. Wouldn't really want to be on a case!

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i got called for jury duty but i'm not a citizen so i didn't have to go. it's not that i don't want to be a citizen -- i just always other needs for the money it costs to become one. it's like "do i get my citizenship and run the risk of doing jury duty or go out this weekend?" hee hee. no, seriously, i will get it soon, promised! i'll do my part for this country!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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if its a civil case tell them the judicial system is wack b/c everyone just sues each other and they'll dismiss you in a heartbeat





"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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