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Originally posted by starlanyc

Ecstasy Rising - Peter Jennings - Show was AMAZING! r/o

I hope some of you had a chance to catch the "Ecstacy Rising" special with Peter Jennings last nite on channel 7. It was amazing to watch and learn about the rise adn fall of this popular drug.

I was also suprised to see the spin they put on it, it really showed that the US government basically 'made-up' the so called 'scientific facts' that E causes permanent brain damage. In other studies done last year in germany and England, impartial scientists discovered that after repeated use the levels of serotonin in your brain only decrease by 4 - 5

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Originally posted by starlanyc

Ecstasy Rising - Peter Jennings - Show was AMAZING! r/o

I hope some of you had a chance to catch the "Ecstacy Rising" special with Peter Jennings last nite on channel 7. It was amazing to watch and learn about the rise adn fall of this popular drug.

I was also suprised to see the spin they put on it, it really showed that the US government basically 'made-up' the so called 'scientific facts' that E causes permanent brain damage. In other studies done last year in germany and England, impartial scientists discovered that after repeated use the levels of serotonin in your brain only decrease by 4 - 5%, and they are restored back to normal after 3 months of abstinenece...

Basically it proved that the US couldnt find anything "socially wrong" with the drug, there were no deaths, fights, health risks, social problems, etc. and basically it was touted as a "love drug" or "hug drug" and was doing wonders in psycotherapy patients who had experienced post trumatic stress. In one instance, a woman who had been raped became withdrawnfrom life and was able to be rehabilitated through the use of MDMA. great things could happen if this drug was used properly under a physicians care, however, the good ol' US of A cant stand anyone using a drug to have a good time, regardless of its medical benefits or lack of health risks.. and used thier emergency power to pass alaw making MDMA a scheduale 1 drug, along with marajuana, cocaine and heroin.

They also interviewed the original people who first used mdma back in the 80's when it first blew up in dallas tx. These men were rather old, and they had experienced no permanent brain damage or health risks. In fact, the man even said, I have taken over a thousand pills in my life, and I have no health problems associated withthe drug at all.

Its just interested that the show actually proved the US's underhanded ways of drumming up propaganda for a drug that the public didnt really see as a threat, and the govmt had to make up this so called scientific evidence in order to scare away potential users.

its a shame the war on drugs actually ruins more lives by the laws that govern the drugs, rather then the actual drugs themselves...

Did anyone see how large the pills where in the 80's? :jawdrop:

No wonder why everyone rolled for like six hours...lol!!!

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