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Dragging the bodies of americans through the streets...


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*shakes head*

The Iraqis finally crossed that line. It's a shame that they'd do something so brutal as to put themselves in the same class with somalis and what was done to US soldiers in Mogadishu.

This time it's not even soldiers - it's american civilians.

The definition of a war crime is a deliberate infliction of harm upon the innocent and/or non-participating party.

these people are killing us in the most brutal fashion... and we're not even there to fight them. Over here, when people want change, they take to the streets in protest and make their voices heard. Over there, they kill someone and drag their corpse through the street, then hang it from a bridge.

whatever last shred of respect or sympathy i might have had for the Iraqis just died along with those americans.

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Originally posted by cintron

after what's been happening over there for a year, it isn't just "a few" anymore.

most of this stuff is happening in the Suni Triangle...they are staunch supporters of Saddam...the most brutual fighting is within this "triangle" area...

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I'm gonna have to agree with the neo-cons on this one. Its just around the anti-US area.

Same as Somali - that shit happened in areas that were unfriendly to the US.

For that matter, this kind of shit happens right here in the US (civilians murdered and burned, chained to pick-up trucks and dragged, shot, killed, mutilated, etc, etc).

Last note: "civilians" enter a war zone at their own risk, its not like they were completely unaware of what could happen to them.

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Originally posted by cintron

dude not again. dont blame the US for acting under UN orders. If that country wasnt so fucked up with its own internal problems we wouldnt have been there in the first place.

Coorect me if I am wrong, but I believe we were not acting under UN orders...it was a NATO operation....Clinton did not take it to the UN because a resolution would not have passed.....

UN came in after the US needed to intervene.....another great job by the UN and the Europeans of proactively addressing a problem before it became a mess

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Originally posted by raver_mania

I'm gonna have to agree with the neo-cons on this one. Its just around the anti-US area.

Same as Somali - that shit happened in areas that were unfriendly to the US.

For that matter, this kind of shit happens right here in the US (civilians murdered and burned, chained to pick-up trucks and dragged, shot, killed, mutilated, etc, etc).

Last note: "civilians" enter a war zone at their own risk, its not like they were completely unaware of what could happen to them.

You kill me with the neo-cons stuff.....

Anyway, Raver is correct....classic example of the silent minority being louder than the majority...which defines Iraq right now

But this is absolutely tragic and disgusting.....

The terrorists, jihadists, Saddam loyalists, animals--whatever the fuck they are---they clearly understand how the press works, understand the political atmosphere in the U.S. right now, and clearly understand that the majority of Iraqis are happier now, and will target civilians now through psychological warfare....

These animals know that Iraq is heading towards a free society, and there is no room in that world for these animals....

It would also seem that their tactics, although deadly and dispicable, are actually working against them....as ordinary Iraqi's are recognizing these animals for what they are......

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

most of this stuff is happening in the Suni Triangle...they are staunch supporters of Saddam...the most brutual fighting is within this "triangle" area...

Don't be naive Matas , many Shiite iraquis don't like the US aswell . even though the Sunni's are as of now the most brutal and the one's with the means to plan out attacks .....add to it Foreign fighters that came to iraq after the war began & the US is in trouble for the long run . :(

Occurences such as today simply show the hate many have towards americans , if they did those acts to civilian contractors IMAGINE what they feel for actual US service men and women . :idea:

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Originally posted by pattbateman

there is 50 million people living in iraq (educated guess) what a few hundred or thousand do for that matter does not signify the entire country

...the population of Iraq is around 23-25 million people .

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Originally posted by mursa

Don't be naive Matas , many Shiite iraquis don't like the US aswell . even though the Sunni's are as of now the most brutal and the one's with the means to plan out attacks .....add to it Foreign fighters that came to iraq after the war began & the US is in trouble for the long run

by a small majority...the Shiites might hate us...but many are taking to the streets protesting, like normal humans...not killing US civilians...the only violence is coming from the Sunni triangle and the insurgents, which are mostly foreign fighters...the triangle is a hot bed of activity, since the beginning, its been "hot"...it maybe true that some Iraqis hate the US, but only the ones in the triangle are dragging bodies around and hanging them from bridges...thats not being naive, thats calling it as i see it...:idea:

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Originally posted by cintron

dude not again. dont blame the US for acting under UN orders. If that country wasnt so fucked up with its own internal problems we wouldnt have been there in the first place.

the point is that the US and NATO violated UN charter during the agression upon Yugoslavia. it was basically an illegal war which just so happened to coincide with Clinton's blowjob scandal....

we didnt drag ur soldiers thru the streets, we didnt organize terror cells in ur country, we didnt smack planes into ur buildings...yet u still decided to side with the terrorist element in Kosovo. if u dotn believe me..ask anyone who served in Kosovo over the past 5 years who they symphatize with.

the US has a history of backing the wrong side...and when it comes back to bite them in the ass they wana get all tight about it...and if u honestly believe that the UN or NATO has control over the US...ur seriously an idiot...the US RESPECTS NO INTERNATIONAL LAW

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Originally posted by cintron

dude not again. dont blame the US for acting under UN orders. If that country wasnt so fucked up with its own internal problems we wouldnt have been there in the first place.

the point is that the US and NATO violated UN charter during the agression upon Yugoslavia. it was basically an illegal war which just so happened to coincide with Clinton's blowjob scandal....

we didnt drag ur soldiers thru the streets, we didnt organize terror cells in ur country, we didnt smack planes into ur buildings...yet u still decided to side with the terrorist element in Kosovo. if u dotn believe me..ask anyone who served in Kosovo over the past 5 years who they symphatize with.

the US has a history of backing the wrong side...and when it comes back to bite them in the ass they wana get all tight about it...and if u honestly believe that the UN or NATO has control over the US...ur seriously an idiot...the US RESPECTS NO INTERNATIONAL LAW

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Originally posted by igloo

You kill me with the neo-cons stuff.....

Anyway, Raver is correct....classic example of the silent minority being louder than the majority...which defines Iraq right now

But this is absolutely tragic and disgusting.....

The terrorists, jihadists, Saddam loyalists, animals--whatever the fuck they are---they clearly understand how the press works, understand the political atmosphere in the U.S. right now, and clearly understand that the majority of Iraqis are happier now, and will target civilians now through psychological warfare....

These animals know that Iraq is heading towards a free society, and there is no room in that world for these animals....

It would also seem that their tactics, although deadly and dispicable, are actually working against them....as ordinary Iraqi's are recognizing these animals for what they are......

ANY act of war or combat is "Animalistic". Conventional or not.

I work for the UNHCR and we deal with the messes both sides create on a daily basis.

For every soldier killed in Iraq I am sure you can find an innocent undarmed Iraqi laying in a pool of blood with a M-16 casing nearby.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

the point is that the US and NATO violated UN charter during the agression upon Yugoslavia. it was basically an illegal war which just so happened to coincide with Clinton's blowjob scandal....

we didnt drag ur soldiers thru the streets, we didnt organize terror cells in ur country, we didnt smack planes into ur buildings...yet u still decided to side with the terrorist element in Kosovo. if u dotn believe me..ask anyone who served in Kosovo over the past 5 years who they symphatize with.

the US has a history of backing the wrong side...and when it comes back to bite them in the ass they wana get all tight about it...and if u honestly believe that the UN or NATO has control over the US...ur seriously an idiot...the US RESPECTS NO INTERNATIONAL LAW

I have asked you this before, without an answer ...what did you want the US or the UN or NATO or anyone else to do....

Also, are you denying or diminishing the reasons why the US felt compelled to intervene, and why we were asked to?

I dislike Clinton, but I do not believe the wag the dog conspiracists either...that is just blowhard bullshit...

Your comment about "backing the wrong side" is extreme, and quite frankly nonsense....amazing how that 20/20 vision is so clear after the fact.....

So again, what do you think the US or the international community should have done....more of nothing, which was what was occuring?

Just answer without the rhetoric...I am genuinely interested in hearing your response

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

by a small majority...the Shiites might hate us...but many are taking to the streets protesting, like normal humans...not killing US civilians...the only violence is coming from the Sunni triangle and the insurgents, which are mostly foreign fighters...the triangle is a hot bed of activity, since the beginning, its been "hot"...it maybe true that some Iraqis hate the US, but only the ones in the triangle are dragging bodies around and hanging them from bridges...thats not being naive, thats calling it as i see it...:idea:

Well , like I said before the Shiites DON'T have weapons to do attacks , hence they protest . :idea: , and don't forget that many Shiite clerics are very anti-american and spead anti-american rhetoric .

...And violence is not only in the Sunni triangle , last i heard there is also alot of violence up north , more specifically Mosul .

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Originally posted by mursa

Well , like I said before the Shiites DON'T have weapons to do attacks , hence they protest

come on bro...u dont believe that crap...they dont have weapons?? how do the Sunni's have weapons? i think every family in Iraq has at the very least 2 AK-47 in their homes...the whole country is an arms cache...the center of most of the violence is the triangle...


i owe u 20 bucks from last week, paying ya back on Friday...:D

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

come on bro...u dont believe that crap...they dont have weapons?? how do the Sunni's have weapons? i think every family in Iraq has at the very least 2 AK-47 in their homes...the whole country is an arms cache...the center of most of the violence is the triangle...


i owe u 20 bucks from last week, paying ya back on Friday...:D

Why would they attack the US , when it is that we finally gave em Freedom after 30 years of being ruled by the Sunni's ? ...Im just saying , If things don't go Their way ( in terms of control of iraq, since they are a majority with 65% or so ) , you better believe that Things will definetly get worse in the south and else where .

& yes, i agree ...most of the violence is in the triangle .

PS...... you don't owe me nothing , its all good bro . :cool:

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Originally posted by mursa

Why would they attack the US , when it is that we finally gave em Freedom after 30 years of being ruled by the Sunni's ? ...Im just saying , If things don't go Their way ( in terms of control of iraq, since they are a majority with 65% or so ) , you better believe that Things will definetly get worse in the south and else where

i hear ya...and with the US shutting down that Newspaper...things are def. going to get worse..:(

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