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Dragging the bodies of americans through the streets...


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Originally posted by igloo

Coorect me if I am wrong, but I believe we were not acting under UN orders...it was a NATO operation....Clinton did not take it to the UN because a resolution would not have passed.....

UN came in after the US needed to intervene.....another great job by the UN and the Europeans of proactively addressing a problem before it became a mess

bang up job the most useless organization in the world (UN) has done so far. their quick action resulted in the burning of over 100 serbian monasteries by muslim HORDES (yeah i said it)..yet u guys get upset over a couple of buddhist statues destroyed in afghanistan

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Originally posted by igloo

I have asked you this before, without an answer ...what did you want the US or the UN or NATO or anyone else to do....

Also, are you denying or diminishing the reasons why the US felt compelled to intervene, and why we were asked to?

I dislike Clinton, but I do not believe the wag the dog conspiracists either...that is just blowhard bullshit...

Your comment about "backing the wrong side" is extreme, and quite frankly nonsense....amazing how that 20/20 vision is so clear after the fact.....

So again, what do you think the US or the international community should have done....more of nothing, which was what was occuring?

Just answer without the rhetoric...I am genuinely interested in hearing your response

i gave u an answer every time u asked it. stay the fuck out of our business. there were no artocities being committed on the albanian majority by police forces in Kosovo...up until the NATO bombs started falling. what sense does it make that 2% of the population brutalizes 98% especially without major arms or resources to do so ...as serbia was piss poor at the time and still is.

this was basically terrorist insurgence within national borders of serbia, how else were we supposed to deal with snipers, guerilla attacks, and murder of serbian farmers? diplomacy? i dont see the US takin the diplomatic route in its hunt for Bin Laden , so why should we be held to such high standards?

as for the hindsight comment, be serious, u backed opium smuggling gun runners over natural allies from WWII...i think u coulda seen what was coming.

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ghhhhhost does make some good points.

but he is biased towards serbia.

serbian forces (not all serbians) under the control of milosovic planned and carried out acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing, against muslims and croats.

this is fact.

all sides in that conflict committed war crimes, and everyone has a different angle on it. a fact clear in most conflict zones around the world, hell we still argue about the first and second world wars here!

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Originally posted by raver_mania

yeah, old women and children were part of the terrorists, right. Thus, they needed to be executed on the spot (no trial, judge, etc) and buried in shallow mass graves.


where was the trial for the serbs living in kosvo right now who just had their jouses and monasteries burnt?

where was the justice for the farmers who til their fields one day and r laying in a grqave the next day just because theyre serbian??

no ones hands r clean...but instead of spitting this biased media bullshit...think about the situation ...

its like the mexicans wanting to take back tezas and baja california just because a lot of them live there and because one time..maybe 500 years ago it belonged to them ( allegedly)...so they decide to go out and shoot police officers and people goin to work every day in order to accomplish their goal. and then russia comes in and bombs the fuck out of u ..because it sides with the mexicans...does that make any fucking sense??

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I understand your point...but because of that, you don't get a bunch of renegade police officers, round up all the mexicans you can get (including women and children) and then exeucte them without any sort of trial whatsoever.

You cannot try to correct a crime by committing another one as bad or worse.

Its not that Serbs are always the victims, they perpetuate violence as much as the other side.

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