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Bush to paint White House...BLACK!!


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OK, this tops it off folks!!! :no:

The White House has for many, MANY years been one of the symbols of the United States.

This quack of a fuck plans to do the above mentioned...this is CRAZY!!!!

® - Thursday April 1st, 2004

President Bush has hit upon a cunning plan to shield the White House from terrorist attacks. He wants to paint it solid black!

Thus camouflaged, the presidential residence would be virtually invisible at night. And that could thwart any aerial attack after sundown, when counter-terrorism specialists fear a kamikaze strike is most likely to occur, a senior administration official explains.

"This is an idea the president came up with himself," the aide says. "He was very disturbed on 9/11 that while he was being whisked out of harm's way on Air Force One, members of his staff were sitting ducks in the White House.

"He wants a way to protect them in the future."

Even in broad daylight, the black color will serve to confuse and confound the enemy, the commander-inchief believes.

"No way they'll recognize it," Bush reportedly stated while laying out the bold and imaginative scheme in a meeting with advisers. "Terrorists want to come over here looking for a white house? Bring 'em on!"

While not convinced that suicide bombers would wander aimlessly around Washington looking for the famed landmark if the building's color is changed, experts agree that a new paint job could derail a terrorist plot.

"The White House -- exactly as it's appeared in photos for years -- is a very potent symbol to Muslim fanatics," explains counter-terrorism expert Bill Muldayer of D.C.

"Change the appearance dramatically and you take away a lot of motivation for destroying it. It would be like recarving the faces on Mount Rushmore into the Beatles. What would be the point in attacking it?

"It's certainly an interesting idea, worth considering -- and potentially a lot more cost-effective than installing an extensive missile-defense system just for the White House, another option that's been run up the flagpole."

Before publicly announcing the move -- to be carried out through an executive order, without any need for congressional approval -- Bush has agreed to meet with the leaders of various Washington historical societies.

"It's a touchy issue -- a lot of these stodgy organizations are against making any major alterations to the White House," says the administration source. "But in these dangerous times we live in, security has to take precedence over sentimentality."

On the upside, the president's advisers see a potential opportunity for political advantage in the white-toblack make-over.

"We feel that this could be a great way of luring African-Americans back to the party of Lincoln," says a GOP strategist.

"In the past, a lot of African-Americans have expressed discomfort with the 'Big House' look of the White House, with those immense columns and all, saying it reminds them of the old Southern mansions of the slavery era.

"Painting the structure black will totally reverse that image -- it will then literally be the Black House."

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Originally posted by funketeer

that's not right, I know he's the president and everything, but to paint the white house black is unconstitucional and it goes against the values this country was build upon...


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