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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Rhythmless? Policies Before Reader Benefits

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To: Rhythmism Moderators & Community

Every time we have posted, in the past or the present, our posts are removed instantly.

A few months ago, we were PM'd by the now defunct Naughty Booth message board. This PM stated that they had a policy that did not allow competing sites to post on their boards.

First of all, I find that ridiculous.

Second, although we are flattered to be considered competition, Parade ATW is by far no competition to a message board community. Parade ATW is a Dance Music Netzine.

All in all, I believe that it is silly to control the content that your readers have access to. Especially if it is content that they may enjoy. Or content that they may benefit from, like contests, mp3 downloads, exclusive interviews and similar content.

Is it an EGO thing or does Rhythmism feel so threatened by others that they will not allow their community to freely read postings from other organizations?

We post freely on Club Planet, Red Plow and others. No one gives us grief nor deletes our posts. There is a mutual respect. As a matter of fact, Club Planet advertises on the Parade ATW web site. We are not afraid that they may be competition. We are more concerned about our readers gaining access to more information that they may enjoy or find helpful.

We post relevant information on all the boards. We do not spam and we address all matters and postings with professionalism and respect for the community and their boards. It is a shame that you control what your readers read.

Rhythmism: Policies Before Reader Benefits

I wonder how many other web sites, organizations and promotions are blocked from the eyes of your users? How many other “competitors†are banned from your site’s boards?

We thought this "scene" was here to build relationships, meet new people, share news and help each other grow as a community, but I guess this is not the truth - at least for Rhythmism.

Parade ATW thanks Rhythmism for their continued LACK OF SUPPORT. Keep up the good work.

Thank You,

Shane Fontane

Parade MG


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My thing is....I came from an oppressive society....and they now know they can NOT oppress me no mo'.....I'm smarter than they are....didn't take much effort, either.


not directed to anyone/anything in particular, just my own philosophy.

P.S.--I am very HAPPY, today.

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