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New Orleans Review

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I'mmmmmmm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

Wassup y'all, I am back from the Dirty Dirty South and I must say that I missed all my CP peeps! but I had just as much fun without you punkass bitches and wackass mofos!!!

New Orleans is FUCKIN AMAZING... I'm not talkin about the cheese you see on tv during Madri Gras, I'm talkin about the food, the people, the weather (we were lucky, 80 degrees no rain), the shops, the cafes, just unreal...knocks Montreal outta the water. If you're an architechure whore like me, you'ld be in heaven...I as walkin around dry humping the walls...it was SICKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!

I am not even goin to get into the CHAOS known as Bourbon Street; basically it's one giant frat party, and around 1 am, it does get gross But everyone is soo plastered and havin a blast, that you just ignore the stench.

You just have to experience it yourself, kinda like when you see the Jersey shore on MTV and you know that it's all BS...I am soo sick of the giant cheese vacuum known as jersey and it was refreshin to see how the rest of the country parties. No, nuthin comes close to NYC but I highly recommend that everyone visit this mecca of American culture...I may sound corny but there is more to life then sex drugs, and house music.

I was there for 6 nights straight and I cant wait to go back I think i left my liver somewhere in the French Quarter.

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:D thank god ur back...i've been lost without you:tongue: i did ZIP this weekend:rolleyes:

...glad to hear u had such a good time even though ur random text messages of you sipping martinis on bourbon street was gettin me jealous:finger: :D

...and my god, i havent posted on this board in forever...im surprised i even remembered my password:

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Originally posted by missdivinity

...glad to hear u had such a good time even though ur random text messages of you sipping martinis on bourbon street was gettin me jealous:finger: :D

Martinis?? I have no recollection of that, LMAO :tongue:

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Originally posted by carguy19

Those people piss me off the way they talk.

Did you get drilled by any mumbling southern boys? :laugh:

LOL, I know what you mean...for ex. "gimme a cafe au lait wit some beinyes" ????? translation - "I want a coffee and donuts"

Like, speak english motherfucker!!

No silly, the drunken southern boys are whacked, they all look the same, like they jumped outta of Abercrombie catalog, tall, blond, wearin khaki shorts...I guess the rest of the country feels the same about the guidos at Tempts

Did meet a hottie from from Minnesota, had a Fargo accent...that was WEIRD

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Since when.

:laugh: :laugh:

Brian, you would love it there...Bourbon Street is nuthin but titties and beer...in fact, there is this dude that stands on a corner with a sign that says BIG ASS BEERS and sells beer in these huge cups, real cheap :laugh:

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New Orleans is the greatest place ever.. I get so pissed when people go...

I stayed at the royal sonesta hotel when i went... I was taking pics of all the boobs on the balcony across the street... when I went to my sales meeting.. to my surprise... I saw all the 'boob girls' from the night before... It was all the sales reps.... I have so much black mail material it's not even funny....

I rented a Z4 conv and only used it to go to and from the airport.... god bless the waste and gluttony of the USA....

I went to Emeril's and dropped a cool $1k thanks to finance guys... Then i bought a skull stick and walked in the parade.. when everyone said "dam ur crazy.. where you from..." I'm like... yea I'm from NJ.. represent... in the hizzo.... RIP IT SICK... RICHIEEEEEEEEE....

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Originally posted by thesandman

girl BITCHES all month that she has to go away on business, comes back ready for AA.....

hells yeah, you'ld be bitchin too if you had to work 12 hour days, on your feet, and they get swollen and then you gotta wear heels at night cause you're a midget and you gots to look good for the clients and competetion...not an easy job buddy!!!

As for AA, considering the fact that I would started drinkin at 6pm and stumbled to my hotel room at 4 am and passed out on my sunglasses, which broke into pieces... i think it's time to take a break...mind you I have no recollection of this, and I have to use my bonus to buy new sunglasses, dammit!!

My new quote is "Cynthia is OFFICIALLY on the wagon"

See you BITCHES on MDW

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