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the new white trash


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perhaps some of you can relate, perhaps some of you can't. but here is my issue. I work with these 2 girls, one is like 22, the other is like 26 with a kid even. they are both white( italian to be exact.) i don't talk to them much, and here is why.......

they both for some reason i think feel are either "hispanic or black." they both talk with this outrageous ghetto slang, and this accent, that everytime i hear it; makes my ears bleed. at first i felt that it was when they spoke to other black girls in our dept or whatever, but this is them on a regular basis. this is how they speak to managers, and other co-workers, no matter the color. i am hispanic, and speak faaaar better english than they do, and hell, i know for a fact my accent is nothing like theirs. what pains me more is that the younger one is actually really HOT!! i walk by her talking to some girl and they were looking at one of those black mags commmenting how this black dude was cute, that one was cute etc. i thought wow, then yesterday i walk by her computer, and she has a rapper as her screen saver. and the other one, i believe her baby's daddy is hispanic. that, and she is the loudest person in the office!! u ever see them really loud black girls at movie theaters who see fit to be the loudest person around?? this is her, but shes white!! i don't think it's a race issue with me. i have been with plenty of white girls, and hispanic girls and even a few black chicks. but it almost pains me to hear the way these girls carry themselves in a place of business. i find it to be such a turnoff!!

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SETH (ignoring her)

What else, Danny? And speak

intelligently you little queer faggot.

Davina's attention is rapt on her little brother.


I hate the fact that it's cool to be

black these days.




I hate this hip hop influence on white

fuckin' suburbia.




I hate Hilary Clinton and all of her

Zionist MTV pigs telling us we should

get along. Save the rhetorical

bullshit honey, it ain't gonna happen.

Seth looks at the young man. He smiles at him with

distinct revelation.


That's the best shit I've ever heard

come out of that mouth.

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