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Loveparade Cancelled!

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Berlin, April 14 2004

We are terribly sorry to announce that this year’s Loveparade will not be celebrated. Due to a lack of financial resources – and only three months remaining to get this straight – there is no other way but to cancel Loveparade Berlin 2004.

Ever since the Loveparade lost its status as a demonstration in 2001, constant financial losses were the case. Until 2002, these losses were paid for with our own savings. The main reason for these losses were the high production costs, which resulted from its new status as a regular event. These additional costs added up to more than 900,000€.

The general business situation remaining over the last years has not only affected Loveparade itself, but also a great many of our partners (in the advertising, TV, and record industries), which added to our bad financial situation.

In 2003 it was the support of Messe Berlin who helped out with the necessary budget. Nevertheless, this year’s conferences with the Berliner Senat and the Messegesellschaft did NOT end with a financial solution for the Loveparade even though we had tried to cut all possible costs.

Furthermore we thought about financing the event with tickets, but we eventually came up with the decision that this would be the wrong thing to do: It would turn the initial ideas of Loveparade as an “event open to anyone†upside down.

We are planning to meet in the near future in order to discuss our next steps and the conditions which could make future Loveparades possible.

After the third Loveparade Mexico City took place in March (with round about 250,000 visitors), the FIRST San Francisico Loveparade is due on September 25. Furthermore, Tel Aviv will celebrate its sixth Loveparade on August 27.


Estimated number of visitors over the last years

2001: 1.000.000

2002: 750.000

2003: 750.000

Production cost at the time Loveparade was still an official demonstration (2000): 301.700€

Production cost of Loveparade as regular event (2003): 1.225.000€

Business Figures on Loveparade:

The only reliable study on this topic was done by FfH. They found out that the 500,000 visitors of Loveparade 2000 spent some 50 Mio. € in Berlin. This amount of money can be considered an additional profit. The study bases these figures on the the assumption that each visitor (only those who don’t live in Berlin) spent circa 125 €, 23% of which were spent on luxury items, 21% on "Shopping", 18% on Clubs, Museums, etc., and 10,2 % for accomodation. At this point the parade was free of charge for visitors.

Get more info at:

Loveparade Berlin GmbH

Friedrichstrasse 119, D 10117 Berlin

Fon +49. 30. 3088 12 0

Fax +49. 30. 3088 12 55


Press release by Loveparade Berlin GmbH.


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yea I just got that in german,

iebe freunde,

leider ist es wahr: dieses jahr gibt es keine loveparade in berlin.

wir haben alles versucht, doch die kosten sind so hoch und die wirtschaftliche lage so mau, dass es uns unmglich wurde unsere jahreshauptversammlung zu finanzieren.

berlin wird 2004 nicht gerockt, keine liebe an der siegessule, keine floats auf dem 17. juni.

aber wir bleiben am ball und hoffen, dass wir euch im nchstes jahr dann wieder alle in berlin sehen!

einen lieben gru und bis bald,


Pressemitteilung der Loveparade Berlin GmbH.

Mit groem Bedauern teilen wir mit, dass in diesem Jahr in Berlin definitiv keine Loveparade stattfinden wird. Da drei Monate vor dem geplantem Veranstaltungstermin keine gesicherte Finanzierung steht, bleibt als Konsequenz nur die Absage der Loveparade Berlin 2004.

Nachdem die Loveparade im Jahr 2001 den Status als Demonstration verloren hat, wurden seither Verluste gemacht, die bis 2002 noch aus eigenen Rcklagen gedeckt werden konnten.

Im Wesentlichen waren die Verluste auf zustzliche Produktionskosten zurckzufhren, die durch den Veranstaltungsstatus entstanden. Diese Mehrkosten betrugen zuletzt ber 900.000.

Die allgemeine schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage der letzten Jahre hat darber hinaus nicht nur uns, sondern auch viele unserer Partner in der Werbe-, TV- und Tontrgerbranche getroffen, was die Finanzierung zustzlich erschwerte.

2003 wurde durch das Engagement der Messe Berlin noch einmal das bentigte Budget aufgebracht.

In diesem Jahr haben die Gesprche mit dem Senat und der Messegesellschaft leider nicht dazu gefhrt, dass eine Finanzierung der Loveparade gesichert werden konnte, nachdem sich unsere eigenen Mglichkeiten in Bezug auf Einsparungen und Einnahmen erschpft hatten.

Dabei wurde unter anderem auch der Vorschlag geprft, ob sich die Veranstaltung ber Eintrittskarten finanzieren liee. Wir denken aber, dass das der falsche Weg ist, da eine Loveparade als geschlossene Veranstaltung die ursprngliche Idee ins Gegenteil verkehren wrde.

In den nchsten Monaten werden wir mit Freunden und Partnern darber reden, unter welchen Voraussetzungen in Zukunft wieder eine Loveparade in Berlin stattfinden kann.

Nachdem im Mrz mit ca. 250.000 Besuchern die dritte Loveparade Mexiko City stattgefunden hat, wird es in diesem Jahr am 25. September zum erstem Mal eine Loveparade in San Francisco geben.

Auerdem findet am 27. August die mittlerweile sechste Loveparade Tel Aviv statt.

Die Loveparade in Zahlen:

Geschtzte Besucherzahlen der letzten Jahre

2001: 1.000.000

2002: 750.000

2003: 750.000

Produktionskosten der Loveparade im Demonstrationsstatus (2000): 301.700

Produktionskosten der Loveparade als Veranstaltung (2003): 1.225.000

Die Loveparade als Wirtschaftsfaktor:

Die einizige reprsentative Studie zu dem Thema stammt vom FfH Institut.

Anlsslich der Loveparade 2000 wurde hochgerechnet, dass bei 500.000 Besuchern ca. 50 Mio an zustzlichen Umstzen in der Stadt gettigt werden.

In der gleichen Studie wird davon ausgegangen, dass pro auswrtigem Besucher ca. 125 ausgegeben wurden. Davon entfielen im Schnitt 23% auf Genussmittel, 21% "Shopping", 18% Clubs, Kultur und Museen und 10,2 % fr bernachtungen. Die Parade war umsonst :o)


maiqe schnur

floats (mgmt.)

loveparade berlin gmbh

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Berlin, April 14 2004

We are terribly sorry to announce that this year’s Loveparade will not be celebrated. Due to a lack of financial resources – and only three months remaining to get this straight – there is no other way but to cancel Loveparade Berlin 2004.

Ever since the Loveparade lost its status as a demonstration in 2001, constant financial losses were the case. Until 2002, these losses were paid for with our own savings. The main reason for these losses were the high production costs, which resulted from its new status as a regular event. These additional costs added up to more than 900,000€.

The general business situation remaining over the last years has not only affected Loveparade itself, but also a great many of our partners (in the advertising, TV, and record industries), which added to our bad financial situation.

In 2003 it was the support of Messe Berlin who helped out with the necessary budget. Nevertheless, this year’s conferences with the Berliner Senat and the Messegesellschaft did NOT end with a financial solution for the Loveparade even though we had tried to cut all possible costs.

Furthermore we thought about financing the event with tickets, but we eventually came up with the decision that this would be the wrong thing to do: It would turn the initial ideas of Loveparade as an “event open to anyone†upside down.

We are planning to meet in the near future in order to discuss our next steps and the conditions which could make future Loveparades possible.

After the third Loveparade Mexico City took place in March (with round about 250,000 visitors), the FIRST San Francisico Loveparade is due on September 25. Furthermore, Tel Aviv will celebrate its sixth Loveparade on August 27.


Estimated number of visitors over the last years

2001: 1.000.000

2002: 750.000

2003: 750.000

Production cost at the time Loveparade was still an official demonstration (2000): 301.700€

Production cost of Loveparade as regular event (2003): 1.225.000€

Business Figures on Loveparade:

The only reliable study on this topic was done by FfH. They found out that the 500,000 visitors of Loveparade 2000 spent some 50 Mio. € in Berlin. This amount of money can be considered an additional profit. The study bases these figures on the the assumption that each visitor (only those who don’t live in Berlin) spent circa 125 €, 23% of which were spent on luxury items, 21% on "Shopping", 18% on Clubs, Museums, etc., and 10,2 % for accomodation. At this point the parade was free of charge for visitors.

Get more info at:

Loveparade Berlin GmbH

Friedrichstrasse 119, D 10117 Berlin

Fon +49. 30. 3088 12 0

Fax +49. 30. 3088 12 55


Press release by Loveparade Berlin GmbH.


NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo....of all times...and i was gunna be in berlin this summer just for that. oh man, im disappointed. guess that leaves me more time in prague.

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