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Good-Bye (Arc & Centro-Fly)

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Now the weekend has come and gone, and so has two more of New Yorks nightclubs. Is NYC becoming some new version of Kanas city? Well, that's just my opinion. With these two nightclubs now closed, New Yorker's are just letting the city(who we all pay taxes to) come in to our spaces and take away our good times. Does anyone else feel this way? I mean were will Danny spin his all night sets now that Acr is gone, I doubt that any of the newer venues will be able to host his party for the next five years. If anyone else feels the same way check out,


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well the only thing that sux is that there are no more friday nite afterhours where you can expect a NYC type crowd and not the kinda crowds you get at these other clubs where they have no idea what the music is about. i believe the owners of arc have another venue, and hopefully something will happen in the near future. DANNY will def be missed and until than im looking forward to "DCTV" at Roxy. at least i will get a chance to relax now and enjoy the upcomming warm weather.

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Originally posted by bassboy

There are def after-hours parties on Fridays, you just have to know where to find them;)

In big clubs tho, I guess not right now, but you can be sure that something will fill that void real soon.

Like BasslineNYC parties perhaps? :tongue:

Actually, I've been thinking the exact opposite. First of all, I have got to say that I am extremely sad Arc has closed. By far that has been my favorite club in the city, and I'm going to miss it tons. That place carried a vibe like no other. Within that space I've met amazing people and had some of my best nights out.

NONETHELESS, i think the city has been on an upswing in terms of DJ talent. Within the past few months I've caught myself a few times not knowing which party to go to. If anything, I've been pretty impressed with the talent that many of these places have been pulling in. Instead of focusing our energy on looking back and what used to be, we should enjoy what we have. talented DJ's still exist, the people that carry the amazing vibe still exist, and venues-big and small are working hard to bring it all to us. You just have to find it.

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i know of several after hours spots but its so risky going there b/c you are risking getting raided by cops and then you spend the whole weekend in jail. its happened to my friends i really don't want to go through that. and most of these places are so fucking sketchy and grimey, and surrounded by these latin gay thugs, no thanx.

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if ever there are a time to look at the guest dj's now is it ....both centro-fly and arc ...never developed dj's and both are closed ...

does that mean the end of clubland ...no

it just means that both places missed the point in the end.

clubs the size of these should be know for developing again they gave all the money to the agents...

i guess the big losers are the dj/artist agencies that have 2 less places to rip off ....if they could fill a club then they would not be closing down .

the smart new clubs will develop and not book just house music dj;s , who most older people think sound old and young people who also thinks it sounds old .

move on and all will be forgiven..new york has amazing music and its massive worldwide ... arc and centro-fly booked mostly artist from outside new york ...there you have it .

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