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um yeah hi

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Thank you! I got a couple compliments - :D

Sorry I didn't say goodbye, I completely didn't see you when i was walking out....You should said something.

Cyn...glad to see you for .2 seconds in the bathroom! :laugh:

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No prob girlie, Surf was crowded I must say, not to mention I was a bit distracted by the ambience...I mean guidos..yeah SURF!!!

Serge, thanks for the hookup bro, I thought you would have forgotten, but you didnt!!! I saw you for a bout a whole 2 secs as well...hahaha

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i soo dont want to be at work, i drank from 3 to 10 and all were drinks with red bull, that ride home reminded me of the coke days back in 99, fucking red bull put a hurtin on me, no more red bull for me, and no more of johnny budz'z "suprise" shots....

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Originally posted by Mystify22

give me something to read

is it possible to be ever truely happy if youre never satisfied with what you have no matter how great you know it is? the answer is nope. therefore im a miserable fuck. hi.

i hate earth

i hate celebs who have reality shows like "the fabulous life of..." or "its good to be..."

actually i hate reality shows period

i hate primetime television (whatever the fuck "primetime" even means, but i know its during the evening hours when all the shitty shows starring two-bit "comedians" come on and poision the people who actually watch it with their stupid cliche and overdone half hour episodes)

i hate people

i hate athiests

i hate agnostics

i hate kids

i hate the news, especially "breaking news" about something like a barge in iowa sinking and 2 people are missing nobody cares msnbc. back to the coverage in iraq already,the michael jackson trial or the latest spot marc anthony and j. lo were spotted "canoodling" these are the REAL issues here.

i hate american idol. i hate people who watch american idol. i hate the people that dont hate the people who watch american idol

i hate my aunt. shes just a silly wench, thats all.

i hate the jersey city public school system who thought it'd be a good idea to allow the blackies out for lunch everyday. end result? traffic jams caused by momo' who feel the need to cross the street, green or red.

i hate tgif television. who does the writing for these shows? if i wanted to watch a family full of silly mexicants, i would... wait who am i kidding why would i want to do something like that

i hate yellow traffic lights. a yellow light gives an indication to slow down. i dont know about you, but when i see yellow, im like jeff gordon on that shit

i hate church. my mom is always saying to go to church

Me: why? so i can donate 10 or 15 bucks on candles, of which 75 percent of that is going into the gay priests pocket?

i hate UPN. i tried deleting it from my television stations. but it didnt work. i called comcast and complained. they said there was nothing they could do about it. i then called the CEO of UPN, jamaal jenkins or something. he too, said nothing could be done. so naturally i did what any decent human would do. i called him an ashy moon cricket

i hate astrology

i hate fat people

i hate coffee

i hate beer. i hate women who like beer.

i hate aeropostale. everytime i walk by that store im reminded of beijing for some reason.

i hate pencils. why are we still using them?

i hate pencil sharpeners.

i hate people who say musically challenged

i could go on forever but i wont cause i dont wanna start to sound bitter or anything. =).

i hate the world. thats my new slogan. like Targets "expect more, pay less". which i dont understand btw. but its working for them.

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Calebb :laugh: :laugh: Saturday I was watching either the fabulous life of.... or It's Good to Be..... and I started to get depressed - had to turn it off - very annoying.

btw One of your best posts ever! lol re: Jersey city school kids out and about at lunch!!!!

Oasis.....good too see you....Gil told me he got a great picture of you in action :laugh:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

lol re: Jersey city school kids out and about at lunch!!!!

I'm not even kidding, it's horrible.

If I were to view it from a helicopter or something I'd think I was at a million man march or something.

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