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I think he's got a point there..........


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Lack of humanity. Sure whatever. If lack of humanity means doing something with my life and living comfortably, sign me up.

Again, I'd rather live here than anywhere else. I bitch and moan about a lot of things, but it is one of the few countries in the world where I can. Most of the European nations are nanny-states to the extreme. Take half my paycheck and support some "professional student" who isn't willing to earn his keep in the world. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Most of the legislatures consist of the leftovers of aristocracy and are so far removed from what the people want that it is not funny..and don't get me started on the disarming of the populace.

The United States may not be perfect, but the avenues for changing that still exist. The problem here is that the population largely doesn't care. Voter turnout sucks.

My honest question to some people in general is the obvious one, that if their homelands were so great, why did they leave? Chances are it was for economic opportunity. Typical really, they'll bluster and whine about being home, but when it comes down to it, they'll shut up when the almighty dollar comes in.

Not everyone is like that though. I encounter people every day whom realize how fortunate they are to be here. They'll comment that Bush is a moron, but thank god we have the right to call him as such without some death squad marching in and taking us away.

Don't get me wrong, other countries are undoubtedly good in their own respect...but like the US, each one has it's problems. I know the big European problem in general is the nanny-state...many people I know from across the pond agree with me, that it sucks to have your paycheck chopped in half to support some free-loading twit.

Let's just leave it at there's no one perfect nation at this time...well until I pitch a big fence around Dade County and let everyone do what they will as long as they don't fuck each other up.

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...well until I pitch a big fence around Dade County and let everyone do what they will as long as they don't fuck each other up.- posted by pod

That's an idea pod but it seems to bring something to mind. The words "native american" "miccosuke" and "blankets". Sounds like it's been done before.

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Guest saleen351

I heard that you'll be visiting new jersey this weekend

yes, I will, whats your point?

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