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About blondboheme

  • Birthday 03/16/1980

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    in my head, trying to get out

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  1. I love that big white flying dog, what's its name? I want one! Hello CP babiez! I am in Greece right now and I just got back from a weekend trip to a little island where I didn't have TV or internet for days, so I couldn't believe it when I got back to where I am staying and saw that FL was hit again! Damn bastard hurricane bitches! Just wanted to let you all know I am thinking of youz guyz and hope you're all safe and maintaining sanity through all this bullshit! Wow, another one on the way? Say it ain't so! I don't have a lot of time, internet access at the internet cafe isn't exactly cheap! I miss my broadband! Take care CP bitches! - Clem
  2. you can run but you probably won't get very far!!!! traffic is fucking nuts, and between the gas station and grocery frenzy and people trying to get out i dunno if it will let up. an hour ago driving back to sobe from south miami I-95 S going towards US-1 is backed up past the brickell exit, all the way to the 2nd ave exit, and i'm sure by now it is past the miami beach exit. it looked like 95 N was starting to move slow after the miami beach exit. i'm at tha beach right now. i was thinking about going to stay with a friend in the gables. fuck just this second i think i just heard them say we gotta evacuate the beach. guess i'll be packing up my pictures and heading nowhere fast towards the gables! fuck frances that fucking cunt good luck you guys! i sincerely hope all you and your families and friends around FL get thru this motherfucker without any problems!
  3. duuuuuude i just heard there is a voluntary evactuation of miami beach starting i think at noon tomorrow. what the fuckidy fuck does that mean? is traffic gonna be insane? shit
  4. btw how's koky's cock taste? is it as nasty as it looks?
  5. bling, how dare u tell me to be careful and offer me a place to come if the weather gets bad?!?!?!? you should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!! thank gawd that koky is still here to bring a little class and intelligence to the boards!!!!!! j/k danny honey that's very nice of you
  6. safety is not a joke. lives are at stake here. please people, be safe ... DON'T BE SILLY, PROTECT YOUR WILLY ... COVER YOUR STUMP BEFORE YOU HUMP ... NEVER NEVER DECK HER WITH AN UNWRAPPED PECKER!!!! GOT IT???
  7. tranzwhore for president! i mean moderator! whatever, president or moderator! tranzwhore 2004, it's even got a catchy ring to it!!!! good luck Digital7 on wherever life is taking you!!!!
  8. YOOOOOOOOO all this hurricane hysteria sux big fuckin furry gorilla balls!!!! it's my last weekend in miami for awhile and dammit i wanted to enjoy it! everwhere i go this is all anyone is talking about, kinda freakin me out the businesses on sobe are all pretty much ready to board up if necessary ... this would be a damn good weekend to hop on a plane to vegas! good thing i am already stocked up on the most important things, i got enuff weed, art supplies, and um, batteries to at least keep me entertained for awhile!!!!
  9. muthafuckaz sold tha fuck out already, unless u get the vip $150 tix
  10. congrats darlin!!!!!!!! very cool!!!!!!!!!!! ur title reminded me of something an ex-boyfriend used to always say to me whenever i would habitually say "oh jesus" he would always reply "nope, just jason!"
  11. i can't stand to have anyone touching me when i fall asleep, i am seriously clausterphobic. i used to let my ex spoon for a minute but then i'd push his ass on over to his side! lately i go to sleep alone at night, but then somehow i wake up in the morning lying next to a dog!
  12. uh-oh, we gonna fight over who gets to party with miss tastes like honey this weekend!!!!! she's mine dammit! MINE!!!!
  13. i think they're both irish, they communicate in beer
  14. i didn't even notice she has arms!!!!!
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