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How many of you guys ENJOY This PERSON? :type:

Man he needs to get some ASS or something!

im an asshole that loves making people miserable....though I havent gotten much ass as of lately, I am sticking to 1 woman.....but thats not it either Im always a dick.

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Are you offering him some?

sfqt you responded in the wrong color please be more careful when posting. thank you

and it looks like this chick is offering me ass doesnt it??

Hmmmm i see her alterior motive....like when we were in grade school and you used to tease the girl you like.....well she's teasing the boy she likes!!!! Awww how cute..:vomit3:

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Why am I hating!? Well because, I "TRIED" to encourage him someone I know that LIVES in N.J. to post on here and your FRIEND ever so kindly was FUCKEN RUDE!

you think that was rude...hopney you aint seen nothing yet...Im actually holding back...you gotta see when the bulldogs get unleashed around these boards. it get vicious

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K back to this color:) Yea i think shes flirting. You should be flattered!!! Why were ya beinng rude lol

thats better...Im always rude.....ask anyone on here. I was breaking balls some people just cant take it though.

Its sooo hott in my office but i dont want to turn the AC on cause then I have to shut the door....dont know what to do....there are no windows in my office but I have a door that opens onto the roof of the building....close it and lose the sun or turn the ac and be cool....what to do what to do...

and quenv since youre hitting on me can i get a pic?

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Why go through life being so NEGATIVE? WHY?

And no one's offering you ass, well at least NOT me! Maybe you and your friend can SWITCH sfqtipie ... :3some:

What I can offer you is some CHRONIC.

cmon you know you love drama and negativity as much as everyone else.

and now youre taking back your offer?? you suck

and thats not nice to say SFQT did nothing to you why would you say for her to switch off like she's some sort of hoe....are you trying to start some shit here?

as for the chronic I work in P-town...Paterson...nuff said.

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You swear! I didn't SAY it you did! HOW COULD you call your FRIEND a HOE? That's not very nice!

Anyways, You seriously need to smoke out!

lol you are one crazy bitch...please try and be funny on your next post thanx a million.

dont call my friend a hoe Ill fuck you up nigga

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Kosta is a DRAMA QUEEN!!!....just learn to ignore the bitch like i do......

PLease nigga youre always hanging around me Kosta I have no friends can I hang out with you....fuckign fruit cake, dont lie...Yo hows the benz in the driveway...lmfao

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PLease nigga youre always hanging around me Kosta I have no friends can I hang out with you....fuckign fruit cake, dont lie...Yo hows the benz in the driveway...lmfao

oh you had to go there.......im actually waxin' the car now......nice coat of wax......

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