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If this is a serious thread put down the drug's and seek professional help, or a close friend to help you get through your issue's whether they be drug related or mental health. Suicide is not something to joke around about.........

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Again if this is a serious thread we are here to listen feel free to elaorate on why you are feeling this way and what has caused you to get to this point, we don't judge in here and we all have all been through are fare share of depression whether drug related or long term depression like myself, Bi-polar.

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this is a serious thread. suicide is not something to joke about, im just interested on your views? i was diagnosed with bpd ages ago and well yeah just curious,

sorry if ive caused some problems..

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this is a serious thread. suicide is not something to joke about, im just interested on your views? i was diagnosed with bpd ages ago and well yeah just curious,

sorry if ive caused some problems..

I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder in my teenage year's, it's a hereditery gene that has been in my mother's side of the family, make no mistake about it you must seek help I know what you are going through and it can make life unbearable no matter how good thing's are going. I have alway's been depressed because of this but when my mother passed away(who was my best friend I might add) a few year's back I hit rock bottom, I tried to deal with it by keeping myself busy(work) and training in the gym(bodybuilding).

I started recreationally doing drug's because it helped take away the pain,guilt, and saddness I was feeling everyday. Pretty soon I found myself going out Friday night and coming home Sunday night or Monday morning I got to the point where I was so fucked up I did not know what day it was nor did I care, all this on top of being bi-polar.

After about a year of this continually I found myself so lost I distanced myself from my remaining family,friend's, and everyone who had once cared for. My school,career, took nose dive,I started losing all my size, I had so much support yet I ignored it all I lost a precious girlfriend I pushed away basically my life.

I went to see primary physician and told him everything!, I was immediately put on Paxil,Lithium,Zoloft, you name it I was on it. My depression got better but I became a walking zombie that stuff take's your energy away at least for me I would somehow continue school,work, gym occasionally and be in bed by 7-8PM.

After 6 month's of medication I decided it was time for me to try natural herbal remedy's recommeded by chinese therapist,5-HTP,St. John's Wart,Valerian Root, Kava Kava. Since this day I stick to the herbal remedy's they help alot and I take them everyday, it help's keep me focused and allow's me the energy I need to complete my day's and the relaxation when I need to mellow out. I also take prescription Xanax which help's with my anxiety disorder, It help's but is also addictive! I try to take it in worst case scenario's it also help's keep my blood pressure down and is easier on my system than the clonodine the doc had me on.

You need to see doctor immediately and let it all out,also possibly a psychologist,therapist, if you have insurance, and or able to afford it. Believe it or not just talking to a friend or someone with an open ear can make a world of difference life is not easy for anyone.

If you are having problem's with drug's give your body a break, I still party occasionally but am limited to what I will do especially anything seratonin depleting related.

hope I have been of some help if you wanna talk or need anymore information feel free to pm me anytime-

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I slashed my wrists with a razor blade I took apart from a Gilette shaver.

I got a few stitiches and I used to cut my arm all the time when I was young ..

Note : YOu don't die if you cut your wrists ! LOL

I don't know why did such dumb things when I was soo young :)

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If you even have the slightest thaughts of killing yourself you definately shouldn't be doing drugs... Speaking from personal experience, drugs tend to amplify my emotions... if i'm in a good mood they put me into a really good mood... if i'm depressed i tend to get very introverted when i'm high. No problem in the world is worth killing yourself and you can only come to that conclusion with a clear head.... Save the drugs for when you're out of your rut and celebrating with some close friends... Life is good

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If you even have the slightest thaughts of killing yourself you definately shouldn't be doing drugs... Speaking from personal experience, drugs tend to amplify my emotions... if i'm in a good mood they put me into a really good mood... if i'm depressed i tend to get very introverted when i'm high. No problem in the world is worth killing yourself and you can only come to that conclusion with a clear head.... Save the drugs for when you're out of your rut and celebrating with some close friends... Life is good

RESPONSE OF THE YEAR so far , i couldn't have said it better myself . Using a substance to "get away from life" is simply a delay-tactic on your way to rock bottom .

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  • 2 weeks later...

you really won't get an honest anwser from anyone that has commited suicide, for the obvious reason that they are not here

......my short advice is to look around you and really see that this life is a big joke...laugh and enjoy it. don't worry you will die one day, there is no avoiding that. so you might as well just live it. my belief is that it will not make your problems go away...if anything it makes your problems worse, because you will not have the tools to solve these problems in the afterlife. i think that is what is ment that you will not be happier if you commit such an act.

...i wish i knew the exact words to say...my friend killed himself.... everytime you laugh even at the smallest thing, know that you will never physically feel that beautiful ace in your chest.

..when i sit in the subway i am encountered by a homeless man begging and crying and then comes a man beating a drum to the beat that matches his heart..... life is what you make of it.

.........you may have no problems or you may have many problems.

we are all here for you, for we breathe the same air as you. Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. open your eyes, and enjoy this crazy life.

much love :love:

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Artist: Good Charlotte

Album: The Young and Hopeless

Song: Hold On

Lyrics :

This world, this world is cold

But you don't, you don't have to go

You're feeling sad you're feeling lonely

And no one seems to care

You're mother's gone and your father hits you

This pain you cannot bare

But we all bleed the same way as you do

We all have the same things to go thru

Hold on...if you feel like letting go

Hold on...it gets better than you know

Your days you say they're way too long

And your nights you can't sleep at all (hold on)

And you're not sure what you're looking for

But you don't want to no more

And you're not sure what you're waiting for but you don't want to no more

But we all bleed the same way as you do

And we all have the same things to go through

Hold on...if you feel like letting go

Hold on...it gets better than you know

Don't stop looking you're one step closer

Don't stop searching it's not over...hold on

What are you looking for?

What are you waiting for?

Do you know what you're doing to me?

Go ahead...what are you waiting for?

Hold on...if you feel like letting go

Hold on...it gets better than you know

Don't stop looking you're one step closer

Don't stop searching it's not over...

Hold on...if you feel like letting go

Hold on...it gets better than you know...hold on

Suicide is not an answer to anything!!!

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as humiliating as this it to admit, the other night i was so close to slashing my wrists. i ate too many pills and i was screaming on the bathroom floor and puking in the toilet. i've decided to go to na starting next week. i'm done with this shit.

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as humiliating as this it to admit, the other night i was so close to slashing my wrists. i ate too many pills and i was screaming on the bathroom floor and puking in the toilet. i've decided to go to na starting next week. i'm done with this shit.

be strong and best of luck....

in general....for anybody in trouble...be it drugs or depression and suicidal thoughts - I believe the best therapy is to find somebody real close...doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend - maybe a member of family or a real friend - somebody YOU don't want to disappoint and let go.

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