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If you live in a gated community, I need help..

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

How many people in your apt does it let you list in the gate directory?

Here is my issue, I had the property manager fired last week, so now I got them to fix the gate. Then it turns out, only one person per apt can be in the directory.

So, when you come to my house, you have to know my roomies last name, in the directory, then it dials only his cell, and he has to buzz them in. We don't have a land line, only cells.

So whats your gate situation like?

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Use to live in a gated apartment complex and so did a couple of my friends

the directory held one name per apartment that's it. Usually the last name of the person followed by a 3 digit number which dialed up the landline in the apartment.

As you stated you don't have a land line so yes it can be routed to a cell phone.

Are you trying to get the number routed to your phone instead??

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Guest saleen351
Use to live in a gated apartment complex and so did a couple of my friends

the directory held one name per apartment that's it. Usually the last name of the person followed by a 3 digit number which dialed up the landline in the apartment.

As you stated you don't have a land line so yes it can be routed to a cell phone.

Are you trying to get the number routed to your phone instead??

the call is routed to my roomies cell. But what if a person didn't know my roomates name? what if he turned off his phone or didn't answer or went on vacation? I can't use my fucking gate!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed off. I love my complex, just not the idiots running it. I had this dumb latin cunt fired last week. Florida has just no common sense these days. 10 million americans according to cnet.com have only cell phones. The number will double in the next few years, and you'd think a gate in this day and age, could handle a few extra names, we are only talking about text files, shit a fucking excel spreadsheet and a Dell Laptop could handle thousands of names.

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They list only one person ...

You should get a home line ... and when needed, forward the calls to your cel (as when u are at the pool).

A home line is only 20 bucks a month ya know? That's 10 bucks each. :pint:

Actually its like $8 a month I think.....

Hi Marco :)

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Guest saleen351

20 bones a month for a phone, we will never use only for the gate, never dial out on, we won't even know the phone number etc...

If an ipod can hold you entire collection of muisc , then a gate should hold 1000 names. call me crazy, but I think i'm right.

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20 bones a month for a phone, we will never use only for the gate, never dial out on, we won't even know the phone number etc...

If an ipod can hold you entire collection of muisc , then a gate should hold 1000 names. call me crazy, but I think i'm right.

You are right. Still, this is one of the few uses for a home line ... unless you need a fax every so often.

Plus ... a home line can't drown by mistake at the pool. :D

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20 bones a month for a phone, we will never use only for the gate, never dial out on, we won't even know the phone number etc...

If an ipod can hold you entire collection of muisc , then a gate should hold 1000 names. call me crazy, but I think i'm right.

Actually the system should hold almost 1000 names but I think the complex or the owners of the gated communities only program those names that are on the lease or agreement papers for the rental of the apartment, house, etc etc.

Have you tried asking the complex to actually forward the phone calls to your phone instead of your roomies. You can have your roomie sign that he authorizes this and let them forward the phone calls to your phone instead.

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Guest saleen351

My issue is, I want mine and my roomies name, and if you hit my name it dials my cell, if you hit his name it dials his cell...

and pod I need a gate, prop 46 has stalled in the congress, so for this year, the wall between broward and dade won't be operational.

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Guest saleen351
Can't you just give the escort service your room mates name??

sorry shroomy, never bring a hooker to your house, so you can skip out on the bill at her place...

btw, they gave me my own listing that goes to my phone now...

when I told them, i'd call them every day for a year, they got the point.

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