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Attn Bobby Digital You Are So Washed Out

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First of all dont even step there...... I saw badass wearing a home depot shirt

1) You are washed out

2) Your taste of women (Except Jessica) consists of fat whales that wear a one piece velvet purple jumpsuit purchased on the clearance rack of Joyce Leslie

3) you shop at AX and still wear a silver chain (didnt people wear that in 98 at Tempts)

4) you go to DOC's and start a water fight with water bottles thinking your at Temps

5) Every car you buy for example if it were a Mercedes 230C you replace the numbers with 500SL (Very Corny)

6) you need to lay off the BEEEEEEZ WAX and stop spiking up your hair like you are at the Factory from the year 2000

With that hairdue all I have to say is:


7) Stop hanging out with sweaty slobs and trying to think your the mack daddy ....

Your one legged cousin can pick up slobs with his wooden leg

8) Last but not least

BACK THE FUCK UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:

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Whoaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!....slow down bad ass....relax kid......listen.....why get so mad......all i said was that you were wearing a home depot t-shirt.....and that you used to wear pink sweaters......come on guy.......take a deep breath.....and stop trying to talk shit that isn't true....oh and I shaved my head.....so how the fuck can I be spiked up asshole......oh and stop talkin' smack about my roster....unless you want me to start....EXACLTY....Until next time....Sad Ass...

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yeah.....ruthless at making shit up....and talkin' smack......but the funny thing is.....if i open my mouth everything i say will be true.....and the fuckin' ghey ass Homo will be on the phone with me within 20 seconds begging me to stop because he's soooooo scared of his BOSS!.....you know who the boss is choopa....And you also damn well sure do know the Bad Ass history of degenerate crackwhore one tooth 14 year old swamp ass cum-dumpsters that he has called his girls so why don't we just leave it at that...

oh and T minus 20 and counting......19.......18........17......

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You know how it is choopa....the kid just doesn't learn his lesson....hey he can run his mouth all he wants.....i'm not gonna stress it....or even argue with him.....cause i know what my game is....I don't need a married man trying to tell me how bad my game is while he's picking out blinds for the nursery at Home Depot.....while i'm over here dropping a Roman Helmet on this beauty queen as I wind up my Donkey Punch for my next trick!....

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