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about time Israel started handling their bizness


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I seem to believe more and more that Israel ( a state which was donated/created in 1946 ! ) will lead to the next global war ..... so freakin saddddddddd & pathetic .

Am i the only one who thinks that if israel wasn't created in 1946 and the jews came to the US (heck y not ?!)...that the world would be a better/safer place ??

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if anyone of sound mind cannot see that all terrorists activities directed towards the united states are because of our support for the jews then you are either blind or lying to yourselves.

you really are that ignorant, damn.

Osama Bin Laden even said that 9/11 was in retaliation for U.S. Troops being on sacred muslim land (Saudia Arabia) when they were positioning to liberate Kuwait from Iraq. so how's that Israel's fault.

I wish some muslim terrorist would blow himself up at the club or restaurant you are at or on the bus you're riding.

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I wish some muslim terrorist would blow himself up at the club or restaurant you are at or on the bus you're riding.

or a zionist jew coming into your neighborhood , kicking you and your neighbors out and then say " this is my land, because god said so "


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EXACTLY !!! this whole shit could be put to rest if one if those other cocksuckin arab countries that have MASSIVE amounts of land ,Syria,Iran etc. stepped up andgive some up to make a homeland for Palestine..

I dont give a shit how much they feel their entilted to that postage size sandbox (religious/historical reasons)

GET OVERIT, israel kicked ass 40 yrs ago and own that shit now.....move on

Iran isn't an arab country

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Shows you how little some people actually know about the ME.

DOnt be a dick

like i said read into the meaning of what i stated

like Iran isnt part of this whole mess any way???

would it make you feel alot better if i went back and edited my original comment to say Arab/Muslim/Islamic countries? cause i wouldnt want to confuse such a great intellect and authority on the subject such as yourself...

fuckin tool

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DOnt be a dick

like i said read into the meaning of what i stated

like Iran isnt part of this whole mess any way???

would it make you feel alot better if i went back and edited my original comment to say Arab/Muslim/Islamic countries? cause i wouldnt want to confuse such a great intellect and authority on the subject such as yourself...

fuckin tool

hehe - struck a nerve eh!


But are you fuckin kidding me? Why should any of those countries give up their land for the Palestinians. That is ethnic cleansing you realize. If anything Israel should take that land but make the Palestinians Israeli citizens with full rights. IF it wants to stay the democratic country it is. The problem is the religious fanatics over there, and the right-wing Christian Zionists over here. They want the "greater Israel" where they can await the second coming of Christ!

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hehe - struck a nerve eh!


But are you fuckin kidding me? Why should any of those countries give up their land for the Palestinians. That is ethnic cleansing you realize. If anything Israel should take that land but make the Palestinians Israeli citizens with full rights. IF it wants to stay the democratic country it is. The problem is the religious fanatics over there, and the right-wing Christian Zionists over here. They want the "greater Israel" where they can await the second coming of Christ!

yeh struck a nerve cause your saying I dont know what im talkin bout

but after reading what you just wrote Im not worried about a thing.

ethnic cleansing?? please go find the real definition which is Rwanda/Nazi germany/bosnia

yeh im sure things would be peachy if Israel gives them a slice of sand for their own and make them citizens 5 mins from TelAviv I can see the white doves flying over head now :rolleyes:

Yeh there wont be any problems, what about all the 10 and 11 year old palestinian kids brainwashed and bred to kill israelis

there gonna now play dungeons and dragons with their jewish neighbors?

the other Arab/Muslim countries who pride themselves on such great religious unity...should step up to the plate and give up a chunk of land for these people to live

shit israel does it ,any JEw in any part of the world can go to israel and call it home

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yeh struck a nerve cause your saying I dont know what im talkin bout

but after reading what you just wrote Im not worried about a thing.

ethnic cleansing?? please go find the real definition which is Rwanda/Nazi germany/bosnia

yeh im sure things would be peachy if Israel gives them a slice of sand for their own and make them citizens 5 mins from TelAviv I can see the white doves flying over head now :rolleyes:

Yeh there wont be any problems, what about all the 10 and 11 year old palestinian kids brainwashed and bred to kill israelis

there gonna now play dungeons and dragons with their jewish neighbors?

the other Arab/Muslim countries who pride themselves on such great religious unity...should step up to the plate and give up a chunk of land for these people to live

shit israel does it ,any JEw in any part of the world can go to israel and call it home

alright moron here goes:

Main Entry: ethnic cleansing

Function: noun

: the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of ethnic minorities by a dominant majority group

so, let me educate you a little. Ethnic cleansing does not have to be killing. Removing a population from a land they're living on, based solely on ethnicity is also ethnic cleansing. The so called "transfer" that many of the more stupid Israelis talk about is ethnic cleansing. Its amazing that the holocast is no more than 50 years old, and this shit is happening.

Well if you don't trust the Palestinians to be citizens of Israel I have a simple solution for you - GIVE THEM THE FUCKIN LAND! There's not much the parents have to do nowadays to get them brainwashed - Israel is doing a perfectly fine job of sowing the seeds of hate. There was a three year old kid today (or yesterday) who died from shock because of Israeli tanks and bulldozers demolishing the neighbourhood. Fuckin SHOCK, get that dipshit!

Missiles fired into crowded streets, tanks firing into protestors...

So, you and all your other pro-Israeli fools better get a reality check before spouting any more bullshit.

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alright moron here goes:

Main Entry: ethnic cleansing

Function: noun

: the expulsion, imprisonment, or killing of ethnic minorities by a dominant majority group

so, let me educate you a little. Ethnic cleansing does not have to be killing. Removing a population from a land they're living on, based solely on ethnicity is also ethnic cleansing. The so called "transfer" that many of the more stupid Israelis talk about is ethnic cleansing. Its amazing that the holocast is no more than 50 years old, and this shit is happening.

Well if you don't trust the Palestinians to be citizens of Israel I have a simple solution for you - GIVE THEM THE FUCKIN LAND! There's not much the parents have to do nowadays to get them brainwashed - Israel is doing a perfectly fine job of sowing the seeds of hate. There was a three year old kid today (or yesterday) who died from shock because of Israeli tanks and bulldozers demolishing the neighbourhood. Fuckin SHOCK, get that dipshit!

Missiles fired into crowded streets, tanks firing into protestors...

So, you and all your other pro-Israeli fools better get a reality check before spouting any more bullshit.

sorry homes its not ethnic cleansing rwanda/bosnia and nazi germany thats ETHNICCLEANSING..sorry if displacing some peeps is your definition , aint mine

like a give a flying fuck if some kid died from "shock", how bout all the kids that die on buses from suicide bombers? anyway they could all die and i would be just as happy since i really dont care how israel has to deal with them. and trust me im not a big supporter of Israel either

but since i aint that bad of a guy ..i offer a support a solution

and def. not yours which would NEVER work . hatred wont go away especially if you give them a little sandbox to live in andd throw walls and barbwire up around it

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. There was a three year old kid today (or yesterday) who died from shock because of Israeli tanks and bulldozers demolishing the neighbourhood.

good one less scumbag breathing my air

i wish your mother would've died from shock when she walked in on you humming on your poppa's balls

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sorry homes its not ethnic cleansing rwanda/bosnia and nazi germany thats ETHNICCLEANSING..sorry if displacing some peeps is your definition , aint mine

like a give a flying fuck if some kid died from "shock", how bout all the kids that die on buses from suicide bombers? anyway they could all die and i would be just as happy since i really dont care how israel has to deal with them. and trust me im not a big supporter of Israel either

but since i aint that bad of a guy ..i offer a support a solution

and def. not yours which would NEVER work . hatred wont go away especially if you give them a little sandbox to live in andd throw walls and barbwire up around it

Its not mine fool, its the Webster's dictionary. Look it up yourself - its OK to admit you were wrong.

Your solution will never be implemented, so either Israel can turn into the new Nazi germany and Sharon the new Hitler, they can buckle the fuck up and give the Pals their land. I will give you this though - Arafat needs to go.

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Its not mine fool, its the Webster's dictionary. Look it up yourself - its OK to admit you were wrong.

Your solution will never be implemented, so either Israel can turn into the new Nazi germany and Sharon the new Hitler, they can buckle the fuck up and give the Pals their land. I will give you this though - Arafat needs to go.

LIke i said MR webster , i dont give a shit what it says in a dictionary... Like a terrorist suicide bomber would read one anyway.

To me thats not ethnic cleansing Murdering systematically with a purpose hundres of thousand of people is. not buldozing their houses

Raver what is your natioanality?

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LIke i said MR webster , i dont give a shit what it says in a dictionary... Like a terrorist suicide bomber would read one anyway.

To me thats not ethnic cleansing Murdering systematically with a purpose hundres of thousand of people is. not buldozing their houses

Raver what is your natioanality?

Why? I'm originally from India. And no I'm not Muslim. How about yours?

Ethnic cleansing is ethnic cleansing. I go by the formal definition. And a "transfer" amounts to ethnic cleansing.

So, you don't consider bulldozing hundreds of houses, destroying houses "accidentally" because the tanks can't fit in properly in the narrow alleyways a crime? Or shooting people who step outside their houses? I have a nice article on this from Fox, normally the bastion of conservative reporting.

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