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Sooo I called in sick to go to BLIZZARD BEACH!


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My buddie Andy and I got this crazy idea to take a day off yesterday and hit up Blizzard Beach... here's the story:

First off, we made the mistake of watching TROY at 10:10pm wednesday night - didn't realize the shit was 3 hours long!!! And it wasn't nearly as good as Gladiator.. whoever originally said that was smokin' crack.. Good movie, but nooooo Gladiator... Brad Pitt was awesome like usual though;)

So at 1am we head north... get to Kissimmee and decide to hit up the local WAFFLE HOUSE at 4am for some food... Now this next part is something right out of twilight zone the movie.........OMG what the fuck are these people on up there????? We're the only two in there and the manager is some crazy bitch and the chef was some decent looking guido-type... complete opposites.. lol So we order some food - me a B.L.T. First off, the guy turns around and asks the manager if there's onions on a BLT... hmmmm Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato.. how do you fuck that up??? LOL Then we asked out of curosity about hotels in the area.... the manager then tells us to check out the Riviera Inn... She lives there and she says its nice.. She then tells us that the sign says its $22.95 a night "but for $1.00 more you can get a mini-frige, microwave, & a remote control!"... I almost fell out of my chair.. To top it off, some strange guy comes in and slurs something about using the bathroom but the gas station charges? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we finally leave the twilight zone and head for a hotel... first place was that riviera place the manager was talking about.. Andy goes to the window to find out whats up (its like 4:30am) - wake the bitch up - so right about the time he asks about a rate, he sees 2 HUGE cochroaches crawl up the wall behind the lady!! LMAO... oh hell no!!!!!!!!!!!

We ended up some other place that was decent all though it took all 4 hours of the night to get the a/c to work... LOL

So after a 4 hour nap, we hit up Blizzard Beach! My first time ever!!!!!!!! Totally loved it - the water slides were the bomb - my favorite though was just tubeing around the park just doing nothing.. lol I got like 2934793203 wedgies from the slides, but it was worth it!!! I suggest this water park for anyone that just wants to have a fun day just chillin'!!

Back to reality (work) today.. off to Ft.Myers tomorrow... its non-stop around here!!!


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Guest brwneydtrouble

Blizzard is kick ass. Im planning a trip up there sometimes soon. Prolly do the same thing and take a day off work so it wont be so damn packed. Too bad kids get outta school real soon.

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