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Gore Goes Ga-ga


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May 27, 2004 -- I'VE been on many radio shows in the past few months talking about President Bush, and I've invariably been asked to justify the view that Bush made a place for himself in history by responding quickly and forcefully to the 9/11 attacks.

Surely, say hosts and callers, it didn't matter all that much who was president on 9/11, because Al Gore would have reacted and acted in exactly the same way. I have usually responded by saying that, yes, I think he might well have responded similarly.

I was wrong. There is no way of knowing how he would have responded, because it is now clear that Al Gore is insane.

I don't mean that his policy ideas are insane, though many of them are. I mean that based on his behavior, conduct, mien and tone over the past two days, there is every reason to believe that Albert Gore Jr., desperately needs help. I think he needs medication, and I think that if he is already on medication, his doctors need to adjust it or change it entirely.

I am not kidding or trying to score a cheap rhetorical shot when I say that watching Gore rant and rave and scream and yell and lose all connection with reality, common sense and even proper comportment at this moment of great stress for the Republic, even his most passionate supporters should thank God that he was not the one whose hand was on the Bible on Jan. 20, 2001.

In a speech yesterday denouncing U.S. policy in Iraq, he compared George W. Bush first to Richard Nixon, which is excessive. Then he compared Bush to Faust and said the president had lost his soul in pursuit of a policy of "domination."

He accused the United States of setting up an "American Gulag," thus comparing the incidents at Abu Ghraib to Josef Stalin's vast slave-prison archipelago that shackled nearly 30 million people in an Arctic wasteland and caused the deaths of many millions more.

He has, in essence, declared that the monstrous American creeps we've seen in the Abu Ghraib photographs are victims as much as those they humiliated: "On the list of those he let down are the young soldiers who are themselves apparently culpable, but who were clearly put into a moral cesspool. The perpetrators as well as the victims were both placed in their relationship to one another by the policies of George W. Bush."

Gore's speech is the single craziest political performance of my lifetime, and I use the word "craziest" advisedly. The speech, at 6,600 words, was twice as long as Bush's address to the nation on Monday night. The indiscipline shown by the sheer endlessness of Gore's address is a reflection of the psychic morass in which he has become mired.

A man who was very, very nearly president of the United States has been reduced to sounding like one of those people in Times Square with a megaphone screaming about God's justice. It is almost impossible to believe that this man was once vice president of the United States.

As a stalwart supporter of the war, I would naturally be inclined to find Gore's line of attack discomfiting and upsetting, even enraging. Instead, I feel an intense sadness and a great sense of relief. The sadness comes from the sight of a man losing his sanity in public. The relief comes from the fact that he is not, and never will be, the president of the United States.

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gore is totally creepy - he's quite the wackadoodle space cadet. when people try to defend his dumb ass natterings they alwasy say "al gore is a man of ideas" - unfortunately none of them ever make much sense. He seems to have really bad timing w/ everything he does.

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gore is totally creepy - he's quite the wackadoodle space cadet. when people try to defend his dumb ass natterings they alwasy say "al gore is a man of ideas" - unfortunately none of them ever make much sense. He seems to have really bad timing w/ everything he does.

As a former Vice President, he is a disgrace to behave and speak like he did in a time of war......he undermined the war effort, gave comfort to our enemies, and put our troops in further harm...THIS IS REALITY

The guy is a fucking bafoon who should shut the fuck up.....when will he, and other douchebags like him, understand what they are doing, and the harm they are causing during a time of war with their reckless statements, dangerous rhetoric, and undermining a CNC during war....

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he's more wacky than dean! :laugh:

I am just not sure what good he thought he was doing by delivering that speech......and if the DNC is behind it, putting Gore out there to say things Kerry can not, I think they made a huge blunder.....the GOP is probably praying Gore speaks more and is attached to Kerry....

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gore is totally creepy - he's quite the wackadoodle space cadet. when people try to defend his dumb ass natterings they alwasy say "al gore is a man of ideas" - unfortunately none of them ever make much sense. He seems to have really bad timing w/ everything he does.


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did any of you watch the speech? I watched and listened to the entire speech on C-Span. Gore did not loose his mind, nor go crazy. what he did do, was deliver a very emotional speech. one which touched on many things, I'm sure Americans are asking themselves, or perhaps should be. is the man bitter about loosing a race he should have won? your damn right he is. wouldn’t you be?? does that cloud his judgment? not from I witnessed... it's funny, as with Dean the press takes pieces of a speech, and blows it out of proportion. we live in society where we allow the media to shape or opinion. personally after hearing this crap in the media. I wanted to hear this speech. so I went out of my way to do so. I'm very happy I did.

what kind of world is it we are living in where you can't get angry, and say what's on your mind? Gore's speech was articulate, and delivered with fire. did his speech have anger, frustration, resentment, political under tones, etc? yes, it did. is that so terrible? I though a lot about what he said. IMO it was one the best f*cking speeches I have heard in a long time. it made me think harder, and quite frankly got me angry at points.

before you cast a shadow over Gore... I would challenge you all to read the entire text of his speech, and/or watch and listen to it... we have major domestic and international problems. IMO we need to start getting a little angry, and start doing some independent thinking.

Bash Gore or my response to his speech as much as you want. at the end of the day .I will still respect the man for saying what was on his mind... at least he had the balls to stand up and say what he felt. I wish more politicians would do that.

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did any of you watch the speech? I watched and listened to the entire speech on C-Span. Gore did not loose his mind, nor go crazy. what he did do, was deliver a very emotional speech. one which touched on many things, I'm sure Americans are asking themselves, or perhaps should be. is the man bitter about loosing a race he should have won? your damn right he is. wouldn’t you be?? does that cloud his judgment? not from I witnessed... it's funny, as with Dean the press takes pieces of a speech, and blows it out of proportion. we live in society where we allow the media to shape or opinion. personally after hearing this crap in the media. I wanted to hear this speech. so I went out of my way to do so. I'm very happy I did.

what kind of world is it we are living in where you can't get angry, and say what's on your mind? Gore's speech was articulate, and delivered with fire. did his speech have anger, frustration, resentment, political under tones, etc? yes, it did. is that so terrible? I though a lot about what he said. IMO it was one the best f*cking speeches I have heard in a long time. it made me think harder, and quite frankly got me angry at points.

before you cast a shadow over Gore... I would challenge you all to read the entire text of his speech, and/or watch and listen to it... we have major domestic and international problems. IMO we need to start getting a little angry, and start doing some independent thinking.

Bash Gore or my response to his speech as much as you want. at the end of the day .I will still respect the man for saying what was on his mind... at least he had the balls to stand up and say what he felt. I wish more politicians would do that.


Are you fucking kidding me???? You are one lost motherfucker .....

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did you read the text of the speech or listen to it. I doubt it very much. thus discussing the same with you is rather pointless.LOL

Yes, I did read the text clown. It was an absurd, reckless, inaccurate, despicable speech made worse by his unprofessional, retarded emotional outbursts from someone who should know better. End of story.

Either you are an imbecile or a moveon.org schmuck.....

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Yes, I did read the text clown. It was an absurd, reckless, inaccurate, despicable speech made worse by his unprofessional, retarded emotional outbursts from someone who should know better. End of story.

Either you are an imbecile or a moveon.org schmuck.....

LMAO perhaps you could point out some of the inaccuracies in what was said. then perhaps you could move past your juvenile name calling, and we could have some interesting debate. however judging from your flurry of daily cut and paste articles. you really have nothing substantial to say. in which case just ignoring you, would seem more appropriate. :)
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LMAO perhaps you could point out some of the inaccuracies in what was said. then perhaps you could move past your juvenile name calling, and we could have some interesting debate. however judging from your flurry of daily cut and paste articles. you really have nothing substantial to say. in which case just ignoring you, would seem more appropriate. :)


Please...shut the fuck up clown.....roll up a campaign poster for AL Gore 2000 and shove it up your cunt....

It would be more interesting debating a dead fish than the tired, played out vomit that comes from your asshole.....

Cut and past articles?...damn straight reject...read them and get an education misfit....

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Please...shut the fuck up clown.....roll up a campaign poster for AL Gore 2000 and shove it up your cunt....

It would be more interesting debating a dead fish than the tired, played out vomit that comes from your asshole.....

Cut and past articles?...damn straight reject...read them and get an education misfit....

Predictable! LMAO your true colors?? I rest my case. :)
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As a former Vice President, he is a disgrace to behave and speak like he did in a time of war......he undermined the war effort, gave comfort to our enemies, and put our troops in further harm...THIS IS REALITY

The guy is a fucking bafoon who should shut the fuck up.....when will he, and other douchebags like him, understand what they are doing, and the harm they are causing during a time of war with their reckless statements, dangerous rhetoric, and undermining a CNC during war....

It's called freedom of speech. Ever hear of it?

Your sources are anti-free speech and are against dissent.

I wonder about you.

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