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Ghost Of General Patton Speaks Out To You


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A Message from the ghost of General Patton....


OK you whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Maggots,

it's time for a little refresher course on exactly

why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars.

See if you can tear yourself away from your "reality"

TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out

of your flabby ass - and LISTEN UP!!



THIS is not "torture" or an "atrocity". This is the kind of thing frat boys, sorority girls, and academy cadets do to newcomers.



A little fun at someone else's expense. Certainly no reason to wring your hands or get your panties in a wad. Got that Kennedy?

THIS IS an atrocity!




So Was This!!!







Islam a peaceful religion??? Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can.

Some of them are here among us now. They don't want to convert you and don't want to rule you. You are a vile infestation of Allah's paradise. They don't give a shit how "progressive" you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want you dead, and think it is God's will for them to do it. And you think Bush and Ashcroft are your worst enemies?

John Kerry thinks if he gives them a hug or listens to them, then they'll like us...and you agree? You dumb ass!

If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax - you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance. Stop bitchin' about your damn Health Care, Social

Security, Gas prices, and your measly 6% unemployment rate...and start worrying about you, your family's, and your friends' asses. How many more Americans must be beheaded before you stop blaming Bush for all your troubles - and grow some balls for a change.

You've fallen asleep AGAIN, maggots!

And you may not get another chance!



NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS - and pass this on to any and every person you give-a-damn about... if you ever gave a damn about anything.


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Islam a peaceful religion??? Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can.

It still astonishes me many of the coincidencies surrounding our most sour issues with them.

They took the entire US Embassy in Teheran on November 4, 1979, exactly 1 year prior to the 1980 election. And later released the 53 hostages still in their hands on 01-20-81 the day Reagan took office.

Now it is 9/11 (and what the # represents to all of us) ... and 911 days later the Madrid train bombing.

They certainly have a strong mind.

The point you might be missing Obby is that the assumption that to fight a dirty war you gotta be dirty is a hypothesis, not a fact.

There are many assumptions proven wrong so far in Iraq. Unfortunately, that is the reality, and we ALL have to live with it. We can't correct the mistakes, we can point them out to avoid them in the future.

There is nothing bigger than the separation of powers in this country. Freedom derives from it. If there is a problem that seems BIGGER than it, and in order to solve it, you are going to overlook the separation of powers, then there is a mistake in the role of the Executive ... or a lack of capacity to do the job.

Setting the wrong precedents shadows our future.

You watched this?



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I also respect your hypothesis (most educated guess- for those educated in our public school system) about setting precedents, but as you said, that's your hypothesis, not mine. You talk about what's gone wrong???.........let's talk about it!!!!! The obvious is what the news regurgitates on a daily basis....what also went wrong but seems to get ignored is the following.

- Saddam would prove more difficult to capture than Usama.

- Over 10,000 troops would die trying to take Baghdad.

- All the oil fields would be set ablaze

- We could not fight a street to street fight against 400,000 Iraqi army troops and approx. 7 million in Al Quidas militia.

NONE of this happened, yet we took Baghdad in 6 weeks,,,,and yet without even having a perfect "plan"........LOL......makes me laugh


Some people are in desperate need of perspective. The same people crying "the sky is falling,,,the sky is falling....we can't win, we'll just piss them off, etc..etc.." are the same one's who claimed Reagan could never defeat communism. You can only be judged by your "intentions" for so long....at some point, someone has to say "wait a minute, HAVE YOU FOLKS OVER ON THE GRASSY KNOLL EVER BEEN RIGHT?" History says no. Hence the purpose of electing a leader...TO LEAD! Not take public opinion polls and take the path of least resistance. Struggle and Pain only make you stronger. It's called vision. Some people get it, others don't.

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