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These Hands Ain't Small, I know.....

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I can put my own ego and "struggle" aside for a second to share a special poem with you. For me, as bad as it gets...I have a father who loves me...and I know all I have to do is call him and tell him I need him...and he would do whatever it took to "make it better"....so, I try not to call too often. Knowing is enough, sometimes....(everyone should get someone they know a box...we all know how we all like to disreguard our pennies)

but, I came by this poem and it was touching:


I am famished, you have food in the belly

I am naked, you are clothed

I am homeless, you have a home

How could we have the same way of life?

Ask not my craggy alpine peaks

Their shivering stones are smarting

Leave the wailing trees alone

Avoid the flowers, their limbs grief stricken

Ask not the gentle breeze, ask not.

A Poem by 'Ditty'

A 12 year old Afghani orphan

'A man is not a true believer if he eats with satisfaction whilst his neighbour goes hungry' - (Hadith-Mishkaat)

A message on behalf of thousands of poor children like Ditty to our children...

A wise person always counts his pennies and every penny counts. Your small change means a lot to the needy.

Try to save your pennies and help the poor and needy orphans. Share a small portion of your pocket money with your poorer brothers and sisters.

Healthy tips: Cut down on sweets, chocolates & fizzy drinks. The pennies you save can go to the poor, simply by putting them in your Penny Saver Box.

...and to parents too

It is a well known fact that Muslims are most generous and giving. We should educate our children and teach them Islamic manners and one of the best manners within Islam is that of GIVING. Children learn this from very early days in their lives.

Please call and order your FREE Muslim Hands Penny Saver Boxes for each of your children and watch them save and give to charity or click here to order online.


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A Poem by 'Ditty'

'A man is not a true believer if he eats with satisfaction whilst his neighbour goes hungry' - (Hadith-Mishkaat)

A message on behalf of thousands of poor children like Ditty to our children...

A wise person always counts his pennies and every penny counts. Your small change means a lot to the needy.


damn. that guy does movies, music, clothes, parties, hosts shows, broadway, runs the nyc marathon, and now he also writes poetry. he is truly the man!!

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Wow, Marlon Brando died broke? Is that part of the "American Dream" no one wants to tell you about?

Jeter has some shiner, happy 30th~! That's what he gets for hanging out with perverted x-mayors and thier high society hoes....Karma moi lovlies.

Has not much to do with this post, except....actually it sorta does....

Happy independance weekend.

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Bloomberg advocating slave labor in Palestine? Wut's up with the uprooting of apple and olive trees? I find that to be a DIRECT insult from these ANIMALS......no child should be enslaved, and I refuse to support a mayor who supports that. Like the last pervert of a mayor didn't do enough damage.

Exploit our culture and let our children starve? Who is barbaric, here.

I don't need no damn monuments as a subliminal message, assholes.


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Can you believe the nerve of him to come to such a multiEthnic city like NYC, (ganna be like a hee-haw convention) when he bashed just about everyone (indirectly) that is from here?

He should stick to his bible belt heathens with their holier than thou states...like we don't all know better....buncha closet case supremacists.

My anxiety has been very high lately.....since bush got elected, actually.

He's right in philly--at the moment, can u believe?

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