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it depends on how they go about it....if someones like wow your car is a piece of shit unlike my very expensive one. thats bad. especially if i worked and bought my piece of shit car while mommy and daddy bought yours. Also if someone flaunts their wealth and looks down on anyone thats not on their "level" and thinks they can treat them bad, thats not good either. in general i don't think you should shove your material shit down others throats.

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if someone flaunts how much money they have, their car, material things, is it a bad thing or just them being proud of all they have?

i hate braggarts, and show-offs... the ppl who try to show off what they have and how much they have of it, typically do not have anything or much of anything... from my experience it just seems that way...

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well if u have money, y not show it off, the problem is with people who dont have it and expect the rich to somehow shove it up cause they are not....if u got a nice car, show it off by driving slow so that everyone can see it, if u have a big house make sure u have plenty of lights on so people can see it......just cause other people dont have money doesnt mean that rich ppl should'nt somehow rub it in to others.....how can any rich person make me feel down? I am the only one capable of doing that....i may drive a shitty car, but hecK i dont give a flyin rats ass what someone else has....as long as its mine, and i'm content with my life, no one, no matter how rich can ever make me feel down.....but then again maybe its cause i got too much money of my own..????.

modesty is so much more attractive.........
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well if u have money, y not show it off?.

you know what you have.........imo, there's no need to flaunt it........but that's just me......

in the end it's just an object (car/house)........impress me with you......not what you have.......as I said.......to me, modesty is much more attractive.............

btw......you can be extremely rich and extremely modest........you can also be extremely rich and extremely arrogant......

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All my life all my friends were richer than me ...they never showed off or made me feel bad ...but I still felt bad anyways all the time

If you feel shitty if someone in a Ferrari drives by - that's your problem ...maybe you got low self esteem ..

People with money are trying to have fun they'r not doing it on purpose to make others feel bad ....so if you got money ...play with it , enjoy it and do whatever you want !

The only time I was grossed out by too much money was when I saw this black guy ( looked like s horter version of Usher) in a mink jacket + a SL500 convertible ...the car is cool but why the fuck does a guy wear a mink jacket in late summer ??

I DOn't like men in fur !

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whts the point of having money??live a low modest life like us??? btw whts ur definition of rich, at what point does one become rich? I mean how much money would u say makes u rich?

you know what you have.........imo, there's no need to flaunt it........but that's just me......

in the end it's just an object (car/house)........impress me with you......not what you have.......as I said.......to me, modesty is much more attractive.............

btw......you can be extremely rich and extremely modest........you can also be extremely rich and extremely arrogant......

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my definition of rich is - someone who does and buys whatever they want whenever thay want and never have to worry about the bill or being it on sale ...

Someone who travels first class...I had friend whose parents owned a private plane and his sister took all her friends in it to Cancun !

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whts the point of having money?

to do anything you want....to buy anything you want......financial freedom.....houses, cars, vacations, etc...........I never said not to enjoy these things or the money you have........my point is that there is no need to act like a hotshot because you have money......pretentious people like that are annoying..........as I've said.....you know what you have.....enjoy it.......

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can I b ur friends new bestest friend???? :bounce: or maybe u can set me up with his sis

my definition of rich is - someone who does and buys whatever they want whenever thay want and never have to worry about the bill or being it on sale ...

Someone who travels first class...I had friend whose parents owned a private plane and his sister took all her friends in it to Cancun !

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The sister was real pretty too ..she was half British / Korean ?

My friend + his sister were adopted by this very wealthy venture capitalist ! his dad was a ceo of some major software company

I didn't know how loaded he was until he showed me a pic of him + his dad at the Indie 500 in front of their jet !

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work with me here lollie.....work with me....i am british too in many wayz...like I luv to have tea in the morning....ohh with biscuits too...aye?? and people say i talk too fast too.... tal

The sister was real pretty too ..she was half British / Korean ?

My friend + his sister were adopted by this very wealthy venture capitalist ! his dad was a ceo of some major software company

I didn't know how loaded he was until he showed me a pic of him + his dad at the Indie 500 in front of their jet !

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maybe i should explain the context in which i meant this a little more..

i was talking to someone recently, and within the first five minutes of meeting them they told me how much their watch was worth, their car and all the accesories, their wardobe, their apartment, etc.

now mind you that they weren't telling me this to 'rub it in my face' per say, but it just made me wonder how much they themselves have substance as a person aside from the material things. im not trying to imply in the slightest that having nice things is a bad thing, you should be proud of what you have, but it just made me wonder if that's what they are all about.

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i hate braggarts, and show-offs... the ppl who try to show off what they have and how much they have of it, typically do not have anything or much of anything... from my experience it just seems that way...

yeah man 4 real

if they have a lot or something nice, it should just breathe off of them. They shouldn't have to say anything. That's pretty classless and tasteless :rolleyes:

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maybe i should explain the context in which i meant this a little more..

i was talking to someone recently, and within the first five minutes of meeting them they told me how much their watch was worth, their car and all the accesories, their wardobe, their apartment, etc.

now mind you that they weren't telling me this to 'rub it in my face' per say, but it just made me wonder how much they themselves have substance as a person aside from the material things. im not trying to imply in the slightest that having nice things is a bad thing, you should be proud of what you have, but it just made me wonder if that's what they are all about.

i feel sad for that person

if they feel a need to point out all those material goods, they probably do that to compensate for an area they're lacking in (whether it be self esteem, self motivation, whatever)

It's one thing to tell people/show people the nice treasures you have. It's another thing to put a monetary value on it.

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my definition of rich is - someone who does and buys whatever they want whenever thay want and never have to worry about the bill or being it on sale ...

Someone who travels first class...I had friend whose parents owned a private plane and his sister took all her friends in it to Cancun !

ohhh i know what you mean!

i once dated a girl for a shirt while, she was totally in love me... BUT her religion (and her father) forbid her to have sex before marriage, which is a BIG minus of course.

this girl´s family had money you wouldn´t believe, her father was somehow involved in the oil business (as in owned a couple of oil fields)... she had two cars (one mercedes and one alpha romeo sportscar)... big houses in spain, greece, portugal, france, yachts, planes, she had a 15000$ custom designed dress to high school graduation that was flown in from london... etc...

shit i should have stayed with that girl and married her lol... got along with her father real good too... but then again i would have had to stay with her. if i´d have broken up with her after the wedding, i´d probably have some contract killers after me :laugh:

but then again i don´t need the money that bad anyway. my family is pretty good covered too... not as good as "lil princess"´s (that was my nickname for her) family, but definately enough i don´t have to worry about anything :)

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Dude about the sex thingy before marriage, well thats what they all say...but if she really likes u, well thats a religon on its own.....so u think her daddy could hook me with a couple of free fill-ups at his gas pump????

ohhh i know what you mean!

i once dated a girl for a shirt while, she was totally in love me... BUT her religion (and her father) forbid her to have sex before marriage, which is a BIG minus of course.

this girl´s family had money you wouldn´t believe, her father was somehow involved in the oil business (as in owned a couple of oil fields)... she had two cars (one mercedes and one alpha romeo sportscar)... big houses in spain, greece, portugal, france, yachts, planes, she had a 15000$ custom designed dress to high school graduation that was flown in from london... etc...

shit i should have stayed with that girl and married her lol... got along with her father real good too... but then again i would have had to stay with her. if i´d have broken up with her after the wedding, i´d probably have some contract killers after me :laugh:

but then again i don´t need the money that bad anyway. my family is pretty good covered too... not as good as "lil princess"´s (that was my nickname for her) family, but definately enough i don´t have to worry about anything :)

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Dude about the sex thingy before marriage, well thats what they all say...but if she really likes u, well thats a religon on its own.....so u think her daddy could hook me with a couple of free fill-ups at his gas pump????

no no you don´t understand. besides her religious upbringing... if her father would have found out she´d get nothing, EVER. that is several MILLIONS of $$$ that you´ll lose. we did some "other things" though ;)!

still, no real sex sucks... and i wasn´t looking to get married

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well doesnt her daddys religon allow the husband to marry like 20 times??? i would marry her, and then marry all the other women in her family and then I would control all the oil in the world.....sounds like a good recepie to be the richest man in the world.....

no no you don´t understand. besides her religious upbringing... if her father would have found out she´d get nothing, EVER. that is several MILLIONS of $$$ that you´ll lose. we did some "other things" though ;)!

still, no real sex sucks... and i wasn´t looking to get married

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