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Michael Alig and the Limelight "Clubkids" : Gallery


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okay, it's not that bad if you like lounges. :D

and whens the last time you visited? its the more or less the same thing...just a different look to the crowd....ask pete about the crowd when we went to black.

its not like we get different djs here, they usually come here right before or after miami. probably play the same music most of the time. (at least the big djs...)

the biggest difference ny has to miami for me is that i dont really have the amount of friends that i did in miami to club with here, so its not as fun in that way.

ny has some nice clubs, and probably more of a choice places to go every weekend.

its not as bad as the people of the ny bd say it is...

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and whens the last time you visited? its the more or less the same thing...just a different look to the crowd....ask pete about the crowd when we went to black.

its not like we get different djs here, they usually come here right before or after miami. probably play the same music most of the time. (at least the big djs...)

the biggest difference ny has to miami for me is that i dont really have the amount of friends that i did in miami to club with here, so its not as fun in that way.

ny has some nice clubs, and probably more of a choice places to go every weekend.

its not as bad as the people of the ny bd say it is...


haven't been home in awhile. however the last time I was there, I didn't like what the scene had become. since I was 18 years old I was hitting clubs like twilo, factory, etc.I'm sure I have been clubbing longer then yourself and Pete.:D IMO places like twilio, factory, etc had a vibe and music no other city could even come close to. you had two mayors in succession who along, with the overindulgent knuckleheads sucked the life out what was once a great scene. also what happen on 9/11 also somewhat impacted the scene .. you think I'm wrong I have friends who still live in ny, and they tell me these things all the time. in fact quite a few of them have recently moved here.not to mention dj's including DT, that i have spoken to in brief about the ny scene ;who share almost the same sentiments. the present scene is not bad in comparison to other cites; however the new york scene will never IMO be the same as was in the past. it's not a bad scene, just really not my cup of tea any longer. :)

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I sadly have to agree w/ Tony... NYC is going through a really bad spell, and the laws and nightlife task force of the NYPD threaten to make it last indefinitely.

For many reasons, not least 9/11 or the recession in the city, people have gotten more conservative and having fun or straying from the designated line has become wrong, now even in NYC of all places. It's really sad and frustrating for people that remember the old days.

But Miami is no peach either! It's the attack of the A/X + breast implant shallow, attitude-heavy clones. ( I speak of the Beach scene here, but Space too...)

The real underground scene is no longer in the US or even W.Europe, it's in Russia, South America, Eastern Europe, etc.. that's where the crazy parties are where EVERYONE is pumped up about going out and not just going through the motions or living on memories.

Suffice it to say, I am really tired of this shift towards conservatism in the US and for me to live here in the future it will have to chill!

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that may be true, but i think that the reason why the ny scene doesnt appeal to people is because they have lived it for so long...no matter how many different mayors, or tragic events, clubbing is still here. there are great venues in ny, and top djs are here almost every week.

i think the thing that changes is people. people mature, opinions change, likes and dislikes can also change....i remember the music i liked when i first started clubbing, and now i wonder what i was thinking....

i can see why people dislike clubbing in ny if they have been doing it for years...its probably the same faces and the same thing week after week...but that can happen anywhere.

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that may be true, but i think that the reason why the ny scene doesnt appeal to people is because they have lived it for so long...no matter how many different mayors, or tragic events, clubbing is still here. there are great venues in ny, and top djs are here almost every week.

i think the thing that changes is people. people mature, opinions change, likes and dislikes can also change....i remember the music i liked when i first started clubbing, and now i wonder what i was thinking....

i can see why people dislike clubbing in ny if they have been doing it for years...its probably the same faces and the same thing week after week...but that can happen anywhere.

Don't pay them any mind, majinbuu! Miami ain't got shit on The City when it comes to nightlife. :D

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NYC strikes me as a lounge town nowadays. The megaclubs aren't the flavour up there, for the locals anyhow.

I'll agree, it has changed, but everything does. If anything, the "downslide" of NYC has led to some DJs setting up shop down here.

As for the photos, it was a nice look back...shooting black and white in a club seems backasswards to me, but this girl pulled it off nicely. Old-school too, everything looks hand-printed...at least from the scans...

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