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Pretty Damn Impressive: {vIDeo}

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Lady Hillary's input:


[Dear Friends,

Just 132 days until Election Day, 2004, when we will be able to turn this country around, and get going in the right direction once again!

I know you share my concerns. In just three and a half years, George W. Bush and his congressional allies have exhausted the surplus that they inherited, running up the highest deficit our nation has ever seen. Their irresponsible, go-it-alone foreign policies have squandered the good will and trust that America had in the rest of the world.

The Bush administration has rolled back environmental regulations that protect clean air and water, endangering our families' health. Their nominees as federal judges include radical activists with records of hostility toward civil rights, women's rights and constitutional protections.

This election is our chance to take our country back, and insist on a government that respects our families, our future, and our values. That's why I am committed to doing all that I can to elect Democrats this year, whether it's registering voters or campaigning for other Democrats.

I am registering voters on the HILLPAC site. With so much at stake this November, I want to do all I can to ensure that as many people as possible clear the hurdle of voter registration. My PAC website provides a one-click process for people who want to register to vote. You're able to fill out official forms to become a voter, change your registration if you've moved, or request an absentee ballot. And even if you are already registered, please help register your friends and family. Check it out now.

I am helping John Kerry and the Democratic National Committee raise funds for the Presidential campaign, and I have campaigned for dozens of Senate and House candidates, in Washington and in their home states. I have traveled to key target states, including Florida, Iowa, Missouri, and Arizona on behalf of their get-out-the-vote efforts.

Your contributions have made our work at HILLPAC possible, and provided badly needed support for Democratic campaigns. Now, I am writing to ask if I can count on you once again.

Your contribution, for whatever amount you can afford, will help us continue our work. As we make our plans for the fall, I hope I can tell our hard-working HILLPAC staff that we will have the budget for these final, critical months. Together, we can make a real difference!

Our next FEC filing deadline is June 30 - just seven days away. Please help me show the Republicans that we are ready to win back the White House and the Congress this November. We want to get your contributions into the candidates' hands as soon as possible so that they can start showing their strengths.

Thank you for anything you are able to do, and thank you again for your friendship and support over the years. I look forward to hearing from you.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

P.S. At this point, the polls are encouraging - but you and I know that a flood of negative attacks are coming. Your contribution will help our candidates fight back!

If you feel you have received this message in error, we apologize. To unsubscribe from HILLPAC's email list, click here.

To view the HILLPAC Privacy Policy, please visit: http://www.hillpac.com/privacy

Contributions to HILLPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes


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you obviously don't know me, at all. I was never accused of being a follower, therefore, it's pretty impossible to "brainwash" someone like me.

If you haven't noticed, or you've been asleep through the news (which I hardly follow, till recently) , Giuliani and BUSH have been piggy backing on my words...NOT the other way around. WHY? because I tell it like I see it, while they lie through their assholes.

It's funny, people like "radical" when it benifits them....then they run and hide when the shit hits the fan. I may have a little anxiety....but, I rarely hide, unless i need some damn peace and quiet time for myself.

Not very proud of this Gov't, and at one time I was....till I saw things for what they are.

Sorry, but "corporate whitey" is just not me....not that I can't "mingle" with coporate whitey....I just find them very unethical and driven by the wrong things.

There was a time that respect, community and "family" was important....I have the ability to "create" that....it goes way above and beyond silly "glory"....glory is a farce unless it's "earned" by being the best, not undermining the real strength behind the picnic.

ya know? most probably won't understand that....but, that's ok...I'm used to that.

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