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Farenheight 9/11-what did u think???

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Excellent movie-I came out of the theatre sooo pissed but definitly ready to vote in November!!!

I AGREE 100%


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sure what do you care it's not you over there gettin his ass blasted over in Iraq

theres a term for people like you it's called "chickenhawk" just like the whole Bush admin who somehow managed to get out of milatary service during vietnam

There are plenty of democrats that avoided military service in vietnam (Clinton being one of them).

It goes both ways.

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you neo cons and your Clinton obsession.....

you forget that Clinton didn't send us into a major middle eastern war which has killed over 800 young men and women and BTW Clinton was a Fulbright scholar which required him to study at Oxford...you see Clinton was a self made man unlike your buddy GWB who never was successful at anything in his life and was handed everything including a presidency and is now fucking that up just like the umpteen businesses he ran into the ground. BTW how does a c student at Yale get into Harvard Business School?

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first of all don't call me a liberal because I'm certainly not

I was just pointing out the facts about Clinton vs. Bush in regards to military service which BTW Bush SHOULD NOT brag about being in the National Guard...he skipped over 400 other more qualified candidates to get in and now were not even sure if he showed up.

Conservatives need to get over the whole Clinton thing but then again we know how you Bush lovers love to deflect any real issues and just "blame Clinton"

I cant wait untill this trust fund silver spoon dry drunk crack head is sent back to the ranch for good!

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Liberated 2 countries

Cut taxes

Caught Saddam and killed 2 sons

(This list can go on forever)


Put his hand on The Bible and LIED to the American public... need I say more?

January 26, 1998

"... I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time – never ..." - President Bill Clinton

August 17, 1998

"... Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate ..." - President Bill Clinton

Say something... I dare you...

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Liberated 2 countries

Cut taxes

Caught Saddam and killed 2 sons

(This list can go on forever)


Put his hand on The Bible and LIED to the American public... need I say more?

January 26, 1998

"... I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time – never ..." - President Bill Clinton

August 17, 1998

"... Indeed, I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not appropriate ..." - President Bill Clinton

Say something... I dare you...

liberated 2 countries for what? Weapons of mass destruction that don't exist? the man's a fool who has killed hundreds of innocent americans in Iraq who should not be there...when he is finally defeated in this years election America will finally have that obvious moron out of office...I could care less what Clinton does in his private life...how many wars did he bring us into? I thought you were more intelligent Sextacy...."I dare You???", come on let's grow up now.

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liberated 2 countries for what? Weapons of mass destruction that don't exist? the man's a fool who has killed hundreds of innocent americans in Iraq who should not be there...when he is finally defeated in this years election America will finally have that obvious moron out of office...I could care less what Clinton does in his private life...how many wars did he bring us into? I thought you were more intelligent Sextacy...."I dare You???", come on let's grow up now.

Ok, let's say Bush DIDN'T go to war; what do you think the liberals would be saying then? "Oh, Bush didn't do anything about 9/11, what a horrible President." Face it, not every arguement can be solved with a treaty, especially with the people we are dealing with. I'm starting to think Americans are forgetting about 9/11, THEY KILLED OUR PEOPLE! Don't you think we must fight back? One of my best friends was killed in Iraq and when he died, he took 70 Iraqis with him. I believe he died as a hero. ... ALL soldiers in Iraq VOLUNTEERED to go to war... They wanted to fight for their country and they are doing the right thing...

I don't think you guys watch the new very much because Saddam HAS USED weapons on his own people! What more proof do you need? He was a threat to the US and there were connections with him and Al-Quaida. That right there is enough to go to war. And why do you think Saddam delayed UN inspections for so long? I'll tell you, he was either destroying his weapons or hiding them...

WATCH... 4 more years of Bush... and then 8 years of Giuliani...


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cut taxes? he cut funding to so many other programs that my local taxes have sky rocketed not to mention that 300 was long gone just with the increase in gas proces which he promised to keep under control when he ran in 2000 so whatever to tax cuts it's a joke

Local taxes are not controlled by the national government...

Gas prices are sky rocketting due to the increasing use of oil in CHINA! Their industries are growing and using a lot more oil... Let me put this in simpler terms so the democrats understand...


AND Kerry supports a $0.50+ tax raise on gas prices... What do you think about that?

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I didnt say local taxes were but when bush cuts education funding to the local schools it DOES make property taxes go up or when he passes some rediculous education "reform" but provides no funding to back it upo IT MAKES LOCAL TAXES GO UP so don't give me any of that shit

as for the WMD's...who do you think gave him chem weapons? WE DID! In fact it was Bush Sr. who gave them during the IRAN IRAQ war because we had such a hard on for IRAN at the time. They were given to Saddam for the express purpose of using them against Iran aa well as any internal opposition that Saddam might face...including the tribes to the north otherwise know as THE KURDS. So we give him WMDs and then take him out because he has WMD's hmmmmm

some of you cons perhaps should invest in a history book or poli sci book sometime it might actually help you make a logical argument but then again you can always blame Clinton

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Ok, let's say Bush DIDN'T go to war; what do you think the liberals would be saying then? "Oh, Bush didn't do anything about 9/11, what a horrible President." Face it, not every arguement can be solved with a treaty, especially with the people we are dealing with. I'm starting to think Americans are forgetting about 9/11, THEY KILLED OUR PEOPLE! Don't you think we must fight back? One of my best friends was killed in Iraq and when he died, he took 70 Iraqis with him. I believe he died as a hero. ... ALL soldiers in Iraq VOLUNTEERED to go to war... They wanted to fight for their country and they are doing the right thing...

I don't think you guys watch the new very much because Saddam HAS USED weapons on his own people! What more proof do you need? He was a threat to the US and there were connections with him and Al-Quaida. That right there is enough to go to war. And why do you think Saddam delayed UN inspections for so long? I'll tell you, he was either destroying his weapons or hiding them...

WATCH... 4 more years of Bush... and then 8 years of Giuliani...


This thread has nothing to do music, the mods should move it. I apologize if I got a little fiesty before...everyone has their own opinions and I can respect that, however, as far as not going to war after 9-11, going to Afghanistan WAS the right thing to do...nations like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia keep these criminal pigs safe...and yes, Saddam may have deserved to go, but at what cost...

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Put his hand on The Bible and LIED to the American public... need I say more?

Clinton was responsible for pushing through NAFTA (something the GOP likes to claim on their own) despite opposition by his own party. He brought Arafat and Rabin to the meeting table to discuss peace (it didnt work thanks to Arafat, but Clinton did organize the first peace talks between Israel and the PLO). He brought peace to Northern Ireland, and stopped ethnic clensing in the Balkans.

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Ok, let's say Bush DIDN'T go to war; what do you think the liberals would be saying then? "Oh, Bush didn't do anything about 9/11, what a horrible President." Face it, not every arguement can be solved with a treaty, especially with the people we are dealing with. I'm starting to think Americans are forgetting about 9/11, THEY KILLED OUR PEOPLE! Don't you think we must fight back? One of my best friends was killed in Iraq and when he died, he took 70 Iraqis with him. I believe he died as a hero. ... ALL soldiers in Iraq VOLUNTEERED to go to war... They wanted to fight for their country and they are doing the right thing...

I don't think you guys watch the new very much because Saddam HAS USED weapons on his own people! What more proof do you need? He was a threat to the US and there were connections with him and Al-Quaida. That right there is enough to go to war. And why do you think Saddam delayed UN inspections for so long? I'll tell you, he was either destroying his weapons or hiding them...

WATCH... 4 more years of Bush... and then 8 years of Giuliani...


what does Iraq have to do with 9/11?


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