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Everybody from this board should vote!!!Tell us based on music,looks of people,(no kiddy clubs), after hours club etc.. make sure to tell us the reason why you think this club is number one.It can be any club. You can have a top three but only one winner.After everybody's vote, the winner will based on highest number people that said this club is their favorite club. We will do this for everyday of the week. Here is the question...


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Well it used to be Soundfactory Saturdays, but now I am thinking of changing my vote. Especially after the past two times at SF.

I think, in my opinion, SF is way too small for the stairway leading to the new level and all the ppl they cram in there. The scene has changed drastically in the past year.

When I was there last Saturday, sober, I could not believe how bad it was. Ok grant it, it was a theme night and it was inevitable that it would be overcrowded, but I'm sorry...the bathrooms were nasty (not a paper towel to dry my hands), the coat check was unbearable, and if it wasnt for my one seat I would feel as if I were in a can of sardines.

I like to go out and enjoy myself and not worry about who's grabbing my ass or who forgot to wear deodorant and why it's taking me 45 minutes to get to the bar for a drink.

So my vote would not be for Soundfactory...I think I would rather be home watching SNL or something...j/k.

Voting: OHM or Joy

Sorry to the ppl who cherish SF...it's only my opinion and I am entitled to it. I am not in any way trying to start any drama with anyone.

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Originally posted by bevilea:

When I was there last Saturday, sober, I could not believe how bad it was. Ok grant it, it was a theme night and it was inevitable that it would be overcrowded, but I'm sorry...the bathrooms were nasty (not a paper towel to dry my hands), the coat check was unbearable, and if it wasnt for my one seat I would feel as if I were in a can of sardines.

I like to go out and enjoy myself and not worry about who's grabbing my ass or who forgot to wear deodorant and why it's taking me 45 minutes to get to the bar for a drink.

So my vote would not be for Soundfactory...I think I would rather be home watching SNL or something...j/k.

Voting: OHM or Joy

Totally true. I was there and it was pretty bad. I'd say Joy but the Greeks won't let me in that place ( I almost got WORKED the last time I showed my face in there!) I'm going to have to go with Twilo!

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Juniorverse....TWILO.....because the music is slammin'....the club is NEVER too crowded.....the people are into their own worlds....and it's not a fawkin' meat market like SF.........


The entertainment business is a cruel and shallow money trench - a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and weak men die like dogs.......


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Ever since EXIT opened I like it there, Lots of space to run around.

I like SF but its too small for me I need space!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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I have a good time everytime I go to Exit (goin tommorow night) so its def top three. But theres no vibe at Exit, it's a diff kind of club and you gotta know that walkin through the doors. The Factory is on another level no doubt, even though I don't go much. So it's prob Factory/Exit/Lime Light??? I'm not sure about # three, I have a good time at the light too though.


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At the risk of sounding "mature" (I'm sorry)

I've come to realize that every club has its flavor. Think of it as saying which FOOD is #1, tough one huh?

Anyway, to add to your thread:

For sound and lighting: Exit, Tunnel, Twilo

For hotties: Exit, Cyberia, Twilo Fridays

For club design itself: Tunnel, Exit

so many factors involved.

BIG props to Twilo for that water fountain and bathroom layout.


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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