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I bet that there are plenty of people on this board that like Howard Stern or Andrew Dice Clay. They both are sexist, they are rude and insulting, but hey, they're GUYS. SO it's ok for them to be assholes...right??????????????????

You're all fucking jealous because, I, as a girl, can get away with being an asshole. It fucking kills you to think that a GIRL has balls to say shit about ppl, and fuck with ppl. The only differnece is that i get slammed on by other oppressive fucks on this board who think I should follow a protocal to being "sweet", "nice", "girly", and "submissive".

Well a big FUCK YOU to everyone on this board!

A big fuck you to ppl who think I'm rude, nast, um..INSECURE???? ( even though you wouldn't think that if I were a GUY), and a basic asshole.

Cuz I'd rather be an asshole than cracked out wannabe's who tell their whole life stories on this board and all over the net!!..

ANd if you think you gonna kill me off..hahha..dummies. It's funny watching you ppl bicker about ..CRAP. That's why I choose to stay here.

And excuse me for not being ugly enough to attend your "meetups"....or is it losers anonymous! Wo! badda bing!

So fuck you fuck you fuck you......

Yes coming form a girl's mouth, and yes..i kiss my mother with it.


-iliana (Andrea Dice CLay)


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what is in a name that which we call a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet. If you want the title than your and ASSHOLE....we wont discriminate


"Smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks."

[This message has been edited by tonyv (edited 11-03-2000).]

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I dunno, i hear you and i agree w/some of your points. I think you have a lot of hmmm, guts? balls? to say the stuff that i'm sure a lot of ppl think but there is a time to have some diplomacy and NOT bc you are a female. Fuck that, I'm also female and I am the last person who thinks we should just sit and look pretty. But as a human being, some ppl do take this shit to heart. I just dont see the need to be negative in EVERY SINGLE post or response to a post. Life is too short to be so pissed all the time. FUG IT smile.gif.

deedz cwm9.gifcwm35.gif

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Hey Il, I've never replied to any of your posts or responses to posts, because frankly, I don't like to fall prey to drama kings/queens, I'm the opposite of ugly, and I am neither a crack head nor loser. And although plenty of people on the board get riled by you, I just pay it no mind...

But I'm perplexed... Why is there so much hostility coming from you all the time? Why are you forever putting people down for posting on this board, and then post on it yourself? What is wrong with people meeting up? And why do you feel the need to curse everyone on the board? Oh, and BTW, IMO it's never OK to be an a-hole...even if you're paid to be one...

Keep in mind that I am not a drama queen, nor am I in need of attention (I believe these to be the main reasons people start drama on the board). I'm just curious...



Peace Love Happiness y'all

[This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 11-03-2000).]

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Originally posted by iliana:

You're all fucking jealous because, I, as a girl, can get away with being an asshole. It fucking kills you to think that a GIRL has balls to say shit about ppl, and fuck with ppl. The only differnece is that i get slammed on by other oppressive fucks on this board who think I should follow a protocal to being "sweet", "nice", "girly", and "submissive".


Iliian's a spice girl, I am right aren't I?

Don't big your self up though you haven't fucked with anybody (that I have read) you have just annoyed people (not me I couldn't give a shit).

Doesn't that just make you obnoxious, rather than intelligent (like you are making yourself out to be)? Your making yourself out as a strong, independent, cool, woman who is standing up for her rights. But you just make women look bad. Your trying to convince people you are better than them, while making yourself look like a fool. And really do you think people care what YOU say about them? You are deluding yourself if you do.

I am sure you do find it all funny, that doesn't make you good. I certainly aren't jealous of you... but I do feel sorry for you... I think it's quiet sad the way you act. But I wont loose any sleep over it.

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you assume to know about every guy on this board soooo well..

i guess no one ever told you that assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups..

and, seriously, why would anyone be proud about being an asshole anyway?

hope you feel better soon..


ps: bump this horseshit to the drama board will ya, DaVe.. thnx



This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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HEY - I love being a sexist pig. Here comes the tiret's disease -

fuck-cum-spank-skank-hole-slut-tramp-whore-slob-blow me-fuck me-eat me-spank me-lick my ass-eat my ass-suck my ass-lick my balls-rub my shaft-brush your teeth-kiss me-let me jam my finger in your ass-stinky pinky-STOP-I just finished-NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP SO I CAN GOTO SLEEP. cwm22.gif


He who farts in church - Sits in his own Pew

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