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Many people have said it, many have thought it. When I was at the pool party and saw people dropping like fly’s... Like people waited so long for jp to do his set we all wanted to basically kill are selves partying….

his sick music litterly fucking with my head to the point that I thought I was a different person. (.uhm yeah… don’t ask) (Granted may have been the stuff I was doing) but no other DJ makes me feel that way… something about his selection and how he slides and slants his mixes together. But something about the entire environment of juice head monsters and crazy thong wearing fake looking girls... Place was evil. Was so light out but I felt so dark inside.. I used to go to church and what stopped me from going was going to factory on Sunday mornings. JP's home address also ads up to 666. I know a couple of girls that used to date him and I have heard different things, Like he can drink a whole bottle of G and be fine, Like He has been doing hard core drugs for over 15 years and is in perfect health.. Now “Black†opened up... Black is another name for hell. People get sucked into the scene and destroy themselves. People graduate from clubs and end up as a JP follower. One of the girls I know that dated him showed his picture to some kind of old priest that never heard of him and he told her that he “Takes allot of souls†She asked him if he was the devil…..

Whatever laugh at me. , think what you want… It’s an opinion; I think jp is bringing the end of the world to us


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i agree jps crowd is awful but not everyone who goes to hear jp is a g-ed out 15 yr old follower....i love jp, i don't think he is a god, nor is he my favorite dj, but when he wants to he can really play a great set and i'm happy i have heard many from him, i admit i used to do shit at jp's parties but now i don't really see any point, not that there was one before, but with so many kids abusing their bodies and staying up for 3 days straight, i'd rather just have a drink or too, go home and be able to wake up the next morning not feeling as if i got ran over by a truck...there are better dj's then jp, definitely and many of us go and hear them when they come around but i've been to spirit the last two weeks and i've had fun, if you actually go out to dance and socialize with your friends then you can learn to ignore other people's immaturity and bullshit and let them worry about it

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Got there at like 1030. Went through some door drama with some friends but Barker helped us out. Thanks Barker. Got in and the place was dead. Lopez was on and he was doing a great job. Starting picking up at like 1130 or so. Denny came on a little before 12. I thought Denny did a great job with mixing and his song selection. All the classics that I wanted to hear. Overall it was a great night. Nice to see some familiar CP faces. The 2am closing time sucks but there is not much you can do about that.

Big thanks to:

Denny for playing Kiss for Dave's (splash) birthday

Kirk for that shot of ketel one. Almost made me puke. I guess he matured and stopped drinking red devils and the rest of them girly drinks. He had a beer in one hand, a glass of champagne in the other and doing shots.

Barker for all the hospitality he showed our group. Nice to meet you at the end of the night even though you seemed very drunk.

I should be back next week for Richie Rydell.

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HOW DARE YOU COME ON HERE AND SAY I HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH BASHING YOU! I guess the key word in your statement was " maybe 1 or 2 are not " and it cant be 100% sure". Listen denny you have really put your foot in your mouth this time. I post under ml2k1. And to say metro lounge has something to do with bashing you? Believe it or not , we could care less what you do, and who you do it with. How does where you play or what you play effect us? iT DOES NOT EFFECT US IN ANYWAY WHATSOEVER.You were considered a friend to metro lounge until a certain incident occured. Did we ever get into that incedent on this board? NO! Was there ever any mention of it on this board? NO!! Cause it was not my business and not anyones on this boards .And to be honest with you, i was told not to talk about it cause it was OVER! We never bash you. I am sure you cannot say the same thing for your people ABOUT US can you? And i know for a fact , when you name is brought up, my boss says he has no hard feelings. iT WAS A STUPID THING AND ITS OVER.I GUESS ITS NOT OVER FOR YOU though.Some of your friends who claim they are friends love to go back and fourth and start drama. Thats why i have seen and heard it for myself. WE DONT CARE! No one likes to see negitive things written about what they do or the club they work at. YOUR FACTS ARE NOT 100% STRAIGHT. You coming on here saying metro lounge has something to do with stuff about you is a joke. YOU HAVE NO EFFECT ON WHAT WE DO, WHATS THE POINT? And to come on here and say this about us, THATS NOT BASHING? If you really thought this, why not call me or someone from the club, WE ALL KNOW THE SAME PEOPLE. You are wrong! And it shows your imaturity to come here and point fingers. If you want to dicuss this call me, and if there is something i dont know, i want to know about it. Its not right, and you are wrong for acussing metro lounge..you must feel that metro has a reason to say something about you... GET OVER IT, WE DID!!!

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what a fucking nite mad good times rydell was on fire benny benassi satisfaction into the rolling stones satisfaction insane what a nite best party all yr good seeing all my cp peeps bon barker the drunk , nice meeting u dj prime , k lopez and all the other peeps there what a nite

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Tempts was fantastic sunday night (and I've been going since '98) except for the ASSHOLE in the "trucker" hat (turned sideways) who kept throwing stuff directly at people's heads. Hey, I'm all for tossing water and having a blast but this guy was a total jerk, he actually hit my girlfriend in the head w/a water bottle. There is just no need for that. Have fun - as we always have - Tempts is back!!

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Can I say a few things please??????? I do not understand...if you all do not like JP why do you still go see him spin? Don't bash the guy!!!!! I thought he was great ( as always) i had a great time and i wish he didn't have to stop...i dont think he will be coming back again though!!!

He really tares some shit up at Spirit though!!!!!

JP #1 DJ!!!!!

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Most of the people on the Jersey board know that I love TEMPTS more than any other club in the tri-state area. Denny never lets me down musically !! BUT the vibe just is not there anymore. After "pump it up" the crowd calmed down and there was not much energy anymore ... even though denny was ripping the place to shreads. I AM A TRUE TEMPTS WARRIOR and will be in attendence this weekend but i hope alot of the original warriors come out for this one ... and i will regain the back bar this wekend !!!!

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2003/2004 Craziest night of my life RR/Circa & JP Exit 24 hours straight of mayhem, happiness, ups and downs and weirdness.

Not so sure who wants to read this review, I want to share it and I also want it documented so I can remember it as well as I can. This really isn’t a review. This is a story, of a night. Read it if you want, If you don’t that’s fine. But you may enjoy it., After you read this your going to think im a crack head but know this: It is the second time in my life that I did G, K, Coke and the first time I ever dropped X

I have not really drank hardcore in a few months because a few months back I got wasted and it just wasn’t as fun as it used to be. I have been going out less and going to bed early for a few months. So this night I was fucken ready and planned for a few weeks to really "enjoy" myself.

Got to circa and met up with my friend Chris (Ripped2shreds on red plow) around 7:30 pm NYE. Checked into are rooms and took a cap of g put on some music and jumped on the beds for a while. Felt awesome. Billy go there (imnakedrightnow red plow ) went to the food room at circa ate food yelled at people fucked with chicks , walked around fucked with more chicks trying to kill time without drinking till rychie went on. Are friend Danny (ripped2shreds cousin showed up next.

Who picked up like the dopest chick in the club and brought her to our room. She was up there and we where all fucken around with her having a good time. (Trick) So for the rest of the night we kept going up and down doing bumps of coke (Which I don’t really get why people like, like taking a ripped fuel but we had it and it was Nye so fuck it) so anyway we had about 20 something mediocre pills and off these crazy mother fucken good pills. So anyway around 2:30 I pop the first x in my life (one of the really good ones).

After it took effect... I felt speedy kind of eh. Went downstairs hoping to feel better. Felt very dossal and speedy at the same time, kept saying g is better lol so we all get downstairs, me Danny, Chris. My back hurt and everyone downstairs was on a total different vibe then us. We weren’t drinking and everyone was drunk and sweaty and slurring there words and acting like there big shit. Went into the main room was like fuck that you cant move so we went to the side room and I planted myself in a chair. Everyone kept asking me “You feel anything, you feel anything†Started to annoy me because everyone said they where “peaking†and I just felt speedy and kind of ok. Like I took a vikvaden and did a bump.

So sat there. Rychie dropped hot tracks and I watched some girl in a funky dress dancing all funky and moving in a way that seemed strange and seductive to me. Hmmm started to enjoy this. Nice... Think I like x. Started to grin. Then ... Some fucken drunk ugly juice head punched a guy in the neck right in front of me. Which freaked me out because I would rather cry then get in a fight the way I was feeling. So anyway, got Danny and Chris and went back upstairs, Billy was of somewhere drunk as hell. We all made a new friend and his name was the elevator. Wow the elevator is the best thing on e. We went up and down about a 100 times, then hung out in the room and acted stupid for a while. About 9:00 am or so we popped like 3 more of the weak pills each on top of the strong pills and hung out and enjoyed rydell drop bombs till like 10. Still I was very unhappy with x. Just didn’t live up to anything that I imagined, and then everyone started saying LETS GO TO EXIT! So this sounded good. Then Laurie is like “IF YOU GUYS WANNA GO ILL DRIVE!!†I’m like you sweat!? She’s like “YUP!†My friend was supposed to work NYD so we where all wired out of are minds and this sounded great so he said fuck it and called out. So around 11 I asked Laurie when where leaving and she laughed at me and said she changed her mind. ANYWAY, the e must have helped because I didn’t kill her. But we where like fuck it called a taxi cab and left around 11:30 and headed to EXIT for JONATHAN FUCKEN PETERS. This was DEFINITELY the worst part of the night we got in the taxi and started to come down from so many different drugs we weren’t sure what we where coming down from. Everyone was depressed, we all seemed to take turns trying to convince each other this was a good idea. But inside we all knew we took tons of drugs that are bad for us, Chris missed work, it was bright out and everyone at circa that said they where going didn’t. But we where on the way so we went I had a jar of gross 1000 mg vitamin c’s that we kept popping, Think they helped a bit. On the way to SF, I told Chris and Danny about a time I was at SF with Tara (Tizza) and was sober and danced my ass off to jp. We where hot as hell and he was playing tribal for hours and when he dropped the Madonna “like a prayer†Mix and everyone went nuts and it was the best feeling ever and I was sober. (You’ll see why im bringing this up later in the story)

Dropped off in front of exit at like 12:20 NYD Sun is shinning large ass line to get in. Where all like wtf we doing here... fuck it. Me and Chris pop another one of the really good x’s get to the door and are happily surprised that it was only 60$ to get and we where under the impression it was $80, So in are waked out minds this was a sign f things starting off good. Get inside. Start running into people we know. Start feeling better. Lots of girls with nice bods, Packed to the walls. Dark as hell away from that horrible sun. Dark beats. That tore threw are fucken soul. Moods changing. Such a drastic change from circa. One of the most hard core drug crowds I ever saw. Let me rephrase that, this was a crack head crowd. (Like I should talk) But so see my friend Christine she gives us a little tour and she told me there was an outside so I was like bring us. All dark then you see the entrance to the outside and the light is shining in like fucken god or something really crazy thing to see, e started kicking in. Me Chris and Danny all sat in the booth outside freezing. Looked around I wish I had a camera... I mean wtf!? Crazy gay guys with red eyes running around with silver capes on. Fucken crack head bitches with deformed tits skinny gross skinny as hell. Weirdo’s in yellow rain boots. I mean like it was a circus. You would think it was a Halloween party in an insane asylum. But there also was allot ALLOT of crazy hot chicks with the most awesome new style ever little mini skirts with there ass hanging out thongs on. Litterly the hotttttest thing I have ever fucken seen. Ok so where all feeling better. We Danny started smiling. I was feeling insane Chris kept saying “I dotn want to look that. I was smiling and saying... I don’t know why I am smiling. At this point I didn’t know if I was hot or cold. Coming up or down. .. All I know was I was loosing my mind... hahahahah hahha

Haha ... I’m still shot right now. . Anyway We had what I think was a 25 min conversation about how where all starting to have fun and this is insane and we feel good. That’s when I see this chick. Hmm Crazy looking long black wild uncombed hair. Crazy black eyeliner cute, but worn out face. Big wooly coat, I had to talk to her. I went up to her and pulled on her arm and was like “You look so cozy in that coat. She said “ I am†then she came over to our little booth we where sitting in sat down and stared at us with her wild big black eyes and said “ What planet are you on? “ I’m like uhm... Earth I think? This chick wasn’t kidding... she’s like “I’m on the blue planet and we had a conversation about god knows what and she was off... We all look at each other and where like holy shit that was nuts. So guess. What, yup 1 more pill each. All the sudden this kid in a orange jail suit came over and started yapped away with us, talken about this and that and how he hasn’t gone out since twilo and has no internet connection. Good kid, Then he was off. , All the sudden this huge ass built black guy with no shirt on (Rember where outside and its freezing) and sits down in are booth and just goes

Black guy: 18 IS A GOOD IDEAâ€

Us: like... Yeah sure why not. He’s like “I THINK 18 IS GREAT I LOVE TO DANCE THAT’S WHY I DO “NANCY†HAHAHAHAHAH FUCK X! “

Us: What’s Nancy?

Black Guy: glass and coke!!

Me: ha-ha ha ok, you know anyone from jersey?

Him: NO but I love NJ girls at that place DJ’s in Belmar they drink like crazy and there easy to FUCK!

There where a few other wakos that stopped by but they where not quite as interesting.

Ha-ha then he was off... Ok so at this point I pretty much think I understand x, and its just still like a little tripy, speedy, and upy, whatever. Then Chris goes inside to use the bathroom and comes back out and is like “Danny Anthony COME INSIDE. So we where cold anyway and like fuck it. We go inside, hahaha so we GO INSIDE... ha-ha

Inside..... Inside.......... INSIDE... First the heat hits me... Holy FUCKEN shit... No words can describe what the heat felt like... All my senses felt awesome, tingly, awake, happy warm... Ok so then we make are way to the main mother fucken room HOLY SHIT THE LIGHTS THE FUCKEN LIGHTS THE SOUND SYSTEM THE CROWD!!! The crowd was Litterly bouncing like an ocean of fucken people PACKED! That second jp dropped the Madonna like a prayer song. Bam. I was fucken lifted out of my fucken mind, my mouth littery dropped open and I couldn’t shut it. Every sense on my body never felt so alive, happy and whole, the bass felt like it was inside of me. I can’t describe in any words what I felt. Because it was a totally new feeling beyond any thing, or happiness I have ever felt I was FFFFFFFFUCKEN ROOLLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIINNNNG HARD

The only thing I can say, as crack headed and artificial as it is. The truth is, it was litterly the happiest moment I have ever felt in my entire life and beyond. It was the most INCREDIBLE MIND BLOWING FUCKEN FUCKENthing I ever even thought was possible inside of the human mind. I don’t care what damage it did to me I wouldn’t replace that couple hour long point I was at for anything. I wish there was a better way to describe what I felt because these words don’t cover it at all. We all moved down to the main floor. Didn’t care what anyone thoughT more then ever! we all were dancing, laughing smiling making up are own dance moves joke around, we had the DOPE DANCE MOVES HAHHAH talking to girls having an amazing time.

This was the longest post ever, im missing so much but I don’t feel like typing anymore. So to wrap it up. Left at 7: 10 pm Jan 1st 2004. We did it. 24 hours straight of the most insane party night of my entire life. Got dropped off in front of circa. Felt so weird leaving Danny and Chris. Felt like where where attached at the hip for 10 years lol. To end the night off year a cop pulled up to us when we where leaving to go crom cicra, and asked us if we danced at circa last night? Weird right? Anway. Thats it. Cant wait till the next time. Space Miami.


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first of all, richie rydell is one of the best djs in the whole tristate area.

second of all, if you cant recognize that kind of talent, then you should just be getting drunk in the club and never the fuck mind what the dj is doing. might i recomend focusing on tight young female ass.

thirdly richie hate rules and haters should be sent to an island inhabited only my canibalistic, inbreeding elves.

fourthly... my birthday is on the sixth as well stymie, so a big "fuck you" to you!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Everyone is saying ... Nothing like the Sound Factory days. And I agree.

I lost my "Party Virginity" at Palladium with Junior Vasquez. And believe me, in my eyes, there will never be another. But life went on, and I learned what I knew already ... The "music" is most important.

The 2 DJs that made me feel those beats that Junior Vasquez gave me aand help me with the transition. The transition of knowing the difference between the party and the music... Was none other then our own ...

Danny Tenaglia & Jonathan Peters.

They taught me why I was at the party in the 1st place. They gave me those special feeling again. They showed me that ...

"The Party Must Go On".

Today, Spirit Saturday with DJ Jonathan Peters is my new home away from home. And it will be yours as well.

Spirit Saturdays ... Home Away From Home!

Kaine Rosado

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Daryl Daren // Jerry X //Matt Mango // Nick Andreottola // Victor Soto //Danny B // Frank Sessa // Fabrizio // Jerry C


First we would like to thank everyone that came out to XL this past Friday. We were at FULL capacity by 12 and the crowd didn't stop coming through. Big thanks to Estabon for setting the evening just right with his soul-full house and progressive set. By 12 lights were off and came on to Matt Mango and Estabon for their percussion set. Pounding their fists to the conga's and drums taking the night to a different level. Afterwards Unique came and took the night away with the best of hip hop, house, 80's, & Rock. Great set guys, great set !!! Over all of the night the ratio to for women was way over the men and the trend of this crowd simply amazed everyone. So glad to meet so many people from all the websites for their support. Also like to thank Shane and his crew from ********.com for interviewing and taking shots of the night. Be sure to catch pics and review @ www.********.com in the March issue of the opening night of B-Scene Fridays @ XL.


@ XL Lounge

Come see who is the face behind the screen-name from Clubplanet @ XL Friday July 27th. Hosting it will be the #1 website around Clubplanet.com. We will like to thank you all for keeping the Jersey scene alive and making it possible. Complimentary admission for all Clubplanet members before 11pm. Ladies are still free til 1130. Music will be supplied by disc jockies Unique and Estabon. Pounding their fists to the congo's will be Matt Mango and Estabon setting the mid evening to its par.

Also free cd give away mixed by DJ Unique !!!!!!


Door by: Jerry X & Victor Soto

XL Lounge

70 Jabez Street

Newark, NJ (Ironbound)


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